Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 14

Thank FSM it is finally Thursday. Holy crap this has been a long week! It's busy tonight but so far not nearly as bad as it has been. Last night was a pain in the ass. I read somewhere that the free concerts and shit downtown start tonight though so hopefully it won't get crazy later on. I am so glad I'm not working this weekend! I'll be off the usual Friday and Saturday this weekend, then next week work Sunday thru Friday and only be off Saturday :-/ But then, work Sunday and Monday, and have 5 days off! And and and, we'll be in our house by then (fucking better be, lol)!!!

Talked to my sister and my mom earlier. My sister finally asked if she could move in with us when the house is finished. She was kinda half-joking, but not really. I told her I didn't think so, lol. No more living with anybody. We need time to do our own little family thing for a while. Oh, I did find out for sure that they are going out of town tomorrow, so yay! I'll probably go straight home and take a nap, then TK and I can get out and go see kitties, go to the store, and pick up Papa Murphy's pizza. Yay movie night :-)

So I went home and took a quick nap this morning then TH and I met the builder lady at the house. We signed the paperwork stuff and played with the kitties, and wandered around the house a little. They had installed miniblinds on all but 2 of the windows, and it was amazing how much more it looks like a real house on the inside! They left off the ones in the living room and the gameroom because they had to take them to be cut to size. As we were leaving the guy showed up to install them though. The electrician had been by to mark where the new plug is supposed to go, and the tile guy was coming in today to cut a hole for it. When TH went back by there later he had been there and the hole was cut. Then the electrician will be back tomorrow to install the plug. The builder lady said that they would for sure be in tomorrow to fix the window and install the entryway vinyl, too. So, that's all that needs to be done! Hopefully that means they can call for Monday inspections, and everything passes!

We went by the restaurant supply place and they only had 2 of the barstools, and no chairs. So we ordered them and paid for them, and they should be in Wednesday 3-27. I was hoping it would be a little sooner than that. but I guess at least this way we can just pick them up and take them straight to the house. So that works. We went by Family Dollar to look around at household type stuff. We found...some water hoses! They're not bad, kinda cheap, but they were only $10. And, wait for it, THEY'RE PURPLE!!!! I shit you not. They also had some of those little sprinkler head wand dealies for watering your grass by hand, and those were purple, too. We got 2 hoses but they only had one sprinkler thingie, so we need to look around for another one. We also found this pretty little framed picture to hang in TK's bathroom. It's a picture of a bathroom. To go in a bathroom, lol. It's So Meta Even This Acronym... :-) I wish I had thought to take pictures! Maybe tomorrow.

Walked over to Dollar Tree to look at more household type stuff. We ended up getting almost all of the rest of the kitchen utensil type things that we needed there! They had spoons and spatulas that were actually a little better than some of the ones we had found at Target and stuff, and they were $1! I think the only thing we really still need is a pasta spoon/fork thingie (whatever it's called) and some nice measuring cups and spoons. I think I want to get the stainless steel ones that we found at HEB a few weeks ago. They had some cheap but decent measuring cups and we got 4 sets of those in red to use as scoops in the canisters of rice, beans, flour, etc. We're going to get some more of the Rubbermaid ones with the red lids so they'll match. I'm easily amused, lol. We also found some purple wire baskets to put in the bathrooms or linen closets to hold medicines and stuff like that. Yeah, I was pretty sure that we were supposed to get medicine cabinets, but we didn't. I don't mind, though. That's just one more thing to clean, lol.

We stopped at Taco Bell on the way home and I got one of each of the new little griller things. I only ended up eating one, so yay for dinner tonight! Ate, had a couple of drinks, and played a few games of Black Ops 2 Team Deathmatch with TK and then went to bed. Soooo tired tonight. Tired, but in a good mood. I'm thinking this weekend that we might try to get the last of TK's nonessential type stuff packed up and moved to storage. It's supposed to be hot though, so I don't know. Might just pack it. And clean. We need to clean :-/ I did my Economics stuff last night that is due Sunday, and it turns out that there's no Government discussion board because of Spring Break, yay! So I don't have to worry about any more school type stuff until next week.

So yeah, no house pictures because there wasn't really anything new. Just miniblinds, lol. I did get a few Happy Kitty!! pictures though. Oh and one Not Happy Kitty picture when Misadventure came down to see me and realized that the others are loose now. She is such a bitch! But she's my bitch :-)

Stupid (Snipe) and Moose.They followed me around the whole time we were there.

Asshole (Hiccup). He was never much of a people kitty but I think we've been gone long enough that even he misses us. He has been the whiniest one lately!

Naga in the flowerbed! She's already working on her mad camo skilz, lol. I can't tell who that is on the porch, though.

And, Misadventure runs the moo cow kitties off. She is just one mean little kitty!

Song: Eminem, Dr. Dre - Guilty Conscience. Classic Eminem, so the lyrics are definitely NSFW, lol.

Best thing: Had fun this morning with TH looking at house stuff!

Worst thing: Tired and headachey :-/

I think that's all for now.

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