Thursday, March 21, 2013

March 21

And in a complete 180 from yesterday, I'm excited tonight! I swear I'm not bipolar or anything, no matter what TH says. It is amazing how much difference a decent amount of sleep makes. That, and some good news! All of the final inspections, including the final building inspection, have passed!!! TH talked to the foreman today and he said that the gas company will be out next Tuesday to install the meter, and we have an appointment Wednesday morning at 8 to do the walkthrough with the builder and the lady from the city. If we don't find anything on the walkthrough that needs to be fixed, we should be able to get the keys Wednesday! Since TH is off on Wednesday and Thursday we could go ahead and start moving then. WE SHOULD BE HOME BY NEXT WEEKEND!!!!!!! Ahem. Sorry :-)

That actually works out really well because I'll be off next Tuesday night, since I'm working for the other guy this Friday night. So I won't be all tired or anything that morning and I'll only need a nap before I go to work Wednesday night. If we can get most of the really big heavy stuff moved Wednesday and early Thursday then TH can move little stuff after I have to go to bed Thursday. And if we start off with the beds then we can sleep there Wednesday even if everything isn't quite moved. TK is out of school that Friday (Good Friday) so he can help then. And then we'll have our first weekend in the house, yay! I figure that by the time we take our days off we should have almost everything unpacked and organized so we can pretty much just chill at home with the kitties for 4 days. Well, TK still has to go to school, but still. It's gonna be freaking awesome!!

I am still tired tonight, but not nearly as bad as yesterday. I went home and hung out for a while, but I think I was in bed by like 10. I woke up around 6:00 and talked to TH for a little bit, then played a little Black Ops 2 with TK. We played a few online matches and I got absolutely roflstomped in one of them. The other one though, I had a +2 k/d. 14 kills and 7 deaths. That like never fucking happens! It was awesome. TK was tired of playing so I played one game of Nuketown zombies by myself. The highest I had ever gotten alone was round 6, but I kicked fucking ass tonight. I made it to round 14 (with no downs) before I had to stop and get ready for work. I had kinda shitty weapons, too - the mystery box was being a bitch >:-( It did help that they dropped Juggernog and Double Tap kinda early. I wubs perks :-)

I want to go home in the morning and play but I can't stay up too late - I have to get up to go get TK and then go to work tomorrow night. I did find out that they are going out of town, so yay! We'll do movie night Saturday. I bought beer the other day when we stopped to look at measuring cups and TH can stop to pick up easy pizza on his way home. I figure we'll go by and check on the kitties after school tomorrow but then I don't plan on leaving the house at all Saturday. We need to get the last of the kinda packed up stuff in TK's room condensed and packed but I don't know if I want to mess with that this weekend or not. I may do it Tuesday during the day since I'll be home. That and get most of the other stuff packed up. And clean. We need to clean :-/

TH went by to check on the kitties and while he was there he spray painted the hose hanger thingies with that aqua spray paint that we bought yesterday. Turns out that the paint itself is darker and more blue than the color on the lid :-/ Now we're kinda thinking about going back and getting the lighter purple to see if it would match better. Dunno. The restaurant supply place called and said that our chairs and barstools came in today so TH is going to go pick them up tomorrow and take them to storage. They're early - they weren't supposed to be in until next Wednesday!

I...don't know what else. I need to do an Economics homework and quiz and a Government discussion board, either tonight or tomorrow night. Probably tonight, just to get it over with.

No house pictures, or anything really tonight. Yay? Eh.

Song: ItsAllMinecraft - (Minecraft) I'll Make Some Cake. It's a parody of Glad You Came, by The Wanted. I love the little Minecraft critters hopping around in the video :-)

Best thing: Inspections all passed!!

Worst thing: Cramps :-/


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