Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 21

Holy fuck I'm tired tonight. One of the guys here at work called in sick this afternoon so I got here at 7:00 pm and I'm staying until 7:00 am. It has been busier than shit so far too. Plus I woke up early today and didn't have time for a nap. Sigh. I am totally ready to go. Only 6 1/2 hours left! Yay :-/

So Friday morning I stopped by Randall's on my way home because they had soup on sale. Got home and TK was awake so we went to HEB for a couple of things. Got home and played a little GTA V then took a nap until just after TH got home from work. He went to bed and I went out driving. I did really well! It was a nice busy night :-) Got home and hung out with TK for a while then went to bed.

Saturday TH had to work all day so TK and I slept kinda late, did some laundry and cleaning, made the brownies for TH's birthday, and played a little Pixelmon for the first time in like, forever. TH got home and we had chicken and fries, watched a few episodes of Orange Is The New Black, then he went to bed and I went driving for a while. It wasn't quite as busy so when I got a ride that took me back down close to our house I just called it quits. TK and I played a little GTA V then went to bed late.

Sunday TH was off so he got up early and just kinda hung out by himself for a while. I got up around 1:00 and TH and I went to Fry's to look at a new hard drive. They had 2 TB internal hard drives on sale for $69. Stopped by Big Lots and looked around at random stuff then headed home. TH decided that pizza sounded good for his birthday dinner so we picked up a couple of Dominos Pizzas on the way home. Ate a couple of slices of pizza, took a shower, and headed to work early. It was still hot and gross outside :-P

So about an hour after I got here one of the residents called and chewed me out because someone I had let in to visit the clubhouse was down in the neighborhood speeding and they almost hit someone. The cops were called and all of that shit so he was super pissed off. He's going to complain to the HOA and if anything like that ever happens again, he's going to "have me fired". Fucking asshole. God dammit I'm really starting to hate some of these fucking people out here. TH keeps telling me to just quit and do Uber and Lyft but I'm afraid I wouldn't make enough doing that because it fluctuates so much. I fucking wish I could though. So now I get to wait and see what's going to happen, even though like I told the guy - policy says that if someone is visiting we're supposed to get their names, log them in, and let them on through. We're not like, security security. We're just fucking gate attendants here to smile and wave at everyone. So fuck him and fuck it all >:-(

Noms for the weekend: I forget, but not horrible.

Song: Avicii - Wake Me Up. Random shuffle.

Best thing: TH's birthday!

Worst thing: Probably in trouble at work >:-(


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