Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 3

Holy freaking crap was it a long weekend!! So Friday morning we took TK to school then went and checked out the house. The tile guy had finally finished placing all of the tile, and the electrician was there finishing up what he couldn't do the day before because the tile guy hadn't finished yet. That shithead (tile guy) slowed everything down by a day! The electrical inspection that was supposed to happen Friday has been rescheduled for Monday. That, and the driveway prepour inspection. Hopefully they both pass :-/ While we were there the laminate guys showed up to do the laundry room. I thought that they were supposed to do an area in the living room, in front of the door, in the laminate as an entryway but they didn't. I'm not going to argue about it though. It would keep the carpet cleaner having the laminate there, but I think it will look better having the carpet go all the way to the door. All of the lights and fans were up, and the breaker box looks finished. The main electrical box and the meter box are on the back of the house. The AC unit is sitting outside, and it is freaking huge!

We checked out the restaurant supply place. They have some of the coolest stuff in there! We found the barstools, and they are nice. I'm pretty sure we're going to get some of them. They also had some bronze looking metal chairs with vinyl cushions that were about $25 each that we really liked. They're nice and sturdy, and don't look cheap or anything. The cushions are kind of a red wine color. We were thinking about getting the black barstools, but they also come in that same wine color. I'm thinking that if we end up getting those chairs we'll get the barstools to match. Then we just need to get some table legs, plywood, and laminate (that matches the countertops) from Home Depot. We're going to build a kitchen table and matching coffee table!

Went home and took a quick nap, then picked up TK and headed up to my mom's. Traffic at that time of day fucking sucks. We stopped on the way to get a Redbox movie and ordered some Papa John's pizza to pick up at the store near her house. We had a coupon :-) So, I thought that the store we ordered it from was past her house, but then we got up to the shopping center where I thought it was and couldn't find it. Looked it up and it turns out that it is about 6 miles south of her house, and we had driven right past it on our way there. Fucking grrrrrrrr. So it was almost 6:30 before we got there. We stayed up and chatted and watched the movie and all, and didn't go to bed until almost 4:00! Saturday we were going to try to get up kinda early to go to Walmart so there wouldn't be too many people there but we didn't get up until almost 2:00 :-/

I spent more at Walmart than I had really planned on, but I got a lot of stuff that we needed. I have everything that we need for TK's bathroom - he picked it all out and he was so excited! Everything is kind of brownish with other little accent colors.For our bathroom, there is this frog set that I had seen about a year ago, and I just knew that by the time we needed to start buying stuff it would be gone. They still had it!!!! So the master bathroom will be all froggy themed!! I just still need to find a shower curtain that will kinda go with everything. The froggy shower curtain was plastic and I just can't see paying that much for a plastic shower curtain :-/ We also found some really nice but really cheap ($4!!) towels. I got green, turquoise, purple, and grey. I did buy one froggy hand towel, even though it was kinda expensive. I've already told TH to dry his hands on the bath towel that will be hanging there. Froggy towel is only there to look pretty, lol

We found some nice drinking glasses, similar to the ones we had before. They're unbreakable plastic, and they are blue transitioning to green. I like :-) We'll probably get the dishes from Target, and some cheap bakeware (cookie sheets, cake pans) and maybe a few mixing bowls. Haven't decided yet on the bowls. Still need to find some decent cooking utensils, too. We need some that you can use in nonstick pans but most of the ones that we have seen are too flimsy. Friday after we dropped TK off we took some of the appliances that were in the garage to the storage place. We still have the silverware and knives, some coffee cups, a few stainless steel mixing bowls, and a few different size glass bowls. It just all needs to be cleaned up. Not looking forward to that :-/

Oh, and they also had 2 of the Halo 4 Promethean Knight action figures, so TK and I both got one. That thing is freaking huge! I kinda want to set up a little display with the Knight and a few Crawlers and Watchers fighting Master Chief. That would be pretty sweet.

We took my mom home and hung out for just a little while. We had talked about getting Panda Express for lunch but TK and I weren't hungry. We stopped and got some for her though and she made me take some cash to buy us lunch on the way home. She's so funny sometimes. Before I left the house Friday TH texted me that he found an ad for a refurbished Dyson DC25 Animal for $249 at Fry's, and it said to call and reserve one because supplies were limited. So he did. I had never really thought about buying one because they are so freaking expensive. They have one though, and after using it I've realized that they are freaking awesome. I figure if we're going to have pretty, new carpet we need to start off taking care of it. So we went by there on the way home and picked it up. When we got there the little hobby store next door had part of the parking lot shut down and they were racing RC cars, so we watched for just a few minutes before it was over. That was pretty neat :-) We also wandered around Fry's for a little bit but didn't see anything too interesting.

We went by the house on the way home to feed and water the kitties. Soon, little baby buttheads :-( We decided to look inside even though we weren't really expecting anything new, because TK hadn't seen the lights and fans up or the laminate floors. And and and...WE HAVE CARPET!!!!!! Holy fucking shitballs, it nearly scared the crap out of us. It was kinda dark so we were just using the flashlight on my phone to look around. We didn't even see it until TK went to step into the living room and kinda jumped back because he felt something squishy, lol. Carpet!!! We took our shoes off and wandered through the carpeted rooms and it is so awesome and pretty and soft ok I'll stop. We laid down on the floor in TK's room to check it out, too :-) They had also installed the mirrors, the tile guy had finished the grout, and they added some angle braces under the edge of the breakfast bar, for more support. I think that was all?

Tomorrow they're supposed to install the appliances, do the plumbing top out (toilets, kitchen sink, fixtures), and replace that broken bedroom window. There are also some kind of HVAC preparations that need to be done so they can test the duct system on Thursday. I really have no idea what any of that is, though. Oh and of course the electrical and driveway inspections. If the driveway passes (this time - assholes) I don't know when they will pour. I guess it should probably be the next day or so, because I think they're supposed to start on the yard Wednesday. Not sure, though. I'm thinking that we'll go over and check it out after TH gets off tomorrow night, when everybody should be gone.

So after we left the house we went by Whataburger for TK and Panda Express for TH and I. Kung Pao Chicken and Beijing Beef, nom nom nom. Got home and unloaded the vacuum cleaner and some of the Walmart stuff and took it all upstairs. After we ate we showed TH all of the bathroom stuff that we bought. He just kinda laughed at me, lol. He put the vacuum together and tried it out in our room. Just doing that little section of carpet it sucked up a ridiculous amount of crap! I...kinda can't wait to vacuum now :-) I figure we can keep it upstairs and use it until we move out. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a little bit playing Black Ops 2, then we went to bed.

I slept kinda late today, but I didn't really sleep very well. I ended up sleeping on the floor at mom's house because her couch is unbelievably uncomfortable, so my back hurts. Also, they were there and again, they are not quiet people. I gave up and got up when the daughter and one of her friends came over. They fucking tromped all over the house. Then they took the dogs out in the back yard and got them all hyped up and barking, which made those 2 little fuckers behind us bark. And of course when everyone had gone inside they didn't stop >:-( I also had 2 quizzes and a homework assignment for Economics that I forgot about, due at midnight, so I did those. I did not do well on the quizzes at all :-/ Played a few games of Black Ops zombies with TK until TH got home, then hung out with him until it was time to come to work. Yay.

So it was a long-ass weekend. I feel like I need a weekend to recover from the weekend, lol. I also forgot about a Government discussion board that was due Saturday night, so it didn't get done. And, I have an Economics test Tuesday, my first Psychology test Wednesday, and my first Government test Friday. I haven't started any of the readings. I kinda think, maybe, that I'm fucked :-/ pictures! Plus a purty one of the river as we drove over it were sitting in traffic over it Friday afternoon going to my mom's house.

Tile backsplash in the kitchen. No grout yet, but it should be a dark grey.

Best shot that we have of the laminate floor that is in the kitchen, dining room, laundry room, and bathrooms. They covered it up with paper while they're still working so it doesn't get all fucked up.

Carpet!!! Awesome, soft, squishy carpet! The camera flash makes it look really shiny but it's a medium-darkish grey. It's called Winter Storm :-)

Purty :-) There is a nice little trail system along there that we used to go to but we haven't in a while. Actually, we haven't done much of anything in a while :-/

Song: Sublime - Caress Me Down. This one's kinda dirty, if you really think about it. If nothing else ever comes from my 3 semesters of college Spanish, at least I can understand this song :-)

Best thing: Carpet!!!!!!!!!

Worst thing: Tired. The weekend didn't really feel like a weekend :-/


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