Monday, November 25, 2013

November 25

Not much going on today. It's been busy here at work. All of the kids out here are out of school for the whole week for Thanksgiving so they have nothing better to do than run in and out all night. Should be a fun week :-/ It's cold and windy again but it's not quite as bad as last night since there's no rain. Earlier they said there was a chance for a few snow flurries overnight but I'm kinda thinking that's not going to happen. We'll see, I guess.

So this morning there was no ice or anything on the roads, luckily. I got home and TH was already awake so we got TK up and decided to just take him to school since it was all cold and rainy. We were just kinda sitting there while he was getting ready when we started hearing sirens. Like, lots of sirens, close by. I hopped on the city's traffic and fire incident website to see what was going on and it said that the restaurant across the street from our neighborhood was on fire! We got ready to leave to take TK to school and when we opened the front door you could smell the smoke :-/ By the time we got back they had shut down one side of the main road and there were about 10 fire trucks there. It was kinda trippy. They did manage to get it put out before it could cause too much damage. Later the investigators said that it looks like it was just a random electrical thing. Kinda like our house was. Man, fuck electricity >:-(

Anyway, we got home and TH made some breakfast then we just kinda hung out for a while. I went to bed later than I probably should have (big surprise, huh?) and got up when TK got home. We played a little Minecraft until TH got home and I made hamburger patties with cauliflower for dinner. TH and TK had mashed potatoes instead of cauliflower :-) When I got to work I found out that the AC/heater unit had frozen up earlier today so we're not supposed to use it until somebody can come look at it. So it's a little chilly in here. Eh, I'm tough though :-)

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 2 eggs, 3 sausage patties, and shredded cheese. 2 net carbs. Dinner at home - 2 hamburger patties, cauliflower, and shredded cheese. Probably 5-6? Iced coffee - 1 net carb. Leftover buffalo chicken dip if I get hungry later - Dunno. No more than 6 or so, probably.

Song: Citizen Cope - Son's Gonna Rise. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: No ice problems on the way home this morning!

Worst thing: Kinda tired :-/


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