Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4

Holy crap I'm tired tonight. Got home this morning and got TK off to school then just kinda hung out with TH for a while. We made breakfast and played with Snipe and stuff. I didn't get to bed until around 11:00. I woke up when TK got home but since he had a buddy with him I went back to sleep for a while. Got up and played a little Black Ops 2 then made some dinner after TH got home. I made a pork chop, mushroom, zucchini, bell pepper, and onion stir fry type thingie with alfredo sauce. It turned out well :-)

Snipe is doing even better today! The swelling in his foot is all but gone, and there's just a little swelling left in his leg. He's even putting it down when he walks. He's still limping a little but he actually puts weight on it now. And he acts completely normal. Well, normal for him, which is kinda weird. I'm so happy!! We also bought some over-the-counter ear drops for Naga because we were pretty sure she had ear mites. We've doctored her three times now and her ears look almost completely clear! So yay for that, too!

So before I went to bed this morning I made a batch of keto-friendly peanut butter chocolate bites. They're usually referred to as "fat bombs" because they're low carb but high fat so they're good for getting a little extra fat in if you need it. Plus they give you a "sweet" type treat. I had seen a bunch of different recipes so basically I just improvised it. The batter tasted really good :-) I haven't tried a finished one yet but TH says they're really good. They're not super sweet, either, but since I haven't had sweets in a while they're sweet enough for me.


Serves  people
Nutiva - Coconut Oil, Organic Extra Virgin, 8 tbsp1,0400001120Ico_delete
Blue Bonnet - Blue Bonnet Margarine, 8 Tbsp. (14g)560000640Ico_delete
Trader Joes - Creamy Salted Natural Peanut Butter (Stir Kind), 8 TBSP760281232648Ico_delete
Heb Brand - Unsweetened Cocoa Powder , 3 Tbsp (5 grams)6093330Ico_delete
Davinci - Sugar Free Vanilla Syrup, 4 Tbsp000000Ico_delete
Add Ingredient      

Per Serving:151212151
Basically just chunk everything into a microwave-safe dish (I used a 2 cup glass measuring cup) and nuke it for a minute or two, until you can stir it all together and it's smooth. Pour it into molds and stick it in the freezer for a few hours. I used a cheap ice cube tray and one batch filled up one 16 cube tray, with just a few spoonfuls left. For tasting, of course :-) They come out to just over 1 net carb apiece! I haven't tried it but I'm pretty sure they would melt if you left them out on the counter or whatever. I just popped them out and stuck them in a freezer bag. They're hiding behind the veggies in the freezer, lol.

Tomorrow we get Ghosts!! I'm going to try my hardest to go to bed as soon as I get home. We've already set the trash out, TK's lunch is made and coffee is set up. I just need to poke TH and wake him up when I go to bed so he can get up with TK. Then I'll pick TK up from school and go get the game, and we can play!!!! For like, four hours until I have to go to work :-/ Wednesday, though. Wednesday I can go home and play by myself!!

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, and shredded cheese. 3 net carbs. Lunch at home - pork chop alfredo thingie. Probably 7-8 net carbs? Iced coffee - 1 net carb. Dinner if I get hungry later - either spinach with tuna or some cheese, pepperoni, and almonds. Less than 5 net carbs. So no more than 20!

Song: Dope - Paranoia. Love these guys!

Best thing: Snipe's still getting better!!

Worst thing: Tired :-/


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