Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11

I fucking hate Spring Break. And I fucking hate teenagers. And I really fucking hate teenagers who are allowed to run loose all hours of the night because Mommy and Daddy let them do whatever the fuck they want to. Grrrrrrrr!! It was busier than dog shit at work last night, and so far tonight it looks like it's going to be exactly the same. Only 3 more nights of work and I'll be done with Spring Break. But wait, it's almost summer! And it's exactly the same shit for 3 fucking months. Just...kill me now >:-(

So this morning my boss was an hour late. He called me right at 6:00 and said that he had overslept. So I got to mess with the construction guys trying to come in early and actually letting them in at 7:00. Fun stuff. Then of course traffic sucked ass so it took forever to get home. I went by the house to feed and water the kitties, and everything was still super muddy. I'm glad I had rainboots, lol. It was after 8:30 before I got home, so I hung out with TH for a little bit and then went to bed. Woke up when they got home and played some Halo 4 Spartan Ops with TK. Hung out with TH a little more when he got home, and now I'm at work. Woohoo.

TH went and bought the insurance this morning and sent it to the lady in charge of the loan program, and she accepted it. Yay! So we are insured as of March 14. He drove by the house on his way to work. The window hadn't been replaced yet and nobody was there, so we decided to wait until tomorrow to let the kitties out. Hopefully it will have dried up a little bit more so we won't get all nasty squishy :-/

We had thought about letting them out and putting their food and water on the porch, but TH doesn't want to do that because he doesn't want critters to get used to coming up to the house and finding food. He has a point - after all he is the one who woke up in the middle of the night with a baby possum in bed with him. Seriously. He said he felt something nudging him on the back and thought it was a cat, but when he rolled over to look it was a little baby possum. It took him and TK an hour to catch it and put it outside, lol. I guess it came in to eat something and got lost. I thought it was hilarious (I was at work). Him, not so much.

So, after our cheapy little BBQ grill disappeared from behind the shed, we don't want to leave the shed door open until we can fix the fence. We had screwed a couple of those metal screen protector grates over the windows so we could leave them open for fresh air without the kitties getting out. I think we're going to take one of those off and leave the window open just enough for them to go in and out of and keep feeding them in the shed until we get moved in. Hopefully too the builders will get in there tomorrow before we go let the kitties out and do the duct test so all that is left are inspections! And moving in!! It's crazy, but as long as we have waited for this, it seems like the last couple of weeks have been the hardest to deal with. It's just so freaking close, but not quite.

I asked TH the other night - the last year and a half (almost), everything has been about getting home. That has been the one single focal point, the center of everything. WTF are we going to do once we do get home? What will our whole little "purpose" be then? As for me, what will I write about then? It's not like there is anything remarkable or even interesting about who I am or what I do. It's pretty much just, work sleep home rinse repeat. I really need to change that. I'm really pretty antisocial, which kinda doesn't make sense because I can get along with just about anybody. Like TH says, I can fart sunshine and rainbows with the best of them. I'm just not good at connecting with people. I guess that's it. As long as someone is just a casual acquaintance, no problem. The minute they start getting too close, though, I kinda freak out. I'm just not really comfortable with people being too comfortable with me, if that makes sense. I don't even really like it when a convenience store clerk or somebody like that starts treating me like a "regular". I've even stopped going to places because of that. Something fucked up there, man.

Anyway...oh yeah. So because I stayed late this morning my boss said he would come in an hour early in the morning. I'm thinking yeah, we'll see lol. So I might get off at 5 instead of 6, yay!

I don't really know what else. I should study, but I don't wanna. I have a movie that I could watch, but I don't wanna.

I don't have a house picture, but I took a picture of a big-ass moth here at work tonight. /r/aww didn't like it, but fuck 'em, lol. And, a short kinda crappy video of the cutest fucking cutscene in Halo 4 Spartan Ops ever. Of all time.

Hey, I thought he was cute. Not sure what he is but he's fucking huge!

Ok, maybe not on the video - it won't load. Fuckwad. Just trust me then, it was the cutest thing ever. A Pelican is flying down to drop off a Warthog, and there are these 2 Grunts standing on the ground underneath it. The Warthog drops, and the Grunts go over to investigate. One of them tries to hop up into the driver's seat. I was afraid that the Warthog was going to squish the Grunts at first. And then of course I would've felt bad killing them because they had done something so cute. I let the Marines handle it :-/

Song: Loreena McKennitt - The Mummers' Dance. I think I first heard this in the movie Ever After and I went looking for it. It's so pretty and relaxing :-)

Best thing: House insurance!

Worst thing: No duct test today. WTF guys??

Yep yep yep.

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