Sunday, March 24, 2013

March 24

Sunday night. Yay. I did basically nothing today. It was pretty cool :-) Actually that's not quite right - I did make dinner. Woohoo. Tomorrow I go home and sleep, then pick up TK and go see the kitties. Tuesday I might go home and take a nap, or TH and I might go do some stuff. Not sure yet. They're supposed to install the gas meter sometime Tuesday, too. Tuesday night I don't go to work, then Wednesday morning at 8:00 we meet at the house for the walkthrough. Hopefully we don't find anything that needs to be fixed, and we can get the keys then and go rent a truck to start moving!!

I know moving is going to be kind of a pain in the ass, and it's going to be a long couple of days but I don't freaking care!! I say that now, lol - we'll see how I feel dragging my ass to work Wednesday and Thursday nights. But then I'll have Friday and all weekend to unpack and organize and all that shit. I'm trying to think about where everything needs to go but I guess we won't really be able to figure it out until we actually get everything in there. I think we've mostly figured out everything but the kitchen, maybe. We'll just have to see. I can't freaking wait!

So I stopped by the store Saturday morning on my way home from work. That just felt freaking weird, driving home with almost no traffic. It was kinda nice. Took a decent nap when I got home then got up and played a little bit with TK. We played some Nuketown zombies and did a little bit of Halo 4 campaign, just for the hell of it. TH got home and we made nachos and watched Skyfall, the new James Bond movie. It was pretty good. Held my attention well, and sometimes that's all it takes. Hung out with him for a little while and drank a little too much, then he went to bed and I played some online Black Ops 2 by myself. I got absolutely slaughtered, lol. That's what happens when you're GWI (Gaming While Intoxicated) :-D TK and I played a little Gears of War campaign, then we went to bed. And that's pretty much it. I didn't leave the house at all Saturday, and it was awesome. Seems like it has been a couple of weeks since I've been able to do that.

They changed the timing on the resident lane gate here at work. Now people hit the button on their little remotes to open it and it closes a good 3-4 seconds faster than it used to. The people who open it before they are close enough keep almost getting hit by it as it closes. You have to really watch and hit the switch to open it back up really quick. I've had a few close calls but nothing really bad - I think I'm a little quicker on the button than the other guys are, though. Some of them have had people (residents) stop and yell at them or flip them off because of it. Cause you know, it's alllll the guards' fault. /s I told one of the other guys that if we were able to drop the bar on people I would have done it a long time ago. Most of the people out here are pretty nice but we have a few that are real douchecanoes. (Huh, spellcheck doesn't like douchecanoe. Surprise, surprise, lol)

It's a little cool out tonight and it has been windy all day. The winds are dying down and it's supposed to get down to 30-something in the morning. Poor kitties are going to get cold :-/ I know they've been through worse but I still feel bad that they're outside. Very very soon, little baby buttheads! TH says it might take a few days to get the kitty door put in but I'm working on having it done like, Wednesday. Ok, maybe Thursday, lol. I told him we could move the heavy stuff and then he could work on that while I move boxes and stuff :-) I know he's kinda worried about fucking it up because it's a nice, expensive door. It's one of those metal ones with the window on top (and blinds built into the glass!) and four panels on the bottom so it's going to be hard to line up and cut a hole so it doesn't look weird. He can totally do it, though. bored. I have a movie that I can watch but I don't even try to do anything like that until after 12:00-1:00, depending on the day. It usually slows down after then. It seems a little busier tonight than normal, for some reason. Dunno why. I'm wondering what Thursday night will be like, if everybody is off for Good Friday and people visiting for Easter and shit. Eh, blargever.

No house or anything pictures, really. So there's that.

Song: Avenged Sevenfold - Dancing Dead. Moar Avenged Sevenfold! I wubs :-)

Best thing: I'm in a pretty good mood, for some reason.

Worst thing: The gate changes. This shit's bad for my nerves :-/

Yep yep yep.

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