Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 14

Sunday night, back at work. Not really much going on, either. I got here a few minutes early tonight because my boss had to work, then be back in the morning at 6:00. One of the other guys here needed off. I'm hella nice, lol. It's a little cooler tonight, only like 70 instead of 75 or so. It was nice and cool this morning when TH left for work. I'm totally ready for the whole fall and winter thing :-)

So let's see. Got home Friday morning and TH was at work and TK was still awake. We went to HEB to pick up a couple of things then stayed up for a while playing GTA V. Took a nap until TH got off at 4:00. He stopped by Papa Murphy's on his way home so we had pizza for dinner and watched The Edge of Tomorrow. It was actually not bad! TH went to bed and I took a quick nap then headed out to drive for a while. It had rained earlier in the day so it was still a little wet and drizzly but not bad. It was pretty slow though :-/ I drove until around 4:00 then headed home. Everyone was asleep so I hung out for a little while (quiet!!!) then went to bed.

Saturday TH was off so I slept until about 2:00 or so then we all went out running around for a while. We went looking at a bunch of thrift stores because TH wanted to find a couple of things for his work. It was fun :-) It kinda rained off and on but nothing really heavy so it was nice. We decided to stop somewhere for dinner because we didn't feel like cooking, lol. TK wanted Whataburger and TH and I decided on Panda Express. Nom :-) Went home and ate dinner and watched a couple of episodes of Orange Is The New Black, then TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up playing. I probably should have gone out driving but I just didn't really feel like it. It was nice to just hang out and do nothing all night, lol.

Sunday TH only worked a half day, from 7:00 am until 1:00 PM. When he got home he woke TK up and they went running around for a little bit. I got up around 6:30 and we had leftovers for dinner, watched part of one of the Batman movies (I was only half-ass paying attention, lol), and now I'm at work. Yay :-P

Noms for the weekend: Still not great. Soon though, hopefully!

Song: Sam Tsui - Timber (Ke$ha), Counting Stars (One Republic) Mashup. Ok, this is just fucking awesome. Courtesy of TK, once again.

Best thing: So one of my residents out here just absolutely freaking loves me. He pulled up tonight and was sitting there chatting, as usual, and right before he left he pulled out a fucking hundred dollar bill and handed it to me!! I didn't quite wet myself, lol.

Worst thing: Headache, kinda.


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