Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 30

Last day of June. Wow. Seems like it went by awfully fast. Dunno. So it's Sunday night again, hooray. Not too busy so far tonight, which is always good. I'm wondering what it's going to be like later this week though. It's usually pretty busy around a holiday. The other guy here at work said he might want this Friday night off and asked if I would be willing to work for him then, and he would work for me next Monday night. I told him sure but he'd better let me know ahead of time, lol.

Let's see...I didn't really feel like writing anything Thursday night but there wasn't much going on anyway. I think I pretty much just went home and hung out for a while, slept, then got up and hung out some more. Then went to work. Nothing exciting. I did have a fire truck, ambulance, and a couple of cop cars come through while I was at work. They said some drunk dude fell and busted his head open. So there was that, I guess.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

June 26

Not much happening again today. Went to bed pretty early and slept for a while, then got up and messed with TH and TK for a little bit. They decided they didn't really feel like going swimming today, which actually worked because I feel kinda crappy too for some reason. Played a few games of zombies and went back to bed until about 8:30. Now I'm at work and it's freaking busy and annoying. Grrrrrr.

Song: Fall Out Boy - My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up), Another new one. I never would have guessed it was Fall Out Boy, though.

Best thing: Our new little suckerfish dude has started coming out of his hole. He still goes and hides if I get too close but otherwise he'll just sit there and watch me. I think he's finally getting used to me :-)

Worst thing: Feeling kinda crappy :-/


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June 25

Not much going on today. Stopped by Randall's on the way home this morning to get some spinach and tomatoes that were on sale but they were all out. I got a raincheck though, so that works. Went to bed around 9:00 but woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep. Got up and hung out with TK for a while then tried to take another nap but still couldn't fall asleep. Sigh. So I'm tired tonight. I should have no problem going to bed early tomorrow, at least. I told TH to wake me up if they decide they want to go swimming tomorrow.

Song: Ludacris - Get Back. Yay for another random shuffle.

Best thing: Played a little online multiplayer Black Ops 2, and had one game where I had 9 kills and 4 deaths. That's a 2.25 K/D. That has never freaking happened before!!

Worst thing: Tired :-(

Yeah, that's all I've got.

Monday, June 24, 2013

June 24

The maintenance guys came and fiddled with the gates today so they're working again - for now. They have no idea what made them all act up at once, though. The manufacturer is supposed to send somebody out tomorrow to take a look at them so hopefully everything holds together until then. Because not having working gates is a pain in the ass.

So I went home this morning and went straight to bed. I slept for about 3 hours and TH woke me up to go to the park and feed the ducks! We went pretty early and it was already hot. The park is nice and shady and there was a decent breeze so it wasn't too bad. There were a few other people there, with some little kids, but we just went around to the other side and hung out. We could only get a few ducks to come over to us so we fed them and the turtles and some birds. It was still fun :-) We walked the trail all the way around on the way out.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 23

Well, fuck. If this is any indication of how this week is gonna go...then fuck. I hadn't been on duty for 30 minutes and the stupid gates started acting up. The arms started opening and closing by themselves. Every one except for the main exit gate. The only thing we can really do until maintenance comes out is fuck around with the breakers so I tried that and nothing happened. So I had to shut them all down and keep them open so people can get in and out. And now everyone who comes in is giving me this death glare because OMFG the gates are open! Somebody might sneak in and murder us in our sleep!!eleventy!! I swear these are about the most paranoid fucking people. ఠ_ఠ

So I was supposed to go hang out with the neighbor Friday morning but she texted me while I was at work and asked if we could postpone it because she had bad cramps. Sigh. We did text back and forth a little so at least I got to chat with her for a while. So I went home and hung out with TH until time for him to go to work, then woke TK up and we went and messed around a little bit. We checked out one thrift store and found a pair of shorts for him to wear swimming, then went to Target to get a few things and kill some time. Got home and played some Black Ops 2 and Portal 2 for a while. TH got home and we hung out with him for a little bit, and I went to bed not too long after he did.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

June 20

Finally Thursday night, yay!! Seems like it has been another long week. I guess maybe because it has been so freaking busy every night? Dunno. So when I got home this morning all the kitties were sitting in the driveway waiting for me and TH was sitting on the front porch. Kinda odd, but cool :-) We hung out outside for a while and watered the little shrubberies (heh) in the flowerbeds. The 3 that are in front of the dining room window are doing great, they're big and healthy looking. The ones in front of the porch aren't growing as fast. I think maybe they just get too much sun. So hopefully if we start watering them really well they'll catch up. They still look healthy and all, they're just...smaller. I'll have to get a picture. Our neighbor lady on the other side (not the one I hang out with sometimes) came over to chat. TH went inside and I stood outside talking to her for a while.

I finished up with her and made a veggie burger for lunch, then TH and I watched a few episodes of Breaking Bad. Went to bed and he and TK went to HEB and Sams. So now the only shopping I need to do is pick up a few things from Target, and try to find TK some swim shorts at one of the thrift stores. Awesome :-) Got up and hung out with them for a little bit, and now I'm at work. Yay. I actually stayed up pretty late but I'm not really that tired. It's a nice change, lol.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

June 19

We did it! We finally got the storage place cleaned out, and we're done with it! That saves $140 a month. Went home this morning and took a little bit of a nap, then we went to Target for a few things and went to get a truck. They didn't have any 10' trucks so we got a van. We managed to fit all of the stuff we wanted to take to Salvation Army in the van and the back of my car so it only took one trip. They took everything we had, which was awesome. I helped the guy unload the stuff from my car but they sent TH around to the dock with the van, because he had furniture and heavy shit. The dock guys were still off on lunch break so he had to wait about 15 minutes. While he was doing that TK and I went and loaded up almost everything else and took it home. TH finished up and headed back to the Uhaul place to drop off the van and I picked him up when he was done. We stopped and loaded up the last few things, swept out the storage place, and told them we were gone. Awesome :-)

I took a shower when we got home and ate some lunch. Hung out with TH and TK for a little while, played a game of zombies, and went to bed. I'm a little tired but not too bad. It was fucking hot though - I think I sunburned just a little bit :-/ We still kinda have shit sitting all over the dining room so we need to work on getting that put away and organized. Most of the stuff that belongs in the shed got stuck in there when we got home today. We do still need to clean out the shed and organize it but that can wait until it's a little cooler. Because the heat sucks :-/

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 18

I slept much better today. Went home and had a couple of beers and actually fell asleep on the couch for a little bit before TH got up. Then of course when he got up he woke me up and told me to go to bed. Turdbutt. Got up early enough to mess with TK for a while, and made spaghetti for dinner. I cooked a whole bag of frozen stir fry veggies and blended them into the spaghetti sauce, then added a few extra veggies to my bowl. Sneaky veggies, lol.

Talked to my neighbor today, and we're going to hang out Friday morning. Yay! I need to see for sure but I think she's usually off on Fridays, so if that would work for her every week that would be much better for me than Thursdays. I barely made it through work the last time we hung out on a Thursday. I'm going to make some hummus, and I need to figure out what to take to drink. I kinda wanted to make some vodka gummy bears to take but I don't really have time this week. Hopefully next week!

Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17

Tired :-/ I didn't sleep well at all today. Dunno why. Went home this morning and changed clothes, then took TH's car to get the oil changed. Came back and TK was still up, and feeling much better. I guess last night was just a random pukey thing? He seems fine now. Played a little Black Ops 2 with him then went to bed. Woke up around 3:00 and couldn't go back to sleep, so I hung out with TK for a little while and ate a sandwich. Managed to take another short nap but holy crap I am tired. I'm seriously considering trying to go home and go straight to bed in the morning. We'll see how it goes.

Yeah, that's all I've got for tonight. Exciting, huh? :-P

Song: Weezer - We Are All On Drugs. Random shuffle today.

Best thing: No sick TK!!

Worst thing: Almost got squished on my way to work tonight. Fucking dumbasses >:-(


Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 16

Sunday night. And Father's Day. TH worked all day but we did movie night last night and he picked the movie so that was cool. He bought a new Transformer dude a few days ago, but we still bought him a box of Whoppers and gave it to him last night. They're his favorite.

Friday I went home and took a nap early, then TH woke me up when he left for work. Messed around with TK for a little bit, then we went to feed the ducks again. I love that little park - it's so quiet! We fed the ducks and turtles, and this time we saw some fish and a snake! It was awesome :-) We stopped by HEB on the way home to pick up a handful of things, then played some Black Ops 2 until it was time for TH to get home. I made veggie burgers and fries for dinner, and hung out with him until he went to bed. I stayed up just a little bit longer but I ended up going to bed kinda early.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 13

Thursday night, yay! And it's after 1:00 already! I got distracted tonight, lol. So I got a little more sleep today than I did yesterday. Still kinda tired but not too bad. Got home this morning and TH woke up about 5 minutes later. Scared the shit out of me, too, because I was looking for something in the pantry and when I turned around he was just standing there, Asshole :-P

I forget if I mentioned it last night, but we found some ants coming in by the front door making a trail over to the cat food in the corner of the dining room. We sprayed the whole little trail down with some of that pet odor eliminator, and vacuumed the living room because there were a few on the carpet. We were hoping that would take care of the problem but when I got home this morning there were a bunch more. Grrrr. So we used the vacuum cleaner to suck up all of the ones we could see, and then sprayed the whole area down with vinegar because that's supposed to get rid of them. We noticed that they were also making a trail along the edge of the carpet to underneath the chest freezer so we pulled it out to suck them up from there. That's when we found the half-eaten lizard that somebody (Moose, probably) had knocked under there. So that's one thing they were after. That's probably the 6th or 7th lizard that has been brought in the house. Usually we find them before the ants do, though. Gross.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 12

Soooooo tired :-/ I didn't get to bed until after 2:00, and then I kinda slept like crap. Sucks. So my boss was like 15 minutes late this morning, but at least he called to let me know. He gave me $5 too, so bonus! I ended up leaving work at about 6:30, got home and drank some coffee with TH, and then we went to that meeting. So now we have officially signed the last of the paperwork for the loan on the house. Yay! Stopped by HEB to pick up a few things, then kinda went through a little bit of the stuff at the storage place. TH says now that we know for sure what we're keeping and what we're getting rid of, he can go over there on his day off and finish getting it cleaned out. Got home and ate some lunch and watched a few episodes of Breaking Bad, then TK got up and I played a few games of zombies with him. So yeah - I stayed up way too freaking late.

I'm not doing anything tomorrow so I can go home and go to bed early again if I want to. I texted my neighbor this morning to see if she wanted to hang out again tomorrow, but she said that she can't because her teenage son's best friend just died! I didn't really get a chance to talk to her so I don't know what happened, but that's horrible!! I wish there was something I could do :-(

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

June 11

Not much going on today, again. Went home this morning and just kinda hung out by myself for a little while, and had some chips and Salsa of Doom for breakfast. Everyone was still asleep so I actually went to bed kinda early. I guess I slept ok. That fucking dog behind us kept barking but once I turned on the sleep noise app it wasn't too bad. Got up and messed with TK for a while, and played a few games of zombies. I made a chicken enchilada casserole for dinner. It was a little mushy but really good.

Tomorrow morning we have that meeting, then we're going to go by and try to finish getting the rest of the stuff that we still want out of the storage place. Yay :-/ The downtown library is having a Minecraft thingie tomorrow afternoon that I think TK would enjoy - I'm going to try to get TH to take him to that. They totally need to go do some stuff together. I kinda want to go like, hike a trail somewhere or something too. Dunno. I'm just kinda eh tonight. I've got cramps, too, so I know that's not helping. Sigh.

Song: Halo Reach OST - ONI Sword Base Suite. This is the music that plays during the level ONI Sword Base in the Halo Reach campaign. I'm thinking it's getting about time for another Reach playthrough!

Best thing: A little nice quiet time by myself this morning :-)

Worst thing: I think Thing One and Thing Two (the 2 little sucker fish here at work) might be dead. They haven't moved in like 2 days. Guess I need to find something to reach in there and poke them with :-(


Monday, June 10, 2013

June 10

So, I went to get my oil changed this morning, and I'm pretty sure the little service adviser dude thinks I'm an idiot :-/ I had an appointment for Friday morning but since I was so tired I rescheduled it online for Monday morning. I couldn't get an appointment with the same guy so I just picked whoever had an early appointment available. No big deal, right? Well, I get there this morning and they can't find my appointment. So they call the first dude over to see if he still has my paperwork. Apparently the change didn't go through, so he does. He says, no big deal we can work you in. So I sit outside listening to music while they do their thing. I'm surprised too because it actually didn't take any longer than normal. They get finished and I go up to the counter to check out, and they want like $20 for rotating the tires. Ok - we have a 2 year free/prepaid/whatever maintenance plan on both of our cars. So we've never had to pay for any of the basic scheduled maintenance type stuff. So they start digging around and can't find any record of it, but then they finally do. Yay. That's when I realize that I was in there for 25,000 mile maintenance, which is supposed to be just tire rotation and basic checkup. Oil changes are only every 10,000 miles because they use synthetic oil. Oops, lol. Though to be completely fair, he probably should've noticed it too. So I guess I don't really feel that dumb. I guess I'll just have really clean oil when I go get it changed at 30,000 miles to get it back on schedule. So that was that.

Got home and TH was up, so I made a veggie burger and we decided to watch one episode of Breaking Bad. Yeah...we ended up watching 3 and I didn't get to bed until after noon. Oops again :-) So now I'm kinda tired but not too bad. I don't have to go do anything tomorrow morning so if I'm tired when I get home, I'm fucking going to bed. I feel bad because I pretty much went to bed when TK got up, and TH was leaving for work. So I didn't get a chance to mess with him at all. He probably played Xbox all day. I knew this would happen, too. He stays up late and ends up sleeping until TH goes to work, so they never do anything. It just always feels like it's up to me to make sure TK gets out and does stuff, and doesn't just sit home all the time playing Xbox. Sigh.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

June 9

Sunday night again. Yay. I did at least get some decent sleep this weekend, so that was nice. So Friday morning I was supposed to go get my oil changed, but by the time I got off I was just about freaking dead. So I rescheduled it for Monday morning. I forget exactly what time it is, but it's early. I'll have time to go by the house and change clothes first. Then Wednesday morning we have the meeting with the lady from the city to finish signing the paperwork for the loan on the house, and at some point we need to go finish cleaning out the storage place. Yeah, we still haven't done that. Better kick it in the ass, too, because we only have until the 20th.

So Friday I went home and went straight to sleep. TH woke me up when he left for work, and TK and I went to HEB. Got home and basically just hung out and messed around, played some Black Ops 2 and stuff until TH got home. Watched an episode of Breaking Bad with him then went to bed not too long after he did.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

June 6

I am so unbelievably fucking tired. Like, I could fall asleep just standing outside kind of tired. And maybe more than just a little hung over. But I had so much fun today!! I went over and hung out with the lady next door. We lost track of time and I was there for about 5 hours. But it was freaking awesome!

I'm almost too tired to even string words together here. Took Snipe back to the vet this morning. They did another urinalysis and said that he still has the infection, but we're wondering if maybe they're just trying to fuck us over. I dunno - more details later. He did get another shot though, just to make sure. He acts like he's fine, at least. So there's that. And...yeah, that's it for now. Maybe I'll try to write something tomorrow?

Song: Nine Inch Nails - Came Back Haunted. Their newest!!

Best thing: So much fun today :-)

Worst thing: Pretty sure we got fucked by the vet's office >:-(

Okey dokeys then.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June 5

Tired. And I know I'm going to be tired tomorrow, too. Ugh. At least tomorrow is my last night? Went home this morning and got TK off to school (for the last time!), then stayed up too late watching Breaking Bad with TH. I had planned on sleeping until almost time to go to work but I woke up around 6:00 and just couldn't go back to sleep. TH and TK were watching a movie so I played a game of zombies by myself and then made some Salsa of Doom. It's good :-) TK decided to make nachos for dinner but I wasn't very hungry so I made it all into a taco salad type thing and brought it to work. Nom nom nom.

So tomorrow morning I have to take Snipe back to the vet, and we'll find out whether or not his bladder infection is completely gone. He acts like he feels just fine, so I'm hoping that means he's over it. Then after I get home I'm going over to hang out with the lady next door. I'm...kinda excited :-) I'm going to take some salsa, and I stopped on the way to work and bought a bottle of vodka. Figure that way if I get hammered I can just crawl home and go to bed, lol. I'm thinking it would probably be a good idea to have a couple of Monsters or something for tomorrow night. Then of course I've got the oil change Friday morning, and I need to go by the store, so dunno when I'll get in bed Friday. I'm so ready for the weekend!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June 4

I am so freaking bored tonight. Dunno why. It's busy, but not horribly busy. I found out that Friday is the last day of school out here so starting next week it will probably be worse. I'm tired for some reason too, which doesn't make sense because I went to bed fairly early, and actually slept a little more after TK got home. Got up and played some zombies with him, then hung out with TH til it was time to come to work. He had leftover sausage and veggie stuff, and I made some stirfry veggies and a fish filet. I brought a salad with sausage and veggie stuff to work with me.

Tomorrow is TK's last day of school! It felt so weird to set up the coffee before I left for work tonight but not make him a lunch. They're feeding everybody hot dogs and chips at school tomorrow, so he doesn't have to take anything with him. And then he's done until next year! He'll be in 8th grade next year, and unless they change something with the dress code he'll have to wear a black polo shirt. This year was white - that was not fun!

Monday, June 3, 2013

June 3

I didn't stay up as late today as I have been lately but I still feel like I could have used a little more sleep. Not too bad, though. Went home this morning and played a little Black Ops 2, then got TK up and off to school and played a little more until TH woke up. Basically just hung out with him for a little while and went to bed. Got up when TK got home, played with him for a little bit, then made roasted veggies and sausage for dinner. Served it over fresh spinach leaves. Nom nom nom.

TK has 2 days of school left now. Thursday is his first day of summer. I kinda want to do something awesome, but then I kinda want to just go home and go to bed, and not have to worry about staying up long enough for him to leave for school. Unfortunately I won't be doing either, because Snipe's followup appointment at the vet is Thursday at like 8:00. Grrr. I've scheduled my oil change for Friday morning, and there's a chance that we'll have to go meet with the lady from the city to sign the final paperwork on the house. It will either be this Friday or next Wednesday. Eh.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

June 2

Sunday night. Here we go again, yay. I kinda can't believe that it's already June! And, TK only has 3 days of school left. Wow. So this weekend was...not bad. Long, but not really too bad. I got off work and went up to my mom's house, and we hung out for a little bit then I took her to the store. Went back and dropped her stuff off at her house then headed home. She wanted to buy me lunch, so we stopped at Panda Express on the way home. We got home before TH left for work so I actually got to see him for a little bit. He left, and she laid down for a nap. The tree guy was there fixing the driveway where it got broken last week, so I didn't get a chance to take a nap or anything. I played a little Black Ops 2 until TK got home, then we all hung out a little bit. TH wasn't supposed to be home until around 9:30 so I took a quick nap before he got home. Got up and hung out with him for just a little bit then went to bed kinda early.

Saturday I think we slept til around 11, then got up and drank some coffee and messed around. We got out and went to Sprouts for some of the grapes that were on sale, and stopped to get a Slurpee on the way home. Did some laundry and a little bit of cleaning and pretty much just talked to mom. We decided to do frozen wings and fries for dinner, so I had that ready when TH got home. We watched Guilt Trip, which was kinda funny because it's about a mom constantly nagging her adult son, lol. It was pretty good. TH and mom went to bed and I stayed up for a little while playing with TK. I forget when I went to bed but it started storming pretty much right after I did. I don't think it ever really rained very much, but we got a nice little lightning show.