Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 5

About 3:00 this morning the windy cold front that they had been talking about hit. The wind kicked up like crazy and the temperature dropped from 66 down to 52 in like 20 minutes. It was kinda nuts. I got blown all over the road on my way home, but it had pretty much died down by the time I got up to go pick up TK. It's still nice and cool, though. Supposed to be like 31 in the morning. I'm going to take TK to school and then go take my Psychology test. TH says he's glad I picked tomorrow to do it so he doesn't have to get out. He is not a fan of cold weather!

I stayed up later than I really should have so when I got back from picking up TK I took my Economics test and then took an urkanap. Well, tried to take an urkanap. It didn't end up being a very good one but at least it was a little bit more sleep. I made an 82 on my test, yay! And with the 20 extra credit points for taking it on time it comes out to an 87. Open book, take-at-home tests FTW!!! The Psychology test tomorrow and the Government test Friday, on the other hand - I'm fucked. I haven't even read the material. I've tried a few times but I just can't pay attention long enough to actually absorb anything. I'm actually kinda thinking about taking the Government test tomorrow too, just to get it out of the way. That way I won't have to go back Friday. And, it's not like the extra 2 days is going to make any difference as far as my grade goes :-/

So we drove by the house after school but didn't stop because there were a shit ton of people there. We couldn't even get a decent picture because there were people everywhere and there was nowhere to pull over! There were 2 white vans backed up in the yard, and I know at least one of them was the painters because they had painted the front door and there was a guy out there removing some of the tape that they had put around the door frame. It's dark purple now!!! I assume that they also painted the back door, repainted the water heater closet door, and touched up anything that needed to be done inside. I don't know if the other van was also the painters, or somebody else. I know the floor guys were coming back to redo the entryway in laminate but I couldn't tell if that had been done or not. The builder's big delivery truck was there and they were unloading the new interior doors to replace the ones that are warped. They had the window to the gameroom open handing them through there, lol.

They also installed the yard line for the gas! They don't have the meter on there yet, but once they do that it will be totally hooked up. The water is already completely hooked up - the construction guys have been using a water hose on the side of the house for several weeks now. The electrical conduit inspection had passed already, and hopefully they have already fixed whatever it was that the inspector didn't like about the hookup because the reinspection is scheduled for tomorrow. If it passes they can hook up the electrical and do the duct test to make sure the HVAC system is sealed up tight. Still haven't heard anything about the driveway. Tomorrow the schedule calls for installing the flower beds and bushes (heh - shrubbery), but waiting until Thursday to do the grass. If they can do the driveway tomorrow they could probably still do the flower beds. Seems like they wouldn't do the grass though until after the driveway is poured. But, I'm not the builder dude here so I have no idea how it works.

Thinking about going to Target after I take my test in the morning to look at the dishes that TH found. Kinda look around at other stuff, too. I really wish we had a little more money to work with right now. Replacing pretty much everything is fucking ass expensive :-/ We still need to see how much it's going to cost to fix the back fence, where they took it down to tear down the house. The back and sides are still ok, but we need to replace the section that comes across to the house. I'm hoping it won't be too much since it is just chain link. I had really hoped that we would be able to put the swimming pool back up, but I'm not sure if that's going to be possible. We're supposed to get vacation checks in April and May, so maybe? I wanna swim this summer, dammit! Fuck the financial aid shit for TH not being eligible this semester, and fuck TH's sister and her bankruptcy shit that cost us so much money >:-(

We did change our time off requests, from March 20-23 to March 27-30. I didn't realize that will make it fall on the weekend of Easter, but since we're not asking for that Sunday off hopefully it won't be a big deal. I've invited my boss and his family to come over whichever weekend we're off, since TH works every other weekend. I like my boss :-)

So, no house pictures today. If we get out and mess around tomorrow we'll probably go by there. Hopefully we can sneak in and look around. I still haven't seen the carpet or the grout in the daylight, lol. So how about a few of the pictures that I'm thinking about enlarging to hang on the walls in different places?

Nuketown Zombies, from Black Ops 2! Probably in the game room. TK kinda wants it too though, so we'll see. Why not both, lol.

Ok, this one is just cooler than fuck. I forget exactly where I found it, but it's supposed to be a wallpaper. I likes :-)

This one is just crazy enough to be completely awesome. Baconship Kitty...in space!!!

Song: The Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet With Butterfly Wings. TIL the real name of this song. I also learned that typing "rat in a cage" on YouTube pulls it up, so I can't be the only one, lol.

Best thing: I did better on my Economics test than i thought I would.

Worst thing: Realized that I could not possibly give less of a fuck about school than I do right now, and that's really not good :-/

Yep yep yep.

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