Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 20

I...give up. That's it. I just fucking give up. I dunno, maybe there's some big fucking divine intervention type conspiracy or some bullshit going on; some reason that we're not supposed to move into the house until after a certain date, or something. Like, the universe knows that the house is going to fucking blow up or something next week and it's trying to save us. Or something. Yeah, I know that was like 14 different somethings but I don't fucking care. At least it wasn't a whole paragraph full of nothing but fucks. Earlier today it probably would have been. Right now I'm beyond that. I'm just too fucking tired to even bother.

So, in case you hadn't already guessed: something fucked up. Something else fucked up, I should say. First the good news - the driveway inspection passed! And there was much rejoicing: yay...yay. That was the only one we were actually a little bit worried about, because when they poured it one of the little wooden cross pieces shifted and cracked a little bit. It doesn't affect anything structurally at all, it just looks a little weird. But it passed, and now that part is finished. The plumbing and the mechanical, however, failed. Fucking both of them. Failed. It's the same inspector dude for both, too, so this little nutless wonder is just on a fucking power trip is all. Fucking asswipe. One fucking piddly little thing on each one, too. For the plumbing, it was that the little door to the water heater closet on the side of the house was locked so he couldn't look at the water heater. Not test it or anything, mind you, since the gas isn't even hooked up yet. Just...look at it. Never mind that he has seen it hooked up the other 8 FUCKING TIMES THAT HE HAS BEEN OUT THERE, and nothing new has been done to it. He just couldn't look at it today. For the mechanical, it was that he didn't have a ladder so he couldn't look up in the attic - I guess to see the ducts, or whatever. Again, never mind that he has seen them so many times that by now he probably should know each one by name. And that since it passed the fucking duct test you know they have to be hooked up right. He just couldn't poke his fucking little chickenshit head up there and look around. This guy can just go eat a bag of dicks >:-(

The only good thing about it being little piddly shit like this is that we don't have to wait for any of the contractors to come back out and fix things. The inspections are rescheduled for tomorrow and the foreman said he's going to meet the douchebag over at the house to make sure he can do whatever it is that he needs to do. Holy mother of FSM this better be that last little fucking thing. If they get passed tomorrow early and they can call for the gas meter, there's still a chance it could be put in Friday or Monday, and everything else...we might still be able to move next week? We talked to our boss this morning (not the one I like but the big boss of everything dude) and he's going to let us change our days off from next week to April 10-13. That gives it two more weeks to get finished, just in case anything else decides to play fuckalong. If it's finished early, great! We can still move on TH's days off and just have that weekend to relax and do jack shit. We'll see.

So we dropped TK off at school this morning and went by the house. Even with as much rain as we got last night they were still there watering the grass this morning. The dude was just like, yeah I do whatever they tell me :-) It did finally end up raining here at work. No hail or anything but some areas north of us got some decent hail. Played with the kitties. The painter dude came by to do a little bit of touchup and left us some extra paint in case we need to do touchup stuff later. TH said it's probably enough to paint the little bit of extra trim on the porch columns that he wants to be aqua. So that saves us having to buy paint. Went by a different dollar store and they had another purple sprinkler wand thingie! So now we have one for each hose. We also found a cute little plaque to hang on the laundry room door and some purty sparkly dragonflies to hang on the front porch, right by the door. I can't believe I didn't take a picture of any of this stuff!

There's a thrift store next door to the dollar store that we had been meaning to go by so we wandered over there. We found the entire set of Harry Potter books, in paperback! I think we paid about $14 for them. Total. Unfriggenbelievable! Most of them were together but we dug through like 15 shelves of books to find the last 2. Fucking score, dude! We found a couple of big heavy glass bowls, and a turquoisey glass pitcher to set by the stove and put utensils in. A couple of other cute little knick knacky things, and a plastic rifle that someone had spray painted black. TK was thrilled when he got home, lol, We also found the prettiest set of little glass dessert bowls, I guess they are. They have little flowers and leaves molded into the sides and painted so that they look kinda translucent. Dammit I wish I had pictures! Anyway, we managed to find 7 small bowls and a big bowl. They are so freaking awesome!

Stopped by the storage place to unload all of the new goodies :-) and took a look at the washer and dryer and fridge. We were thinking that we were going to need to buy water lines for the fridge and washer but they both have one attached, and they look pretty new so we might not have to! We did confirm that the dryer is electric so that makes it easier. We just need to check the plug that they put in the laundry room to see if the one that is on there will fit. if not it's pretty easy to swap out a dryer plug. We also went ahead and paid for another month of storage, since it's due tomorrow, and got copies of all of the paid invoices so we can turn them in to be reimbursed. Yay!

We had planned on going to Home Depot but it was almost 11:00 so we decided to just grab some lunch and head home. We headed over to Chipotle, because we haven't eaten there in a long time and it sounded good. When we got there it was about 10 minutes until they opened so we decided to go to the Lowes next door to see what kind of cabinet pulls they had. We found some! They are freaking awesome - they're kind of a coppery color which will go well with the chairs that we're going to get from the restaurant supply place. Of course they only had about half of what we needed but when TH picked TK up from school they checked another one and got the rest. We also found a spray paint that matches the aqua of the trim almost perfectly. TH wanted to paint the hose hanger thingies either purple or aqua so they wouldn't stand out and be all ugly. They're kinda beige looking right now :-/ Got Chipotle and took it home to eat. Nom nom nom, barbacoa fajita burrito. Good stuff, but pretty fucking pricey. That's why we don't eat there very much, lol.

So then before I went to bed we found out about the inspection bullshit. Between bitching about that and trying to get ahold of the foreman and our boss, I ended up not going to bed until after 3:00. So I am fucking ass tired tonight. Tired, and maybe just a tad hungover. Not good at all. 3 hours down, 5 to go. I wanna go home in the morning and play Black Ops but I just don't know. I guess I'll see how awake I am when I get off. Right now I'm thinking go home and just sleep all fucking day. Like, allllll day. Fuck, and it's only Wednesday. I still have 2 more fucking days of this bullshit. And no 5 days off next week, now >:-( Off Saturday, work Sunday and Monday, off Tuesday, work Wednesday and Thursday then it's back to normal. So yeah, I still get the 2 days off, they're just split. I hate that - it's like you're not quite really off, kinda. Eh. 2 more weeks now until the time off. Grrrrrrrrr.

No house, kitty, cool stuff pictures or anything. I did pull (heh) a picture of the cabinet pulls off of Lowes website, so that's something. Oh, and I found pics of the chairs and barstools, too!


Chair! Kinda hard to tell in the picture but the metal trim is a coppery color. Purty, comfortable, and cheap ($25)! Seriously, I didn't know chairs were that fucking expensive until we started looking around!

Barstool. Also purty :-) We ordered 3 of these for the breakfast bar.

Song: Hilary Duff - Come Clean. Shuffle. Eh.

Best thing: Boss let us change our days off. Again.

Worst thing: Fucking inspector >:-(


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