Thursday, March 7, 2013

March 7

Soooo tired tonight :-/ I went to bed way too late again. And for some reason here at work it is busier than fuck, so I don't know wtf is going on. Next week is spring break so I know it's going to be bad then, too. These damn kids are in and out all night long when they're out of school. I just don't see letting your kids stay out all night like that. That's the thing here though - these kids have access to too much money and not enough supervision. Most of them are nice enough, and some of them actually have jobs and stuff, but some of them are just spoiled little assholes. Just like their parents. That's one benefit of working at night, though - I don't actually have to deal with that many people. I worked Saturday and Sunday mornings for a while, and holy shit did it suck. It was way too busy and I just can't fart sunshine and rainbows for that long at a time.

Although, I did do something nice this morning! On my way home I had just pulled out onto the highway when I passed a pickup on the side of the road with its hazards on. Just a little ways down there was a person walking. It was pretty fucking cold this morning and the closest gas station is like 2 miles from where the truck was, and on the other side of this big-ass highway. So I pulled over and waited for them to catch up. I turned on my dome light and rolled down the passenger window when he got close and said, "If you promise not to beat me up and steal my car, haha, I can give you a ride down to the corner." So luckily he was just a regular non-serial killer type dude. He had run out of gas, so he bought a gas can and some gas at the little station and I gave him a ride back to his car :-) When we got back there was a Sheriff pulled up behind his truck and I noticed that it was one of the guys who comes through to patrol the neighborhood here at work sometimes. I waved at him but I don't know if he recognized me. It would've been kinda cool if it was one of the guys I see all of the time, lol.

So, we took TK to school this morning and then went to Target. I like the dishes! They had the individual pieces but not a whole set, the bastards. We did get them to check another store and one close by had them, at least. We found a set of utensils that are nice and sturdy but all they had was the slotted spoon and the slotted turner. We bought 2 of each. We also got another nice stainless steel food bowl for the cats. We have one right now that we're using for water but we've just been putting food in a plastic bowl. Oh, and we found this little wrought iron key hanger thingie to put by the door. It's got a kitty on top and says "cat lover", and 3 hooks on the bottom. It's so cute!

Went by the house and as we were going into the neighborhood there was a utility company work truck leaving. TH says, "How much do you wanna bet that we have power now?" Well, we have power now! They came and hooked it up! It wasn't turned on at the house, because the electrician hadn't been there yet. Apparently the electrician has to be the one to actually flip the main breaker, in case something is fucked up or whatever. They had the little bobcat running around leveling the yard out. They said they decided to wait on the flowerbeds and do them when they do the grass tomorrow. Makes sense. The tile guy was there doing a little touchup work on the grout. And now that I have finally seen it in the daylight, yep it's just as black as can be, lol. It looks freaking awesome :-) They were going to hang the new doors a little later today, and the laminate guys were supposed to be back to do the entry.

TH and TK went back after school and the electrician had been there, so the house had power!
Apparently they then proceeded to run around like derps turning the lights and fans on and off, lol. TH said TK was particularly fascinated with the 3 way switch in the hall :-) They even set the clock on the stove. The electrician took down the temporary power pole that was hanging back behind the shed, which is where they had been hiding the key. Now it's hidden somewhere on the house. Also, they changed out the deadbolts on the doors (they installed temporary deadbolts during construction) so now it's the real key! The interior doors were hung but the entry wasn't done yet. That won't take very long though so maybe they're coming in tomorrow.

The foreman's helper dude said that they plan on cleaning the house Saturday, and if they can get that broken window in the gameroom replaced by Monday they'll run the duct test Monday. They had ordered a new window but the wrong one got shipped. Dumbasses, lol. If I understand how he explained the duct test, what they do is seal everything up and use a fan to force air into the vents, then measure around them to see how much air escapes. If it's less than 10% (I think) then everything's sealed up enough. The final electrical inspection is scheduled for Monday, too. I'm not sure about any of the others. I'm thinking that if they can do the test Monday (hopefully!!) TK and I will go over there Monday afternoon and let the kitties out!! Then they can do their inspections, and we still need to schedule the walkthrough with the builder and the lady from the city to make sure there's nothing that needs to be fixed before we sign off on the work. Hopefully all of the inspections pass, and the walkthrough can be done early next week!

The lady in charge of the loan program emailed us today and said that we need to go ahead and get the insurance. One of the conditions of the loan was that we have a year of homeowner's insurance prepaid before we can get the keys to the house. We were afraid it was going to be really expensive but it turns out that it's like $700 per year. So we'll probably go set that up tomorrow or Monday, then take a copy of it to her to get the final paperwork started. We were thinking that we still had to have one more meeting with her and the title company before we could get the keys to the house, but the way that her email was worded makes us wonder if maybe we don't? I know there is one more meeting to approve the final loan amount and all that, because there is a variable amount (up to $3000) built into the loan for moving and housing costs, and whatever you don't use gets taken off. So it seems like they couldn't figure that until after you turned in your expense receipts for reimbursement, which you couldn't do until after you had moved back in, which you couldn't do unless you already had the house. Does...that even make sense? So maybe that meeting can happen later? That would be awesome. I'm thinking that if everything lines up just right, we might be able to start moving in later next week!

So TH and I were at the house for a while this morning, and then he dropped me off at home and went to the Target that said it had a whole set of the dishes. It's a 16 piece set, and we had been trying to decide whether we should get one set or two. Maybe if we had bought the Walmart plates we would have bought two sets, because they were like $40 a set. The Target set was $70! They are really nice dishes, though. It would be kinda nice to have extra, but I figure if we have people come over we can just use paper plates, lol. And too, we'll probably really only use the plates for when we cook. If we make sandwiches or something we usually just use a paper towel on a plate holder. We do have plenty of cups, though. Purty cups. So he bought a set of the dishes, but couldn't find any of the utensils that the other Target had. Turns out they're on clearance. Figures >:-( He also bought a microwave. Not the one that we were looking at, but the same brand and it has similar features. It was like $35 cheaper than the other one, and it's black. Black will fit better in the kitchen, because the coffee pot and mixer are black. The other one was stainless steel. So yay, dishes and a microwave! He's already taken those over to storage.

We had thought about cooking tonight but then I stayed up late and planned on sleeping til 8:30 so TH and TK stopped and got chicken for dinner. I stopped and got Taco Cabana nachos, not remembering that we had talked about making nachos for movie night tomorrow, lol. Oh well. I say I planned on sleeping late because I got woken up at like 7:30 by their loud daughter and her loud friend from the other day. And, they had brought either her dogs or the friend's dogs over (wtf for I don't know) and had them out in the garage, so their dogs were in the house (one was upstairs) going ape-fucking-shit because there were strange dogs there. I just...holy fuckballs but I am so ready to move :-/

I can't really think of what else? I'm going to go by the house in the morning to feed and water the kitties, because if it's all rainy nasty Saturday and Sunday I don't want to be tromping around on new grass. I may stop and get some donuts to leave in the house for the builder dudes :-) Then go home and play some video games and take a nap, yeehaw.

I just saw a big-ass raccoon! I'm sitting here and out of the corner of my eye I saw what looked like a striped tail run past the the door on the exit side, where I park my car. I went and looked out but didn't see anything. Then a car came in, so I went out the other side and did the whole smile and wave thing and looked around the back of the building and he was just sitting there in the flower bed. We both kinda said "holy shit" and he took off, lol.

House pictures! I kinda can't believe that I only took a few this morning. I got distracted talking to the foreman's helper dude. TH took a few when he went back, though. Yay!

Driveway and sidewalk! And purple front door!

Kitchen sink (again). But finally, a good picture of the grout!

Power is on inside the house! See if you can figure out what time TH and TK were there :-)

Song: TeamHeadKick - It's All About Reach (Halo Reach). I love this one :-) Now I wanna play Reach. Hmmm, I may do that tomorrow!

Best thing: Helped out a stranded motorist. He wasn't a serial killer or rapist!

Worst thing: Tired - Damn loud fucking people >:-(


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