Friday, March 22, 2013

March 22

I don't wanna be here. *Sings* IIIIIIIII don't wanna beeeeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeere. I don't wanna be here, can you tell? Man I forgot how bad Friday nights suck fucking ass. It's busier than shit anyway, and they had this fucking charity dinner and silent auction at the clubhouse until like midnight so there are even more people in and out than there normally would be. There are freaking June Bugs and other little flying buggy things all over the place, getting in my hair and going down my shirt. And I'm tired, my head hurts, and I've got cramps. I guess that's pretty much it. I'm sure I won't be complaining Tuesday night when I'm sitting at home playing Black Ops instead of tromping out the door at 9:00 to go to work, but for now, EH!!

Stayed up for a while this morning playing some Black Ops 2. I did a few online matches and a couple of games of Nuketown zombies. I don't play well when I'm tired - I got roflstomped :-/ Went to bed kinda late and woke up about 20 minutes before my alarm went off. TH had planned on going to pick up the chairs and stools from the restaurant supply place this morning but he didn't, so when I picked up TK we went to get them and stuck them in storage. I wubs my little car - they all fit so nicely! We went by to see the kitties for a little bit and then went home and played a little Lego Batman. I kinda thought about taking a quick nap but I ran out of time. Tomorrow. I can sleep tomorrow..

I ended up not doing any of the schoolwork last night. I kinda really have to do it tonight, though. The Government stuff is due Saturday at midnight and The Economics stuff is due Sunday at midnight. I know I won't really have another chance before then to get it all done. I have a Government test due sometime next week but I forget exactly when. I'm ready for the whole school thing to be over with. I can think of much better ways to entertain myself at work than skimming through a couple of chapters of a textbook just enough to be able to half-ass a multiple choice test. That pretty much sums up my last several semesters of school :-/ And that's the thing, though. Some of this stuff is actually pretty interesting! I still have a couple of the Psychology textbooks (because it was actually way cheaper to just buy them than rent them) and I might eventually sit down and read them just because. But I'm tired of deadlines and stupid assignments and having to go take tests and pretty much all of it. I kinda just want to do whatever for a while.

And speaking of doing whatever...I need to find a thing. I don't have a thing. I need to find something that I enjoy doing, that I'm good at. I mean, I enjoy playing video games but I need something besides that. I'm not even really that good at it, either. I just have no idea what it could be. I don't really have any kind of creative or artistic talent whatsoever, I'm not athletic in the slightest, I'm not really even that smart, so I just dunno. Kinda depressing when you really think about it. Yeah, I need to find a thing.

I can't really think of anything else right now. We're going to do movie night tomorrow, so yay! I think we're going to skip the pizza this week since we're a little short on extra cash. Maybe do nachos. Nachos are good (and cheap)! I'm going to stop by the store on my way home in the morning and pick up a few things, and then not leave the house until it's time to go to work Sunday night. Yay.

I have a couple of pictures tonight! When we went by storage I was showing TK some of the stuff that we found at the thrift store so I got a picture of one of the little purty bowls. Turns out that they're kinda old, at least 10-12 years old from what I can find. Hey, to me that's pretty old for something breakable, lol. Also, when we got to the house to check on the kitties, we noticed that the builders had removed the barricade from in front of the driveway. So naturally, I parked my happy little ass right in the middle of it. Just because I could!

Purty bowl! Apparently the color on the flowers has faded some. All of the pictures I've found online show the flowers being a lot darker. I still can't believe we found almost a whole set!

First one in the driveway, bitches!! Nyahahahahahahaha!!! (And a Naga by the front porch. And TK's butt, lol)

A wild Jim Bob using his camo ability. And a bitchy little Misadventure out by the street. And a little bipolar car still in the driveway :-)

The Moose was so happy to see us! He's going to be insufferable once we actually do get moved in.

Song: The Prodigy - Invaders Must Die. I think I first heard this on a YouTube Halo montage, or something like that. It always kinda made me think of the video game Destroy All Humans but after watching the video for it I'm thinking it might make for a good pest control ad :-)

Best thing: We has chairs and stools!

Worst thing: At work and don't wanna be :-/

Okey dokeys then.

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