Sunday, November 10, 2013

November 10

And another week begins. Woohoo. Not much going on this weekend. Friday morning there was a wreck that knocked down some power lines on my route home so I had to detour around the long way. Luckily there wasn't much traffic that early because by the time they finally opened the road at like 9 am traffic was fucked. Got home and got TK off to school then went by HEB for a few things. TH was up when I got home so we hung out and drank some coffee then went to Walgreen's for some cheap toothpaste and to Sam's. Got home and hung out with him until he had to leave for work and thought about taking a nap but got distracted. I threw some thawed out chicken thighs in the crockpot to let them cook all day. By then it was really too late for a decent nap so I played a couple of campaign levels in Ghosts and went to pick up TK at the bus stop. We went to Sonic for a half price drink, stopped at another Walgreen's for some more toothpaste, and went by CVS because they had frozen pizzas on sale. I had a coupon, too, so we ended up paying about $5.50 for two of them. Not bad! Got home and watched a few episodes of Transformers Prime until TH came home, then made nachos and watched We are the Millers. It was actually pretty good! I was tired so I went to bed when TH did. I think TK stayed up a little later.

Saturday we slept kinda late then went to Dollar Tree, Target, and Toys R Us. We bought 5 pairs of cheap headphones at Dollar Tree because TK keeps destroying the ones he uses. We looked at toys at Target and they had some small (about 8" or so) plush Minecraft critters for $10. We bought a Creeper and an Enderman. They are so freaking cute!! They also had a big Creeper that actually makes the little explodey noise but he was like $40 :-/ These are awesome, though. At Toys R Us we finally found the Call Of Duty Mega Bloks sets! I let TK get 2 of the smaller sets. They were $12 but on sale buy one get one 40% off, so that worked. He got the AGR and the little snowmobile. They're pretty neat. Got home and played some Ghosts multiplayer, getting our asses kicked once again. I just can't seem to get used to the faster kill times on this game :-/ TH got home and I made the frozen pizzas for TH and TK but really didn't feel like making a keto one for me so I just nuked some frozen wings. I also baked 2 packages of chicken drumsticks and stuck them in the freezer after they were done. Nom :-) We watched The Wolverine. Well, most of The Wolverine. We got about halfway though and it started lagging really bad. TH was pretty much falling asleep, so I shut it down and went to bed and he fell asleep on the couch, lol.

Sunday I woke up while TH was getting ready to go to work, and TK was still up. So he had stayed up all night. I went back to sleep for a few hours and when I got up he had gone to bed. I got up and made some breakfast then just kinda hung out for a while and decided to take a nap. I got up after TH got home and took a shower then just hung out with them until it was time to go to work. Tomorrow is Veterans' Day so TK is out of school and probably most people are off work. So it should be a nice quiet drive home in the morning :-) I may try to go to bed pretty early since I don't have to worry about getting TK up or doing anything when I get home. We'll see.

My Creeper and my little Sonic Tater Tot Kitty. Get it? He's running away because Creepers are afraid of cats :-D

Noms for the weekend: Friday - cheese and summer sausage, and pork rind nachos for dinner. Saturday - cheese and summer sausage (again) and wings for dinner. Sunday - leftover hamburger patties and roasted sausage and veggies for breakfast, ham and cheese rollups for lunch at work, and spinach with tuna for dinner if I get hungry later. Doing good!

Song: The Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop. An old one!

Best thing: Creeper!!!

Worst thing: Had a headache all weekend :-(

Yep yep yep.

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