Monday, March 25, 2013

March 25

Monday night. Monday night, but it's like a Thursday night because I'm not gonna be here tomorrow night!! See, now that Friday was totally freaking worth it :-) And tomorrow they install the gas meter, then Wednesday we do the walkthrough and hopefully get the keys and start moving! TK wants to stay home to help us move but since we're not 100% sure yet that we're getting the keys Wednesday (or at least early enough Wednesday to be able to start moving) we told him no. Thursday, on the other hand...I'm thinking about it. He's out of school Friday, and they're not doing anything this week except practicing for the stupid whatever it is they're calling the standardized test this year, so we might actually let him just skip. Fuck it, right?

I got bored last night and started looking at the sale ads from the Sunday paper and of course everything was full of Easter stuff. Walgreen's had a bunch of Easter baskets pictured, and one of them was a froggy! So naturally when I picked TK up from school we stopped to look at them. It is so freaking cute! He's not the exact same froggy as the other bathroom stuff but he's close enough. It's made from felt, I think, but it's pretty thick and sturdy. I'm thinking it would look awesome sitting on the counter in our bathroom to hold washcloths or something. Froggies everywhere!

So I went home and went to bed a little late, but not bad. Picked up TK and we stopped at Walgreen's (duh) then went to see the kitties. They're still so happy to see us, and so pitiful when we leave. Moose followed us out to the car and sat there staring at me as we backed out of the driveway :-/ We checked to see if the gas meter was there, just in case they came by early. Nope, lol. Went home and played some Black Ops 2 with TK then made dinner. Soup and grilled cheese, nom nom nom. Hung out with TH a little while and now I'm at work. Woohoo.

TK keeps trying to get me to play Halo Wars but I'm just not sure about that. It's a Halo game, kinda, in that it has the UNSC and Covenant and all of the familiar weapons and vehicles and such, but it's an RTS (Real Time Strategy) game and not an FPS (First Person Shooter) like the rest of the Halo games. So instead of running around shooting the enemies you have to build up your army and equipment and deploy it strategically to win the game. I'm...not so good at that kind of thing. I'm more the suicide squad, cannon fodder, run and gun kinda dude. I've never seriously played it, just kinda messed around with it and spawned armies of suicide grunts so I could watch them run around. That's my kind of fun, lol. Kinda like when I play Minecraft with him and do nothing but run around taming wolves. I told him maybe we would mess with it tomorrow when we have more time. You know, cause I'm NOT GOING TO WORK!!! :-)

I had kinda been looking at Walmart at the elliptical machines and the recumbent bikes for something relatively cheap so we can start exercising a little. I'm not super crazy about getting out and walking or riding bikes and stuff like that, at least not right now. It seems like there's never a really good time to do that. Plus it won't be too long now before it's 100 or more every day and I do not tolerate the heat well. I am much happier when it's 50 or below. It has to be seriously fucking cold for me to even think about wearing a jacket. I totally should have been a fucking Eskimo or something. Anyway, most of the ones I'm looking at are $150-$200 and we really can't afford something like that right now. I've found a few of those little portable pedal thingies and I'm wondering about one of those. They're pretty cheap, won't take up much room, and a few of them actually get decent reviews. That may be something to look into, at least for now.

So, I'm bored again. Bored and I could do schoolwork, but since I don't have to yet I probably won't. I started rewatching CSI Miami on Netflix last night. It seems like I watched it for a while when it first came out but never finished it. I guess it's something to do?

No house pictures, or kitty pictures, but I have one of my new froggy basket!! Yes, I'm easily amused. I though we had established that, lol.

Froggy basket in the store! (And a little bit of TK)

And Froggy filled with washcloths. I wish I had a better one here, but it's cute because it looks like he's waving :-)

Song: The Black Keys - Gold on the Ceiling. I can't believe this is the first Black Keys song I've put on here! Shameful.

Best thing: FROGGY BASKET!!

Worst thing: Kinda tired. Not bad, though.


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