Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 24

Holy crap I'm tired tonight. So I got off work this morning and went to eat breakfast with the guy who left to work for the club. I guess he really needs a name or something, huh? Let's call him R, lol. Ok so R and I met up after work and had breakfast tacos. Nom :-) Hung out for a while then went down to the church where the deputy's funeral was being held to see if any of our cop buddies were there. We talked to one of them who was on his way but never actually got a chance to see him. So basically we just hung out in the parking lot waiting for the funeral procession. They did a procession from the funeral home to the church that was supposed to start at 8:00, service started at 10:00, and then the procession back to the cemetery was going to start around noon or so. We watched the arrival procession, and yep I was right - it was fucking depressing :-( It was nice though, there were a ton of people there for the funeral and law enforcement officers from all over the state. Awesome show of respect for an awesome lady...

I think I finally left around 10:00 or so. The church is right up close to where I work so it took a little while to get home with all of the extra traffic. Plus I stopped to buy crackers and 7-up for TK because he was feeling pukey and gross. Got home and TK was awake but still feeling kinda crappy. Hung out with him for a little bit then went to bed around 2:00 or so. I slept until about 8:00. TH had fixed dinner for himself and TK because I still had the leftover breakfast for dinner that I forgot to take last night. So that worked. TK had been asleep again but was awake when I got up and he said he was actually feeling a little better! So hopefully it's not a serious sick or anything. And now I'm at work. Sigh. I'll find out for sure in the morning, but there's a pretty good chance that I might be working Friday and/or Saturday night here at work. Because since that last guy quit we have 40 hours that need to be filled. It could get...interesting, lol.

Oh, and tomorrow afternoon the city council is set to vote on whether or not to legalize Uber and Lyft! We might not be outlaws anymore, lol. I know the cab companies have been lobbying against it ($$$) but I'm kinda thinking that they almost have to vote in favor of it, especially since there's been so much discussion lately about keeping the streets safer and ways to reduce the number of DUI's. Doesn't hurt either that the chief of police and several city council members have spoken up saying that they're 100% for it. There's a rally at city hall beforehand and a bunch of Uber and Lyft drivers are going to be there. I kinda wanna go, because it seems like it would be good for me to get out and meet new people. But then on the other hand, I kinda don't wanna go because - get out and meet new people :-/ So I dunno...

Noms for the day: Not logged, but not bad!

Song: Dixie Chicks - Travelin' Soldier. Eh, you get the idea. It's a nice depressing song :-(

Best thing: TK feeling better!

Worst thing: Funeral :-(

Yep yep yep.

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