Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 13

So, I have calmed down considerably since yesterday. Thankfully. I'm kinda half tempted to go back and count the number of fucks in last night's post but I'm not really sure I want to know, lol. Went home this morning and hung out with TH for a little bit, then went to bed. Got up at some point, I forget when, and messed around with them some more then took a quick nap. So I accomplish just about diddly fucking squat today. Oh well. I'm tired tonight though - had more weird-ass dreams. I hate it when that happens.

TH and TK got out today and ran around a little bit. They went by the house and the AC guy was there. Basically all that he did was take the ceiling air vents off, add a layer of silicone, and put them back on. They were rerunning the duct test when TH and TK got there. It passed!! Yeefuckinghaw! :-) It turns out that what the foreman's helper dude was describing as the duct test is actually something totally different. I think that is what they do if they are testing the whole house for leaks, or something. All the actual duct test involved was closing all of the ceiling air vents and blowing air into the return air vent (in the bottom of the AC closet), and then measuring the area around the ceiling vents for air leakage. So that's done now. They fed and watered the kitties and played with them. TH said when they got there everybody but Naga was in the shed asleep, lol. So they did figure out how to get back in there. I guess that has become their safe place. It makes sense, I guess - it and the 2 trees are really the only familiar things left. :-/

We got an email from the foreman tonight. The electrician and the tile guy are supposed to be there tomorrow to start working on installing that stupid-ass plug in the kitchen. I'm still pissed about that, btw. I don't know how long it will take, but hopefully they'll be done by Friday? The vinyl flooring for the entryway is supposed to come in tomorrow. He said that they might have it installed Friday, but definitely by Monday. The window is set to be repaired Friday. Once they get all of that done they will schedule the final inspections. If everything is done by Friday, that could happen Monday! I don't know if the vinyl has to be done first to have the inspections done or not. Either way hopefully they'll get it done Friday. So if inspections happen (and pass) Monday (or Tuesday, I guess), and we could do the walkthrough the next day, OMG just a few more days!!

We're supposed to meet the builder lady at the house tomorrow morning to sign off on some more stuff. And play with the kitties! I kinda feel bad for not going to see them today :-/ After that I think we're going to go to the restaurant supply place and get the barstools and chairs. If they have them, that is. If they have to order them, they'll be in next Tuesday. If we go ahead and get both, we're thinking about cleaning up the nice patio table that we have and using it inside until we can build the table we want. TH kinda wants to see how much it would cost to have the guy that did the countertops do the tabletop. That way it would be all pretty, with the rounded edges like the ones in the kitchen. All that would be left then would be to attach the legs from Home Depot or whatever, and I'm pretty sure we can handle that part, lol. We're just not sure how much it will cost so we might have to wait a little while to do it.

I'm thinking that they are going out of town this weekend. They have this table down in the garage, and anytime they start piling stuff up on it to take to the other house it usually means they're going to go. Yay for our (hopefully) last weekend there!!

They released a Black Ops 2 update today, and among other things it made Nuketown 2025 free for everyone. Well, Xbox people, at least. Haha, figures right? We bought it off of Ebay for $15, I think it was. Oh well. We did install it on the other Xbox, so at least that's something. You can also buy the Nuketown zombies map for like $5. And, they released a series of camo/reticle/calling card packs that you can buy for something like $2. There are 10 or 12, I think. One of them is zombies - you have freaking zombie faces all over your gun! Another one, the one that TK really wants, is bacon. Freaking bacon. Your gun has a weave of bacon on it, lol. We...might end up getting a few of those :-)

So the dreams - I only really remember part of one of them. I was a passenger in a car with TH, TK, and my mom. TK was a little baby though, not quite big enough to stand up on his own. Probably almost a year old, I guess. He wasn't in a carseat, either - I was holding him and he was standing up in my lap. (Disclaimer: we always used a carseat when he was little) My dad was driving. Ok now this is how I know when the dreams are going to get really weird. There's some...bad history with my dad. Basically, we haven't seen him in almost 3 years, and actually don't even know if he's still alive or not :-/ So we're driving along, and it seems like he was headed to drop me and TH off at work. I recognized a few of the roads we were on, but then out of nowhere we're driving past what looks like the Grand Canyon, except it was almost like we were halfway down in it but still on the paved highway. I really don't know how to describe it. He's driving like a maniac, and we're all telling him to slow down because the roads are wet. And the roads were wet, because it was raining, wasn't raining. He screeches to a halt at the bottom of a hill and then we're not on the highway anymore, we're out in a field. He says "ya'll can drop your mother off at the house'" and we're looking at the clock thinking we don't have time to go all the way back to the house and still make it to work on time because we're almost at work already. He looks bad, like he's really sick or something, and he gets out of the car and starts walking away. I just get the feeling that he's going to wander off in the woods to die or something like that so I hand TK to TH and go to follow him but when I turn back around he's lying on the ground. Then out of nowhere this kid, teenager I guess, comes running up and falls on top of him yelling "I'm drunk, I'm so drunk." I run over to the two of them and try to drag the kid off of my dad but only manage to pull his pants off, because when I try to grab him he shrinks down to like 3 feet tall. So I decide I'm going to go for help and I start up this little embankment to the road that we were on, because it seemed like we should be just off the road. And I walk and walk, but don't find the road. Then I woke up. Yeah...

I...can't think of anything else. No house pictures today, boo. I guess really though, there aren't too many more house pictures to be taken! Oh nos!! Eh, maybe I'll have happy kitty pictures tomorrow :-)

Song: My Chemical Romance - Famous Last Words. Random shuffle for today. This one would have been perfect for yesterday, though. Especially the video - that's one angry little dude!

Best thing: Duct test passed.

Worst thing: Dreams :-/


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