Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10

Yeah yeah yeah, weekend blah blah blah. I'll work on it, I promise. So Friday I got off work, went by Randall's to pick up a few things, and went by the house to check on the kitties. I was going to buy some donuts for the construction guys but they were almost $5 a dozen! They had 50 count trays of cookies on sale for $5 though so I got one of those. I left it on the counter at the house with a nice little note. Stopped at HEB to get a few more things and got home just as it was time to take TK to school so I just went ahead and took him. Went back home and hung out for a little bit, and played some Halo Reach firefight with TH. He likes playing local firefight, not online, so you can set it to where you are invulnerable and have unlimited ammo :-) Took a little bit of a nap and TH went to work.

Picked up TK and we drove past the house to check it out. We have grass! And shrubberies!! The shrubberies are small, kinda really small, and there's not as much grass as we thought there would be, but that's ok. The grass covers pretty much all of the front yard but only goes a little ways down the side, and we thought it was supposed to go all the way down the side and a little ways out in the back. On the bright side though, this means that we don't have to move any grass to be able to build the patio off the back door. Yay! They also decided not to do the flowerbeds the way that we were thinking, one in front of each window, because the way that the roof line comes down when it rains it would wash the mulch away. So they did a small one in front of the dining room window and one right in front of the porch. They also mulched a circle around the tree in the front yard, which we weren't expecting!

Went home and played a little Halo 4 Spartan Ops until TH got home. We had thought about doing nachos for movie night but we decided on Pizza Hut, so he stopped and got that and a movie on his way home. We watched the 2nd half of the last Twilight movie. It was pretty good. I don't really get the whole hype over the movies, but for $1 it wasn't bad. Hung out with TH a little bit more then went to bed.

Saturday TK and I loaded up most of the boxes that we had packed already and took them over to the storage place. My little car holds a lot more than I thought it would! We still have a little bit more stuff that needs to be packed up, plus the stuff that we're still using, but I'm kinda thinking that it shouldn't be more than another carload or 2. There is also a chair out in the garage that I'm not sure if we're going to keep or not, our nice patio set and bikes out in the back yard, and the lawnmower and weedeater out in the shed. That stuff is probably all that we wouldn't be able to move until we rented a truck. They have a couch, a couple of beds, and I think maybe a nightstand or two at a storage place at their shop that we will need to go get. That's probably priority, I guess. Once we have the beds and the fridge (and our clothes, lol) we could move in, even if it took a day or two to get the rest of the stuff out of storage.

It rained off and on all day Saturday. They were supposed to be at the house cleaning but we didn't go by there. Went home and played some Black Ops 2 til TH got home, and then made nachos for dinner. He only stayed up for a little while after that. Sunday morning was Daylight Savings Time (Spring Forward, bitches!) so he got screwed out of an hour of sleep :-/ He went to bed so I stayed up and played a little more with TK. We even did a little Halo 4 and Halo Reach firefight. Went to bed late and really didn't sleep very well. It rained all night, and stormed off and on. I think that was part of it. I have a hard time sleeping when there are storms.

Story time! When I was 3 or 4 (I forget exactly) my mom and dad and I were in a tornado. We were living in this little town that still had the tornado sirens. My older brother was off on a school trip and we were supposed to meet the bus at the school to pick him up sometime in the afternoon. It had been storming off and on all day, and I think there had already been a few tornadoes in the area that day. So my mom and dad decided that we should go ahead and go to the school, before the weather got worse. We drove to the school, and the bus wasn't there yet. So we're sitting outside in the car waiting, and it starts raining harder and hailing, and the tornado sirens start going off. The school building was locked, so the only thing we could do was lay down in a ditch by the road. That was the scariest fucking thing that you can imagine. We made it out ok, just scratches and bruises and stuff, but yeah - that fucked me up for a long time. I still get nervous when there are storms.

Ok so then today I slept off and on for a while, got up for a little bit and messed around, then went back to bed when they got home. Woke up after TH got home. He had gone by the house to check it out but just kinda looked through the windows because the ground was too muddy to go get the key and go in. They had been there and cleaned, because they installed the widow screens. They were waiting to do those until it was clean. He said it still didn't look like they had done the entryway, though, so I don't know what's going on there. They still haven't replaced the broken window, but I don't know what that means for the duct test tomorrow. I thought that the foreman's helper dude said they couldn't do the test until the window was replaced, but then I also thought he said that they seal up the windows and doors for the test, so it seems like it wouldn't really matter. He also said that they still have the test schedule for tomorrow, and it seems like they wouldn't schedule it if they weren't sure they could do it. I dunno - guess we'll find out tomorrow. We're still waiting for inspections, too. I think the electrical has partially passed, at least the part that he could check out on Friday. They still need to call in the driveway and all of the finals. So close!! I'm thinking about going by in the morning on my way home to check on the kitties, then if they do the test tomorrow TK and I can go back in the afternoon to let them out. Fingers crossed!

TH is going to get the insurance before he goes to work tomorrow. If it all works out just right and they can get stuff finished to where we can get a truck on Thursday, next Sunday night I could be sitting here talking about how I didn't write anything Friday or Saturday (again) because I was too busy at my house!! With my kitties!! :-)

Sooo, house pictures - grass and shrubbery!! And my car full of stuffs, just for the hell of it.

The cutest little shrubberies in the world! I didn't expect anything with flowers on it. I'm not sure what they are - I need to look them up.

It looks like a house! With a yard! The grass doesn't go very far back, but we'll probably add some more once we can afford to.

Boxes and boxes. I wubs my little car :-)

Song: 3 Doors down - Kryptonite. Lyrics only video. Trust me, you're welcome. I usually try to link to the actual video when I can, but I had never seen this one before. I can get past the old creepy dude in his underwear, but the big-ass cockroach crawling across the table? Fuck cockroaches and everything about them. And this is from the girl who found a tarantula at work and took it home ಠ_ಠ

Best thing: We want...a shrubbery!! :-)

Worst thing: Shoulder hurts. probably from moving shit Saturday.


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