Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 12

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Just, fuck. So it turns out that they did the duct test today, even though they haven't replaced the window yet, and it fucking failed. I have no idea why, but the HVAC guy is supposed to be in there tomorrow to figure out what went wrong and fix it. In other, even more awesome news, the electrical inspector has decided now that there needs to be a plug on the wall behind the kitchen sink. The same inspector who passed the electrical rough - you know, the part where they go in and look at everything BEFORE THE FUCKING SHEETROCK IS ON to make sure the plugs and light switches and shit are in the right place. I just...how can they even do that?? This means that they are going to have to go in and cut through the tile backsplash that is already up, and run the wiring through who the fuck knows where to add a plug behind the sink. Even though he was apparently just fine with there not being one there a month ago. Fucking piece of shit asshole. I am seriously so fucking pissed right now that I can't even see straight. So no, we are not getting into the house this week. Oh and they still have to replace the window and do all of the final inspections. So now we're thinking that we'll be doing good to be in by next weekend. And of course, that's the weekend that I'm working an extra day. Fucking shit.

My boss did show up an hour early this morning, so I got off at 5:00. It was just weird driving home that early with no traffic or anything. I pretty much went straight to bed when I got home and got up around 2:00. Messed around a little, played some Black Ops 2 with TK, then when TH got off work we met him at the house and let the kitties go!! They were so cute but so pitiful! TH had taken one of those screens off the window so we just opened it from the outside and called them to come out. They were all hesitant at first, then they kinda started running around acting crazy. I think at first they weren't sure if we were going to grab them and stick them back in or something, because they wouldn't get too close. They got over it pretty quick, lol. I feel so bad for Moose, especially. He's always been a little bit of a fat cat but as long as he was outside running around he had trimmed down a bunch. He looks like a big sausage kitty now :-( Hopefully he'll run some of the extra weight off pretty quick. They were already out there climbing trees before we left!

I dunno. I am just so ready for this week to be over. I still have the rest of tonight and 2 more nights. I don't know if they are going out of town this weekend or not. Holy FSM I hope so, though. I feel like I could sleep for about a week and that might be about half as much as I need to start getting caught up. It's just mentally exhausting, too. We've already changed the days off that we requested once, and now that they have been approved we can't change them again. I just really don't want everything to dick around and not be ready, and us end up having to take the 4 days off just to sit at their house doing nothing because the house isn't finished yet. I WANT TO GO HOME!!!!

That's all I've got. I don't have a house picture. I tried to take a video of the kitties coming out of the shed but it didn't turn out very well. It didn't help that the fucking dog next door was barking its ass off the entire time, either. I'm gonna get really fucking tired of that dog really fucking quick. The kid that lives there, too. It's a mom and a teenager and the mom works nights. While we were there the backyard was full of fucking teenagers. Oh and bonus - she has an older daughter who is married and has 2 little kids. So there are loud little chidren over there sometimes, too. I can't wait to see what happens the first time they see the pool :-/ I liked the nice quiet lesbian couple who lived there before much better :-/

Song: Three Days Grace - Animal I Have Become. A pissed off song and a pissed off video for a pissed off day. So fucking there.

Best thing: Kitties are free!!!



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