Sunday, November 24, 2013

November 24

Sunday night again. It has been cold with off and on drizzle all weekend and right now it's raining pretty steadily. There's a slight chance for some ice on bridges and overpasses in the morning but in town it shouldn't be too bad. I am a little worried about my boss being able to get here in the morning though. He lives kinda out a little ways and it's supposed to be colder out that way. I really don't want to be stuck here in the morning if he gets iced in or whatever :-/

So Friday I got off work and headed up to my mom's house. I stopped by HEB on the way there and picked up a few things. Got to her house and basically just hung out until about 2:30. It was ok. Stopped by CVS on my way home and did the peanut butter deal again. It was still cold and rainy and traffic was freaking horrible on the way home. I had kinda planned on trying to get home in time to pick TK up at the bus stop since it was so cold but he beat me home. I hung out with him for a little bit then made pizza for dinner. TH got home and we watched Iron Man 2. I was tired so I went to bed pretty much when TH did.

Saturday we got up kind of early and just kinda hung out for a while and I did a little cleaning and laundry. We went to Walgreen's for another deodorant deal then to Walmart and Target so TK could look for some little Halo Mega Bloks figures. Mom had given me $10 to give to him for his birthday and he wanted to spend it. At Target I also picked up a Transformer that TH has been wanting and I'm going to hide it until Christmas :-) We stopped for coffee and hot chocolate on the way home because COLD!! Got home and played a little Minecraft, watched a few episodes of South Park, then when TH got home we made nachos for dinner and watched Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters. It was pretty good! TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up until around 2:00 playing Ghosts.

Sunday I slept kinda late, which is actually good because that way I don't need a nap before work :-) TK and I played some Black Ops 2 and Minecraft then I made some of that Buffalo Chicken Dip for dinner when TH got home. And now I'm at work. When I got here one of the gates was fucked up (surprise, surprise) so I had to mess with that. That was fun :-/

Dunno what else. TK is supposed to have school Monday and Tuesday then be out the rest of the week for Thanksgiving. If the weather is bad they might cancel school for tomorrow but they really don't like to do that. Fuck it though, if I think it's bad enough I'll just keep him home. So there, lol.

Noms for the weekend: Friday - sausage and eggs for breakfast, keto pizza for dinner. Saturday - leftover keto pizza for lunch, pork rind nachos for dinner. Sunday - leftover pizza and leftover pork rind nachos for lunch, and a little buffalo chicken dip for dinner. If I get hungry I brought more dip and a couple of hamburger patties to work with me.

Song: Paul Wall - Break em Off. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Cold :-)

Worst thing: Guilt trip from my mom when I told her we weren't coming up there for Thanksgiving :-/

Yep yep yep.

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