Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 7

Well, poop. So this weekend was just kinda eh. Got home Friday morning and TH had already left for work. TK was still asleep so I went to bed early. Got up around 1:30 and we went looking for a birthday present for TH. There's a certain Transformer dude that he wants and we haven't been able to find it yet. His birthday's not until the 20th though so we still have a few weeks. Got home and hung out for a while until TH got home at 4:30, messed around with him, ordered pizza for dinner, and watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break. He went on to bed and TK and I stayed up playing GTA V for a while. I didn't feel like going driving :-/

Saturday TH still had to work his regular 7am-7pm because they don't have anyone to cover it yet. I got up around 2:30 or so and headed out to drive, thinking it would be crazy busy again because of the football game. Well, there was a shit-ton of traffic but I only ended up with 2 rides in the first hour and a half. Traffic sucked, it was hot, and my head hurt so I just said fuck it and went home. Played with TK for a while, made some taco meat to go on nachos, then when TH got home we made nachos and watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break. I had planned on going back out later but it started storming so I didn't, lol. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up almost all night playing. Went to bed around 5:00 or so and slept pretty well.

Sunday I got up around 2:00 or so and hung out with TH for a while because he was off :-) We finished up Prison Break, yay! Now we need to find something new to watch. Ate a sandwich and took another quick nap, and now I'm at work. We had leftover taco meat so I didn't bother cooking.

My mom has her surgery tomorrow at 11:00 so I'm going to get off work in the morning and head up there. My brother is getting back into town late tonight so I think he's just going to meet us over at the hospital. I have no idea how long it's going to take :-/ I did get the night off tomorrow so if she needs someone to stay with her at home I'll be able to do it. Sigh. I'm hoping this all goes well but I'm just afraid it won't. Kinda afraid of what they're going to find out once they get in there, too. She said the doctor is already pretty sure it's cancer, but they don't know how advanced it is or how attached it is or anything. Fucking sigh...

So, yeah. That's pretty much it.

Noms for the weekend: Nope.

Song: One Republic - Counting Stars. Another one that TK has been playing lately.

Best thing: Nice rain Saturday night!

Worst thing: Tomorrow :-/


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