Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6

WE HAVE A DRIVEWAY!!!! Ok, I'm getting ahead of myself, sorry. So I took TK to school this morning and went to take my test. I decided to just go ahead and take both. Fuck it. I made a 70-something (I forget exactly) on each one! Considering that I didn't do any of the reading for either test, that's a hell of a lot better than I expected. Went home and just kinda hung out with TH for a while, stayed up too late, and went to bed. We're going to go mess around tomorrow, I think. Friday morning, though, I'm going to go home and play video games for a while and take a nap before I go pick up TK. I haven't had a chance to do that in a few weeks :-/ I'm almost positive that they are going out of town this weekend, so yay! Spring break for TK is next week, too, so I want to try to get some of the extra stuff sitting around moved to the storage place. We'll put his little ass to work, lol.

So the guy that works overnights on my nights off (Friday and Saturday) asked me tonight if I would work for him on Friday 3-22. He's got a test for a job interview with the Sheriff's Department the next day. If he gets the job he'll start out making twice what we make here. Lucky bastard. I say that. but I'm not sure that I would really want to work for the jail. My dad did that for a while when I was little, and he was good at it. I don't know if the job made him an asshole, or he was good at it because he was already an asshole :-/ Anyway...if I work that Friday he would work for me the next Tuesday, the 26th. I'm taking off the 27th and 28th, so I would be off for 5 days in a row!! I kinda can't even imagine. And, if it works out that we've already moved in by then, that's 5 days to be at our house!! With the kitties!! And to try and get allll of the stuff done, I guess :-)

After I went to bed TH went over to the house, while he was waiting to pick up TK. They were finishing up all of the touchup painting. It turns out that they painted the replacement interior doors yesterday, and they're going to hang them tomorrow. The laminate entry hadn't been done yet. They had patched the hole above the tub in the bathroom, where they had to move the air vent. Also, the concrete guys were there, and while TH was there the truck showed up so he got to watch them pour the driveway and sidewalk! Well, most of it, at least. It needed just a bit more than one truck holds so they were going to have to wait a little while for another truck. But we have a driveway now!

Tomorrow they're doing the flower beds and the (lol) shrubbery. We get 2 flower beds in the front - one under the dining room window and one under the gameroom window, and 6 bushes. The foreman's helper dude asked TH today how we want them placed. I think it would look better to have 3 in each flower bed, but the dining room window is a lot wider than the game room window, so one flower bed will be bigger than the other. TH told him to do 4 in the big one and 2 in the little one. I'm trying to imagine how that's going to look but I really can't. It will probably look right, though. They're also going to have the little bobcat back in there leveling the yard out tomorrow, and then the grass goes in Friday! Good timing because it's supposed to rain all day Saturday and Sunday. Once the grass is in we'll have to be really careful about walking on it for a while. I think they said it takes like a month or so to really take root?

The electrical passed inspection so now we just have to wait for the city to come out and actually hook it all up. Hopefully that will be tomorrow! As soon as that is done, they can do the duct test and then call in all of the final inspections. I guess they could call in the driveway inspection now? Once the duct test is done they clean the house and I think one of the last things is installing the gas meter. So they will be finished with the yard and everything Friday. If they manage to get the electrical hooked up and they can do the duct test this weekend, we're thinking we can let the kitties out Monday! Even if we're still waiting on inspections, it shouldn't matter. We can just stick a note on the door or something: "The cats will try to get in the house. Please don't let them in." They are going to be so freaking happy! I want to have time to hang out for a while and play with them when we let them out :-) Figure probably move their food and water bowls to the front porch so we can just stay on the driveway and sidewalk. Then just go by a couple of times a day to feed and water them like we were doing before they were in the shed. You really can't just leave food outside for them to eat when they're hungry because the other cats and critters eat it all :-/

Man I'm tired tonight. I want to go do stuff with TH tomorrow but I don't want to stay out too late because sleeeeeeep, lol. Oh yeah! So, the other day TK and I stole a No Parking sign, lol. Well, sorta. Kinda. Tuesday when I picked him up from school we saw it just laying in the road that goes into the little shopping center across from his school. That's where I pick him up in the afternoons, because traffic over at the school fucking sucks. He just walks across the intersection with a whole herd of other kids. (Seriously. A fucking pack of them. It's actually a little scary how many there are). Anyway, it was there, we weren't really sure where it came from, so we grabbed it. It was face down and had been run over several times, so its a little ratty looking, but TK says he doesn't care. He wants to hang it up in his room, lol.

Oh and and and, last night I finally got a decent picture of one of the coyotes that walks along the stone wall across the driveway from the gatehouse here at work. I showed it to my boss this morning and thought he was going to shit himself, lol. I had been telling him about them, and I don't think it was that he didn't believe me, exactly, but he had just never seen one. Now he has :-)

Ok so house pictures! Pretty much just concrete pouring pictures, actually. And the coyote, just for the hell of it.

Concrete! I'm glad they decided to do the curved sidewalk. It looks so much nicer!

Almost done. They've emptied one truck, and now they're smoothing it out. 

My coyote! One of them, at least. He took off pretty quick after I took this - I think he's camera shy :-)

Song: Ace of Base - All That She Wants. Random shuffle and wow, a really old one. I actually had no idea that there was a video for this - I guess I had just never thought about it?

Best thing: Driveway!

Worst thing: Tired tonight :-/


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