Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 25

So...I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that I'm working this Friday and Saturday night :-( The good news is...that I'm working this Friday and Saturday night, lol. So boo to working 12 days in a row (at least) but yay to 16 hours of overtime! That plus the 4 that I got last week will make 20 hours of overtime on the next paycheck. So, yeah.

So TK was asleep when I got home this morning and TH was at work so I talked to him for a little bit then tried to go to bed. Had trouble falling asleep though - I don't think I managed to until almost 1:00 :-/ Got up at 7:00 and took a shower, hung out with TH and TK for a little bit, then headed to work. TH stopped and picked up Whataburger for him and TK for dinner so I stopped by Subway on my way here. Footlong Subway club = dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow :-D And now I'm here. For some reason it's been pretty busy for a Thursday night. Dunno what's going on.

I decided not to try to go to the city council meeting but I've been listening to it since I got here and FB chatting with some of the other Uber drivers. The city council debated it for about 3 hours and ultimately decided not to vote on it tonight, but to bring it back for another reading in a week or so. So basically they talked about it only to decide that they could keep talking about it. Sigh. Isn't government awesome? :-/ The general feeling is that it's going to end up passing. It's just that the fucking taxi companies are throwing so much money at (some of) the city council members that they're not going to let it go through without a fight. Just listening to them talk it was pretty obvious who stands to lose if Uber and Lyft get fully approved to operate in our city. Kinda sad, lol.

Let's see. Tomorrow morning at 7:15 I have an appointment to get my oil changed and my car inspected. I need to get that done then go get my registration renewed. Probably stop by HEB too because I think we need a few things. I still need to find a chance to go by an iPhone repair place and get them to look at my phone. There's something fucked up with the wireless so that it has trouble connecting and staying connected to any wireless network. I hope it's something that can be fixed fairly cheap because I really don't want to have to buy a new phone. I am quite happy with my little refurbished iPhone 4S, lol. I may see if TH wouldn't mind taking it over there Saturday when he's off. I would still like to have a little time to hang out and play with TK tomorrow before I have to go to bed. Because work :-/ Eh, get used to it. I'm probably gonna be really fucking bitchy by the time next Friday rolls around :-P

Oh yeah. So one of our really good cop buddies was the lady deputy's partner. We hadn't seen him since the night she went missing. He finally came by last night :-( I was actually doing ok until I saw him. He's taking it really hard. He did say he saw me and R at the church yesterday and he appreciated us being there. I just wish there was something I could do to help :-/

Noms for the day: Pretty much beer and some potato chips for breakfast, and half of a Subway sandwich for dinner. And coffee. Because COFFEE!!!

Song: Bear Hands - Agora. A new one!

Best thing: TK seems to be completely over whatever it was that he had!! Which is really good because I heard today that they found the first cases of that Enterovirus shit in our state. So that's not good I guess. But TK is fine so yay :-)

Worst thing: My poor little cop buddies :-(


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