Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September 17

It's raining!!!! Well, it will be soon. Very soon. There are thunderstorms and shit all around and the lightning is getting closer. They're calling for some seriously heavy rain starting tonight through late Thursday or early Friday. Could get interesting, lol. Last night it ended up raining off and on most of the night and it stayed wet and squishy all day. I'll definitely take this over the super freaking hot shit anytime :-)

So when I got home this morning TK was asleep and TH was at work. I had talked to TH all the way home so I pretty much just stayed up for a while and chatted with him. Went to bed around 9:30 or so and woke up at 6:00. Hung out with TH and TK, scrounged something for dinner, watched an episode of Orange Is The New Black, and now I'm at work. Other than that, not much going on. I think if TK is awake when I get home in the morning we might go check a couple of Targets to see if we can find TH's present. Saturday is his birthday but he's going to have to work. He'll be off Sunday though so we're celebrating then. That gives us one more day to find a present and make the brownies!

Noms for the day: Eh. Better, but still not great. I didn't realize that I had bought regular chili instead of turkey chili until after I had opened it. Oops, lol.

Song: KONGOS - I'm Only Joking. A new one!

Best thing: My buddy who took the job down at the clubhouse came through last night with a cart full of frogs that he caught for me to play with!! Cause I love froggies :-)

Worst thing: Right before I left work this morning one of the stupid gates fucked up so I had to write an incident report and go out and fuck with it. Everything was all squishy and gross and I got muddy >:-(

Okey dokeys then.

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