Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 27

So, I'm tired tonight. Like, really freaking tired. But you know what? It's ok. You know why? Because...WE HAVE A HOUSE!!!!!!!! It is finished, and it is ours!!!!! I almost cannot even believe it. I don't think it has quite sunk in yet, either. Maybe tomorrow, when we actually sleep there? Or Friday morning, when I get off work and go there instead of to their house? Dunno. We got all of the small stuff, the stuff that would fit in my car, moved today. Tomorrow we're going to get up early and get the Uhaul to move all of the big stuff. Well, TH and TK are going to get up early. I'm going to get off work and go home and urkanap then go get the truck. We have one reserved for 9:00, so I should be able to get about 2 hours. Then hopefully it won't take too long to move all of the big stuff and I can get another decent nap before work tomorrow night. I'll be tired again tomorrow night too, but I still won't really care :-)

I'm getting ahead of myself here, lol. So Tuesday morning I went home and took a nap, then picked up TK and went by the house. They had been there to set the gas meter, so yay! Played with the kitties for a while then went home and played a little Halo Wars. Well actually, watched TK explain how to play Halo Wars and deployed a few (dozen) squads of Suicide Grunts :-) Played a little Black Ops 2 zombies then made breakfast tacos for dinner when TH got home. Hung out with him for a little while and got just a little bit drunk, then went to bed. Got up this morning and took TK to school, then went and did the walkthrough. Turns out that there really wasn't that much to it. There were only a few things that still needed to be done but it was nothing major, so they went ahead and gave us the keys. The cabinet guys forgot to install the kickplate under the vanity in the bathroom, so they were going to come by later today and do it. They realized that they hadn't put a curtain rod in the shower in the master bathroom, so they sent a guy to Home Depot to pick one up. The plumber and AC guys still had to come by and fire up the appliances, but they all showed up before we left to go do stuff. We signed a few last things, and that was it!

So everybody left, and we hung out there for a while. We let the kitties in so they could explore a little bit. While we were talking to everyone inside they were all sitting at the front door crying to come in, and Moose jumped up and hung on the window screen. They are such buttheads! It was so cute watching them in the house :-) Moose, Snipe, and Hiccup were the only ones who actually came in today. Naga thought about it but chickened out. Jim Bob disappeared in the back after we went outside so I don't know what his deal was, lol. Oh yeah! When the AC guy came by to fire up the AC unit, he turned on the heater and it smelled like a new car engine, burning off the oils and stuff. Well, it set off the smoke alarms, which he expected. You should have seen the cats scatter! I do believe they remember that sound :-/ On the bright side though, I'm pretty fucking sure that if those things go off in the middle of the night it will wake us (and all of the neighbors) up. So yay?

We kicked all of the kitties out of the house and decided to go to Walmart to get some of the last little bit of stuff we needed. We got curtains and curtain rods for our room and TK's room. We got the nice thick blackout curtains. Turns out that the curtain rods aren't long enough though so we need to take them back :-/ We got cake pans and cookie sheets, a Swiffer duster and broom/mop kit, a regular broom and dustpan, a trash can, plungers and toilet brushes, some shelf liner stuff, a silverware drawer divider thingie, and I know there were a few other things but I forget. Oh yeah - a couple of little wire soap dishes with suction cups to put in the bathrooms. They don't stick to the tile around the tub and shower though, so we're taking those back too. Sigh. We got a couple of frozen burritos for lunch, and stopped by storage on the way back to the house to get the microwave and a stool and ate lunch at the house! It was awesome!

We kinda organized some of that stuff, and the builder lady came by with one more thing for us to sign. We went back to the storage place for one more load of stuff and unloaded it. We got all of the chairs, the other stools, the pots and pans and dishes, and the rest of the small appliances.Went by Time Warner to sign up for internet service, and they're supposed to be out next Thursday to install it. Picked up TK and went home. While we were at the house our boss called, and said that my vacation check was in already! We weren't expecting it until sometime in May, so that was a nice surprise. TH went to the office to pick it up while TK and I loaded up my car with the vacuum cleaner and some of the little stuff that was down in the garage. We got finished and had time for a quick game of Halo 4 Spartan Ops. When he got back he and TK took that load of stuff to the house and I laid down for a nap. I ended up getting about 2 1/2 hours, so I guess that's not too bad? They went by storage and got one more load, and TH said most of what is left is either stuff that needs to go in the truck or stuff that we need to go through and decide if we're going to keep it or not. So yay! There's still a little bit of stuff upstairs at their house that we'll get tomorrow.

After tomorrow, we're officially living in our house! Tonight is the last night at their house. We'll still need to go back over there to do a little cleaning and stuff, but still. We need to make a run to Home Depot for a few things, and I'm thinking that Friday TK and I might go back to Walmart to take back that stuff and pick up the last few things that we need. I'm hoping that TH will be able to get the kitty door put in Friday morning before he goes to work, too. After this morning I'm half worried that they'll destroy the house if we're all inside and they can't get in, lol. We also need to clean up the litterboxes and get them moved inside. This weekend we can work on unpacking and organizing and stuff. Tomorrow's gonna kinda suck, because moving, but yay!

Wow, I am really fucking tired :-/

So I didn't even think to take any pictures today! I took one video of a happy little Moose curled up on a blanket, but it's on TH's phone. Oops, lol. Maybe tomorrow.

Song: Madness - Our House. Cheesy as fuck? Yep yep yep!

Best thing: HOUSE!!!!!!!!!

Worst thing: Tired tired tired :-/


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