Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November 5

We have Ghosts!!! And holy crap am I freaking tired tonight, But we have Ghosts!! And it is fucking awesome (so far, at least). So of course I wasn't sleepy when I got home this morning so I got TK up and off to school, hung out with TH for a while, made some breakfast, and went to bed around 10:00. TH actually went to Gamestop before he went to work and picked up the game for us so we didn't have to get out and do it this afternoon. That was so sweet :-) He also bought us each a set of dog tags, which are pretty cool too. I got up when TK got home and we messed around with the game for a while. Really all we had time to do was check out the character and create-a-class settings and play a couple of games of local multiplayer. I love the fact that there is so much character customization! They have 4 or 5 different guys and 4 or 5 different girls to choose from. I get to be a girl now :-) I like! We tried out 3 of the maps and they're all awesome.

I think TK was going to start the campaign after I left for work. I know that you have to finish the campaign to unlock the Extinction game mode, which is kinda like Zombies in Black Ops 2 except ALIENS!!! I may start on it when I get home tomorrow morning since I can stay up later and sleep later because TH will be home. Dunno yet though. I know TH wants to watch the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. so probably do that first, then see how tired I am. It's probably safe to assume that one of TK's buddies will come over after school tomorrow so they can play Ghosts.

Dunno what else. All of the kitties are fine. Yay!! I've got cramps, which is not so yay :-/ Dunno. I'm tired and bored and really don't wanna be here tonight. Sigh. It was supposed to have been raining since like, yesterday but it has only ever sprinkled a time or two. There's a cold front supposed to blow in tomorrow afternoon, I think it is, so it should be cooler when I go to work tomorrow. It was gross and humid out there tonight :-/

Oh yeah - I talked to my sister tonight for the first time in a few months. They're doing alright. They managed to find a subsidized apartment through some program or another and they're getting help with the rent, bills, food stamps...basically everything. She actually found a job as a waitress and worked it for like a month, but quit because "it sucked".  ಠ_ಠ Yeah. Supposedly he has found another job so we'll see how long he can hang on to this one. He's not very good at keeping a job either. Oh and the new baby is due in April. The youngest one turns 2 in April, and the oldest turns 3 in December. So she'll have a 3 year old, a 2 year old, and a newborn. Sigh. And she can barely take care of herself. Hard to believe that she just turned 30.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - Jalapeno Spam, 3 eggs, and shredded cheese. 7 net carbs. Lunch at home - ham and cheese rollups. 2 net carbs. Iced coffee - 1 net carb. Dinner at work later - cauliflower and leftover alfredo stuff. No more than 10, probably. Doing good :-)

Song: Linkin Park - Burn it Down. Random shuffle.

Best thing: GHOSTS!!!!!!!

Worst thing: Cramps :-/


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