Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 14

Okey dokeys. No, I didn't fall off the edge of the world or anything. I just haven't had much of a chance to actually sit down and process everything that has happened in the last 2 (almost 3) weeks! I also discovered that if I ever skip more than a day or two of writing I have no idea how to even begin to get caught up. So, I'll just try to hit the highlights. Basically though, we're living in a little purple house with all of the kitties and it is fucking awesome!!

So the day that we got the keys we moved all of the little stuff and then I came to work. TH and TK spent the night at their house one last time because we hadn't moved the beds or anything yet. I got off work, went home and slept for about an hour, then we went to pick up the truck. We did end up letting TK stay home that day, which was good because he actually helped quite a bit. Got the truck and went out to their work first to pick up the beds, a couch, and a coffee table. Stopped back by their house to get the nice patio table and chairs and a little bit of the stuff that was in the garage. Took all of that to the house (OUR HOUSE!!!) and unloaded it, then started moving all of the big stuff from the storage place. It took all freaking day! We did kinda try to organize a little as we unloaded, and had to clean everything up a little bit because it had been sitting in storage. We also put the beds together, installed the fridge, washer, and dryer, and vacuumed a few times. It started getting kinda late and we still had a lot to do, and I hadn't slept yet, so I called work and got someone to fill in for me that night. We finished up with the truck and took it back, then stopped at HEB for a few things. We made one more trip over to their house for a few little things, picked up some pizza, wings, and beer, and went home to have our first real dinner at home. Then we all got to sleep there the first night. It was fucking awesome :-)
Let's see...that was a Thursday. TH had to go to work that next Friday, but TK was out of school for Good Friday. It seems like we basically spent the day unpacking and organizing and stuff, but I'm not sure. I know we had a little more small stuff at the storage place to move, and we did that. Saturday our neighbor next door had an Easter thing, and her kids and grandkids came over. I made brownies :-) We invited TK's buddy from the neighborhood and he spent the night at our house afterwards. I went back to work Sunday night, and since then it has pretty much just been more unpacking, organizing, and cleaning. Holy FSM at the cleaning! I think I have cleaned more in the 3 weeks we have lived there than I have in my entire life! Every time a cat comes in they track in dirt, or leaves, or mulch. Fucking mulch, I swear >:-( They all love to lay in the flowerbeds out front, especially Naga (the hairy black one) and that shit just clings to them. I am not lying, I think I have vacuumed every day we have been there, and swept once or twice every day. I am keeping everything so pretty and clean, though! I'm not the neatest person in the world so that's kind of a big deal, lol.

We've had a bunch of little projects, too. TH has the mailbox put up so that we can at least get mail, but it still needs to be finished out and painted. We're going to do it so it looks like one of the columns on the porch. We finally got a kitty door in the back door on Friday. We had just been letting them in and out occasionally. A few of them had figured out to go to the door and meow if they wanted in or out, but a couple of them would just sit there and scratch the edge of the door if they wanted in. So we need to replace the weather stripping on the front door already. Buttheads. That was a serious pain in the ass, too! We couldn't get the hinges loose to take the door off, so TH had to sit in the floor and cut the hole. The door is metal so it cut kinda funky. It doesn't look perfect, but I don't care. We got a few of the pictures inside hung up, and the dragonflies out on the front porch. I'll have to get a picture - they are so cute! 

We ordered a big TV for the living room and decided to go with 2 smaller flat screen monitors for the game room. We hooked an Xbox up to each one. Full screen, bitches!! XD We had planned on also hooking the PS2 up to one and the Super Nintendo up to the other but they only have HDMI ports and both of those need AV jacks. So I guess we'll put them in the living room, too. Before they were delivered we went to Walmart and got a big TV stand and 2 small TV carts, and a couple of cheap little end tables. We spent one Thursday putting those together and waiting for the cable company to show up to install internet service. We're not going to worry about cable, because we really don't watch TV. We hooked the computer up to the TV in the living room so we can play DVDs, Hulu, Netflix, and any movies that we have saved on the hard drive. That's pretty much all we need.

Oh, and we've been cooking! We went to HEB and Sprouts one day last week and I stocked up on fruits and veggies! Our fridge looks so freaking cool :-) Squash, zucchini, mushrooms, asparagus, celery...nom nom nom. TH isn't the biggest fan of most veggies but if I cook something with them in it he'll eat it. I made a stirfry type thing with cut up chicken breast and some frozen stirfry veggies (broccoli, asparagus, carrots, bell peppers, mushrooms, cauliflower), then added some cooked vegetable rotini and a little fat free sour cream to make kind of a creamy sauce. It was awesome! I made a big batch of salsa the other day, and some banana bread and hummus today. Oh and a roasted sausage and veggie dish: slice some smoked jalapeno kielbasa, then chop up some carrots, yellow squash, zucchini, red and green bell peppers, onion, celery, and potatoes (or whatever veggies you like. Wish I had remembered the mushrooms!); put it in a greased 9x13 pan and sprinkle it with salt, pepper, garlic, and creole seasoning and cook at 350 for about 45 minutes, stirring several times. We ate it over a bed of lettuce with a little shredded cheese sprinkled on top. Amazing!

This past week we finally took our days off (Wed-Sat), and it was so nice. We got a lot done around the house, went to the store, and just kinda hung out and had fun. Freaking awesome. Saturday night my boss and his family came over. I actually really had fun! I tend to be kinda antisocial but when I'm around people I like I enjoy it. We ordered some pizza and breadsticks, and had a few different kinds of chips with ranch dip. And salsa, of course :-) TK's buddy came over again, and spent the night. TH had to work early today so he went to bed pretty quick after they left and I stayed up playing Black Ops 2 with the boys. Slept kinda late today then got up and made the hummus and banana bread, and did a little schoolwork. Hung out with TH when he got home and now I'm at work. Yeehaw.

So TK has been riding the school bus since we've been home. What's great about it is that the stop is only like 2 blocks away, so he gets up in the morning and walks his happy ass down there, and walks home in the afternoons. I don't have to worry about trying to go to bed early enough to be able to get up at 3:20 to pick him up anymore! I do still get up to make sure he got home, but I figure if I need to I can just go back to sleep for a while. I really haven't had to though. I may not be sleeping any longer, but I'm sleeping better! I'm not as tired as I had been before. We bought some blackout curtains but our bedroom still isn't super dark, and I know it hasn't been super quiet around there or anything. I haven't even used my sleep noise thingie very much, either. I'm just...happy, I guess. Relaxed. I am going to keep taking my meds though - I've tried to stop them a few times when I started feeling better and it never ends up well :-/

I know there's a lot more, but I can't think right now. I am tired tonight, kinda, but that's just because I usually try to get a nap before I come to work on Sundays and I didn't tonight. Eh, no big deal, though :-)

I have a few pictures, mostly of HAPPY KITTIES!! but I just can't be assed to mess with them. I need to take some house pictures, too. So nothing for tonight, sorry. Hey, at least I wrote something, right?

Song: Tenacious D - Tribute. Random shuffle today. Yeah, looking at the song list you can see that I got a little optimistic on April 10th and posted a song. That's about as far as it went though, lol.

Best thing: Living in the purple house now!!

Worst thing: Didn't write for a while :-/


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