Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November 26

Kinda tired again tonight. Busy at work again, too. Sigh. It's still cold and windy but it is a little warmer than last night. I guess they came in and fixed the AC/heater because when I got here it was running. So yay! Not really much going on again today. Got home this morning and got TK off to school then went to bed a little earlier than yesterday. Got up when TK got home and just kinda hung out with him for a while and played a little Black Ops 2. I made chicken and veggies with alfredo sauce for dinner when TH got home.

I'm planning on stopping by HEB on my way home in the morning to pick up a couple of things. We've decided that we're going to get a ham for Thanksgiving and they have a deal where if you buy a ham, you get a turkey for free. I figure it would be nice to have a turkey in the freezer in case we have a week where we're broke and don't really have anything else to cook :-) I think I want to make some kind of dessert too but I'm not sure what yet. I'll figure it out.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - some cheese and pepperoni. 1 net carb. Lunch before work - chicken and broccoli and cauliflower with alfredo sauce. Probably 6-7. Iced coffee - 1 net carb. Dinner if I get hungry later - more chicken and veggie alfredo stuff. Probably another 6-7.

Song: Cake - Long Time. Random shuffle again. I love Cake!

Best thing: I seem to have broken my stall and I'm losing weight again :-)

Worst thing: Tired again.


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