Sunday, November 17, 2013

November 17

Sunday night again. Sigh. It got hot today, though! I think they said it hit like 90 or so. There's supposed to be a front coming through tonight that will drop the temperature a little bit. Tomorrow it's "only" supposed to be like 78 :-/ I'm kinda ready for the cold to get here and stay!

Not much going on this weekend. Friday I stopped at Randall's on the way home and picked up a couple of frozen pizzas. Got home and got TK off to school then made brownies and a relatively keto-friendly chocolate cake for TK's birthday. The cake actually ended up being really good! Watched a movie with TH then took a nap. TK's buddy came home with him so I slept a little bit late. Got up and played a little Minecraft with him then TH got home and we had leftovers for dinner and watched Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. And had birthday brownies/cake :-) TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up until about 2:30 playing Minecraft and stuff.

Saturday we got up kinda early and I did some laundry and cleaned up a little. We played some Ghosts until a couple of his buddies came over, then they took over the game room and I hung out in my room for a while. After they left it was almost time for TH to get home so I cooked the pizzas and we watched a few episodes of South Park. His other buddy came over to spend the night, TH got home, and they went off to play games and TH and I watched Ironman. I didn't feel like messing with my pizza so I just had wings for dinner. I ended up going to bed when TH did and TK and his buddy stayed up most of the night, I think.

Sunday I slept kinda late. TK's buddy went home kinda early but then one of the other kids came over and played for a while. He went home, and I got up. We played a little Minecraft until TH got home then had leftovers for dinner and just kinda hung out until it was time for me to get ready for work.

So, I'm still doing the keto thing but my weight loss has pretty much stopped. I'm pretty sure it's because I'm still drinking too much so I'm going to cut out all except for a few keto-friendly beers on the weekend for a while and see what happens. I should probably try to drink more water, too. Sigh.

Noms for the weekend: Friday - hamburger patties and pepperoni slices for dinner, and birthday cake. Saturday - cheese, almonds, and pepperoni for lunch and wings, bacon, and cheese for dinner. Sunday - birthday cake for lunch and leftover pork roast stuff for dinner. Nom.

Song: Mudvayne - Happy. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Got to work tonight and they had put up the Christmas lights!! I know it's a little early but they're just soooooo shiiiiiny :-)

Worst thing: Headache :-/

I guess that's pretty much it.

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