Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September 3

Kinda tired tonight, but not too bad. Got home this morning and everyone was still asleep. I kinda tried to wake them up but it didn't work so I just went on to get my brakes checked out. I waited there for a while while they looked at my car and figured out what it needed. Turns out that the front pads were really worn (which explains the noise, lol) but the rear was still ok so I had them replace the fronts and turn the rotors. They said it would take about an hour and a half so I called TH to come pick me up and we left it there. Went over to the high school that TK was supposed to be going to so we could withdraw him but apparently since he never attended any classes there the school district went ahead and withdrew him, showing that his middle school was the last school he attended. If that makes sense, lol. We still needed a copy of something saying that he had officially been withdrawn (for his new school) so we went over to his old middle school and got what we needed. Went back to Brake Check and ended up having to wait about another hour because they had ordered the wrong pads and had to send them back and get new ones. So that kinda sucked a little bit. The manager apologized profusely though and offered us a free oil change next time we come in, lol. Finally finished up there and went home, hung out for a little bit, went to bed around 1:30 or so, and got up at 7:00. We still had leftover chicken enchilada stuff for dinner so we didn't worry about cooking. Ate dinner and watched an episode of Prison Break with TH and now I'm at work.

TH supervised the schoolwork for today so TK is completely and totally caught up :-) Right now he has an A average in all of his classes which is awesome!! TH promised him $10 for every A he has at the end of the semester. So far so good, if he can keep it up!

Noms for the day: Uh-uh.

Song: Everlast - What It's Like. Random shuffle.

Best thing: New brakes!

Worst thing: Loooooong morning waiting for my car :-/


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