Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4

It was fucking hot today! I think they said it hit 89. That's just wrong >:-( Then tomorrow I think it's supposed to be windy and cold. Fucking ridiculous. So this morning was the usual - went home, stayed up later than I should have hanging out with TH then went to bed. Picked up TK then went home and vacuumed the living room, kitchen, and hallway, and packed up all of the new bathroom stuff that we bought this weekend. Played a little Black Ops 2 with TK then TH picked me up after he got off work and we went to look at the house.

He had gone by on his way to work to feed and water the kitties (and see what was going on) and they were delivering the appliances! The foreman's helper dude was there, and they got to looking at the little entryway area in the living room by the front door. We were under the impression that it was supposed to be laminate, but they brought the carpet all the way to the door. We were just going to let it go but it turns out that when you open the door it drags horribly on the carpet, so eventually it would fuck up either the carpet or the bottom of the door. So they're going to cut the carpet out and put in laminate, where the door swings. You know, the way it was originally supposed to be. Dumbasses. The driveway inspection finally passed, at least, but part of the underground electrical had something that the inspector didn't like so it needs to be fixed before they can hook it all up. Grrrrrrrr.

They had also apparently put the AC vent in the bathroom directly over the tub, which is not good because all of that moisture would get sucked straight up into the air vents. So they had to cut a new vent hole and patch the other one. I guess they just moved the duct over a little bit? Dunno. Some of the interior doors were sticking a little bit and it turns out that they're warped, so they will get swapped for new ones. They still haven't replaced the broken window because they couldn't find it in the warehouse, lol. Tomorrow I guess they'll work on fixing all of that stuff, and I think the painters are supposed to come in to do the touchup work. Not sure when the driveway is going to be poured yet.

But but but...we have appliances! And toilets, and faucets, and a kitchen sink! Yay!!!! I didn't go look at the water heater, but TH said it's bigger than our old one. It's a 50 gallon and the other was 40. Doesn't seem like that big of a difference to me, but apparently it is. The stove and dishwasher are both solid white, which is good I guess because the fridge that we have is white. The stove is gas, and it has the nice little sealed burners and heavy duty grates. The dishwasher is, basically, just a dishwasher I guess. But they're both all shiny and new!! The kitchen sink is stainless steel, and deep. It's a double bowl sink with a garbage disposal on one side. The toilets are toilets, lol. The bathroom faucets are tall, which is nice. I still couldn't get a good idea of the grout color, but TH said that in the daylight it is definitely black. It all looks so awesome together!

We're thinking about changing the days that we requested off :-/ We were thinking take off (total) March 20-23, because if they were going to be finished around the 9th or so that would give us time to have the meetings and get the utilities hooked up and everything. Now we're not sure, though. If we wait until March 27-30 that will give everything another week to get done, and if we're ready before then we can just go ahead and move a little at a time. Dunno. I don't want to waste the time off and not be either moving or already moved in.

I...don't know what else. I'm tired tonight, and I really need to study. Stupid Economics test tomorrow and Psychology test Wednesday, grrrrrrrr. So, house pictures!!

Kitchen sink. I'm not crazy about single-handed faucets, but it's cool. I like the sprayer, too!

Stove. Kinda just a basic model, I guess, but I still like it. Our other one was so old this is like something from the future , lol. The sealed burners are a nice thing to have.

Dishwasher! Again, kinda basic, but I don't freaking care! We didn't have a dishwasher before. They have one, and I have become quite the little dishwasher expert, lol. Some stuff it's still easier to wash by hand, though.

Not exactly new but a much better shot of the laminate. A little of the carpet too, I guess. And TH's foot, lol. This is the laundry room (in the hall).

Song: Rhett Akins - That Ain't my Truck. Random shuffle.How about another country one?

Best thing: So for most of the way out of the neighborhood where I work, the speed limit is 45. There is this one stretch in front of a school, right after you go through a traffic light, where it drops down to 35. Fucking nobody ever slows down for it, and if it looks like I'm going to catch the light and be in front of a bunch of people I'll cut over and go out the back way because I don't like people running up my ass when I do slow down for it. Because every now and then there will be a cop sitting there. So this morning there wasn't too much traffic so I went that way, and there was this douchebag in a BMW behind me that got all pissed because I slowed down so he swerved to get around me and sped off. Well, thank FSM there was a cop there this morning. He got pulled over. And I smiled all the way home :-)
TL;DR - Karma bites an asshat driver.

Worst thing: Delays >:-(

Okey Dokeys.

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