Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 27

And it's Saturday night! Woohoo...yeah, no. So far though it's not as busy as it was last night so at least there's that. It's still overtime too. Apparently though it's been a really good driving weekend according to the guys on the FB page. And freaking Uber has been texting me all day going "get out and drive, it's super busy out there!!!" Fuckers.

So let's see. I got home this morning and everyone was asleep but TH woke up like 5 minutes after I got there. Sigh. So, I hung out with him for a while until TH and his buddy woke up and they got annoying so I went to bed, lol. TH mowed the yard and the fucking dogs barked all afternoon so I really didn't sleep very well again. Got up at 8:00, took a shower, and now I'm at work. Nobody cooked anything but I brought a can of soup with me. And that's pretty much it.

Noms for the day: Leftover pizza rolls and beer for breakfast, soup for dinner.

Song: 2Pac - Ambitionz Az A Ridah. Another one from GTA V.

Best thing: Saw another tarantula here at work. It's sitting on the wall outside but it's too high for me to reach. If it comes down later I think I'm gonna catch it :-)

Worst thing: No good sleep again :-/


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