Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 10

Not much going on today. Got home this morning and TK was still awake so we played a little GTA V and went to bed around 9:30 or so. Got up just before TH got home around 4:00 and helped TK study for his Algebra test for a little while. TH got home and we made burgers for dinner then I took another quick nap. And now I'm at work. I got stuck in a construction zone on the way here and ended up sitting there for like 15 minutes, which kinda sucked. Still managed to make it here on time though. Yay, lol.

So, my mom got to go home today! She has a followup appointment Friday morning and then different appointments almost every day next week to check on all kinds of stuff. They want her to use oxygen all the time for now instead of just at night until they can see what's going on with her breathing and everything. She texted me earlier and it sounds like she's feeling much better. So that's awesome :-)

Oh, and this was gross, but kinda cool. So I guess someone ran over a rabbit at work yesterday and when I got there last night it was still laying out in the middle of the driveway. I was standing outside at one point and a coyote ran up and grabbed it and carried it off into the woods! Ewwww, but cool, lol.

Noms: Nope.

Song: Dirty Heads - My Sweet Summer. A new one.

Best thing: Mom went home!

Worst thing: Feeling kinda...gross tonight :-/ Really need to get back on the whole healthy eating thing.


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