Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 1

It's the first day of December! Wow. Seems too early, somehow. It didn't help that it was like 75 today, and it's supposed to be right around 80 until Wednesday. Kinda doesn't feel like winter when it's this warm. At least now that Thanksgiving is over everything at work has settled down, for now. I like it much better when it's nice and quiet and not crazy busy!

So it was kind of a quiet weekend. Everyone was still asleep when I got home Friday so I pretty much went straight to bed. TH woke me up while he was getting ready to go to work so I had a really good nap. When he went out to leave, his car wouldn't start so he took mine. TK and I hung out and played video games while he was gone. TH came home with a set of jumper cables that he borrowed from someone and we jumped his car. He took off to drive it around for a little bit to give the battery a chance to recharge. They had frozen pizza for dinner and I had wings. We couldn't really think of anything new to watch so we watched The Fast and the Furious again. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up kinda late playing Minecraft.

Saturday we slept kinda late. When I got up TH's car was gone so apparently he had just managed to run his battery down and there was nothing really wrong with it. Which is a very good thing! I did some laundry and cleaned a little, and helped TK clean his bathroom. He is definitely not the neatest kid :-/ We played some Black Ops 2 and some Minecraft, then when TH got home we had leftover ham and veggies for dinner. We watched Red. It was actually pretty good. Next time we'll probably watch Red 2. TH went to bed and we stayed up a little later playing.

Sunday we slept pretty late again, then played some Black Ops 2 and Minecraft until TH got home. I made a stirfry skillet type thing for dinner with ham, broccoli, leftover roasted veggies, jalapenos, and kind of a cream cheese/parmesan sauce. It was really good! I took a shower and put away the laundry and we just kinda hung out until it was time for me to come to work.

Dunno what else. Basically it's just the start of another week. Woohoo :-P

Noms for the weekend: Friday - wings. Saturday - leftover ham and stuff. Sunday - ham and eggs for breakfast, and the stirfry stuff for dinner. See a pattern here? I asked TH earlier today how he would feel about ham fajitas for dinner tomorrow night, lol. But I stayed under 20 all weekend!

And and and...I had a grand total of 6 beers from Wednesday-Sunday. Well, Saturday, actually. I didn't drink anything today. One Wednesday morning, one Thursday morning, one with dinner Thursday afternoon, one Friday night, and 2 Saturday night. Fucking yeah!! :-) :-) :-)

Song: CkY - 96 Quite Bitter Beings. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Dropped another couple of pounds. 373.2!!!!! That's the lowest I have weighed in....I don't even know. So that makes a total of 35 pounds gone, and 16 of that since I started keto. Still wish I hadn't fucked that month away with drinking too much :-( but I'm doing great now!

Worst thing: Heard that actor Paul Walker was killed in a car wreck on Saturday. I know it's no different than if some random person that I had never met had died, but it's still sad :-(


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