Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18

It's Monday. I'm kinda telling myself it's Sunday though so that way it doesn't feel so weird to think that I still have 5 days left at work. Not sure if it's working or not, lol. Eh, I actually feel pretty good tonight. I went home and went straight to sleep then woke up about 3:00. Before the alarm went off, of course. So I probably got close to 8 hours of sleep. Feels kinda weird. I'd better watch out, I might get used to this!

So I picked up TK and we went to see the kitties. When we got there the floor guys hadn't been there yet but they showed up just as we were leaving. The kitties were so happy to see us! We fed and watered them and then they all followed us around to the front sidewalk and we sat and played with them for a while. Even Jim Bob was being all needy and lovey dovey. He has finally forgiven us! When we left we went by the dollar store where TH and I found the purple water hoses to see of they had another wand sprinkler thingie. They didn't :-( I did finally remember to buy some more scrunchies, though! I have had one decent scrunchie left for like a month now but I kept forgetting to buy more. Now I have 12 - nyahahahahaha!! Went home and played some Black Ops 2 zombies then made fish and curly fries for dinner. Now I'm at work. Yay.

TH went by the house on his way home to check out the entryway and make sure no kitties got locked in the house. They did it right, and it actually looks pretty good! I still think it might have looked better with the carpet going all the way to the door but I think the laminate is going to work better. No kitties in the house, either. He said they followed him around the whole time he was there and were so pathetic wanting to be petted. I think they miss us more now because we've been hanging out a lot more lately. Soon, little baby buttheads. Soon.

So the electrical final that happened today passed. Hooray, we're done with that asshole! We got an email from the foreman saying that the other inspections are scheduled for tomorrow. If all of those pass we would be put in line for a gas meter installation, however long that takes. Probably a day or 2. Then they run a final check on all of the appliances and we schedule the walkthrough! An hour and a half later, however, we got another email. The stupid fucking driveway inspector didn't file his stupid fucking paperwork on time so he can't be scheduled until Wednesday, effectively pushing everything back another stupid fucking day. Son of a fucking bitch!!!! I am seriously going to fucking lose it if all of this fucking little piddly shit keeps happening and slowing shit down! As it is we're already getting nervous about shit being done by next Wednesday, when our days off start. I seriously just wanna fucking scream!!!

I...don't know what else. It was fucking hot today. though. I think they said we hit 90 today, breaking the record of 88 in 2011. I'm thinking it's not looking good for a mild summer :-/ I really really hope we can get the pool put back up!

My brother texted me earlier. Seems like our mom's phone is finally dying so we need to replace it. TH and I have her added on to our plan though so we get to mess with finding her a new phone. She's awfully fucking picky. It's hard to find a phone now that's not a smartphone and doesn't require a monthly data plan, too. This should be fun :-/

Ok so a house picture. The entryway, yay! And some more kitties, cause, why not? :-)

So purty. Although now I wonder why they didn't stop the carpet at the living room edge of the half walls?

TK (ok, his feet) and 4 of the 5 "permanent" kitties. Counterclockwise from the top left: Jim Bob, Moose, Hiccup, and Snipe. They missed their boy :-)

Naga was just out of the shot, rolling around in the grass. So dignified and ladylike, lol.

Jim Bob, because AWWWWWWW! (That's not like, pee or anything, BTW. Moose spilled my drink. Butthead :-P)

Song: Otis Redding - (Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay. A roomate that I had for a while in my first apartment used to listen to this song all the time. I heard it again a few years ago and thought, wow I'm getting old!

Best thing: Not tired tonight!

Worst thing: Fucking ass driveway inspector dude >:-(

Okey dokeys then.

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