Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19

Tuesday. Woohoo. It has been trying to start storming since I got to work almost 2 hours ago. All day they have been talking about severe thunderstorms and hail chances and all kinds of stuff for this evening but so far there hasn't been much of anything. The lightning and thunder are getting closer and we've had a few little sprinkles but that's pretty much it. TK texted me a little while ago and said that it's raining and storming at home. I'll bet the kitties are in the shed right now! Some nice rain will be good for the grass but hoping for no hail! At least if it does hail here at work my car is parked under an overhang so it should be ok.

I talked to my brother again today. He's going to take our mom to look for a phone. I looked around online last night and there are only a few models that don't require a data plan. The one she has right now isn't a smartphone but it has an onscreen QWERTY keyboard that she really likes. The only ones I could find all have a slide out keyboard, so I know she's not really going to be happy about that. Maybe if she looks at them she can find one she likes though. I guess they're just going to eventually make it to where you have to have a data plan to even have a cell phone at all, at least with AT&T. Right now she's added on to our plan so it's only $10 a month for her phone. I know with some of the other companies you can get talk, text, and web for something like $50 a month but she can't afford that. We kinda thought about looking into one of those companies for us but since TH and I still have the unlimited iPhone data plans that you can't even get anymore, I hate to switch companies and lose them. Plus we've been with AT&T for like 8 years and never had any problems, so there's that.

So I went home this morning and didn't get to bed until after TH had taken TK to school. No 8 hours for me today, sigh. Picked up TK and we went to see the kitties. Happy little kittybutts! They snuggled all over us :-) We went in the house and wandered around for a minute, just because. The entryway looks nice! We stopped at the HEB where TH and I had seen the measuring cups and they had one set left! I feel kinda bad buying them because they were pretty expensive ($10!) but the are really nice and heavy - stainless steel with rubber grips on the handles. The spoons were $4, I think. I was thinking about getting more than one set of each but I guess one is really all you need? I'll have to think about it I guess. Maybe one more set of spoons. Not sure I could justify another $10 for another set of the cups :-/ We found a tall set of salt and pepper shakers that are pretty. They're glass with stainless steel lids. We also picked up another set of those plastic paper plate holders. Those are nice to have. And, we bought another Burping Alligator!! So now TK has one, too. And we can sit there and make them burp at each other, lol. I also bought one for my boss's little granddaughter. When I got mine I took it to work to show everybody and he said he would have to look for one because she would just love it.

Went home and just kinda hung out until TH got home, then hung out with him until it was time to come to work. That's about it. Tomorrow I think we're going to drop TK off and school and go to Home Depot to look at cabinet pulls and get a few things that we need. Basically just fart around a little bit. It should be fun. Go see the kitties too, of course. Thursday though I kinda want to go home and play Black Ops 2 allllll by myself :-)

So the plumbing, HVAC, and driveway final inspections are scheduled for tomorrow. Assuming all of those pass they still have to close out the building permit and issue the Certificate of Occupancy. If I understand correctly they don't actually have to come do anything else, just sign something, basically. That would be nice, lol. Then we get scheduled for the gas meter to be installed. TH said that the foreman's helper dude said it takes between 1-3 business days, but that a lot of times it's the next day. Then the walkthrough, then HOUSE!!!!! Assuming everything passes tomorrow, of course :-/ Hope hope hope hope hope!!

Oh. I almost got squished on the way to pick up TK. I was coming up to an intersection where I was going to turn right, and the light was green. I always look to make sure there's nobody coming from the opposite direction in the turn lane that is going to try and turn at the same time and beat me or whatever. Nobody there, so I start to turn. All of a sudden some jackass in a Jeep in the FAR RIGHT LANE turns left in front of everybody and almost hits me. And looked absolutely stunned that I flipped him off. Asshole >:-(

Haha. Then after I picked him up we were headed to the house and we got stuck behind his school bus, the one he is supposed to ride. We followed it into the neighborhood and it turns right at the first top sign then immediately stops and barfs up kids. We usually turn right to get to the house but you can go straight and come up the back way. So we went straight. Haha, fuck you bus! We turned on the back end of our street to head to the house, and there is a flipping short bus stopped at a house between us and our house. We're like, fucking really?!?! So we ended up having to stop for a school bus anyway, lol. Yeah - TK is not looking forward to having to ride the bus again when we get home. Man, I am though! Eh, at least his friends are on it.

No house pictures today. Actually not really anything, I guess. Just don't feel like messing with it. Dunno why.

Song: Nelly, Paul Wall, Ali, & Gipp - Grillz. Random shuffle, yay! Half naked girls in the video, BTW :-)

Best thing: Nice, shiiiiiiny measuring cups. Told TK watch, he can take them with him when he leaves home, lol.

Worst thing: Feel kinda eh, not sure why.


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