Monday, September 29, 2014

September 29

Not much going on today. Talked to TH on the way home and since TK was asleep when I got there I just stayed up and chatted with him for a while. Tried to go to bed but didn't end up falling asleep until almost 1:00. Got up at like 7:00 and hung out with TK until time for work. Sigh. TH woke me up changing clothes when he got home around 5:00. He said he was tired but not sleepy so he was just going to lay down with me for a little bit. He was still asleep when I left for work, lol.

And that's pretty much it. Nice and slow here at work, which is always good. This morning my boss said that the big boss is pretty sure he'll be able to have this new guy trained and ready to go for next weekend. I really don't want to end up working here because I wanna go drive!! Well, I kinda wanna go drive because it's going to be super fucking busy but then I kinda just want a day to sit home and do nothing. Guess I have a couple of days to decide...

Noms for the day: Beer and a couple of corn dogs for breakfast. Cereal for dinner.

Song: T-Pain - Low (Apple Bottom Jeans). Random shuffle.

Best thing: Talked to my mom tonight. She's still dealing with a bunch of doctor visits and stuff but she sounds like she's feeling better :-)

Worst thing: Kinda tired still :-/


Sunday, September 28, 2014

September 28

Sunday night, back at work. Oh, wait :-P At least it's much quieter here at work than it was over the weekend. Last night was crazy busy again. I really don't enjoy being here on the weekends. Though the overtime is nice, lol.

So, not much going on again today. I stopped by a couple of 7-11's on my way home to look for a little action figure dude for R. He's been collecting the Walking Dead Funko Pop toys and apparently there's one 7-11 exclusive that he hasn't been able to find. So I told him I would check the stores near my house. No luck though :-/ Got home and TK was asleep so I talked to TH at work for a while and went to bed around 10:30 or so. Got up at 6:00 and TK and I set up a Minecraft server for the newest version of Pixelmon (yay!) then made burgers and fries for dinner. TH got home and we had dinner, hung out for a while, and now I'm at work.

Noms for the day: A couple of breakfast tacos and beer for breakfast, burger and fries for dinner.

Song: Good Charlotte - The Anthem. Random shuffle.

Best thing: New Pixelmon server!

Worst thing: Cramps :-/


Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 27

And it's Saturday night! Woohoo...yeah, no. So far though it's not as busy as it was last night so at least there's that. It's still overtime too. Apparently though it's been a really good driving weekend according to the guys on the FB page. And freaking Uber has been texting me all day going "get out and drive, it's super busy out there!!!" Fuckers.

So let's see. I got home this morning and everyone was asleep but TH woke up like 5 minutes after I got there. Sigh. So, I hung out with him for a while until TH and his buddy woke up and they got annoying so I went to bed, lol. TH mowed the yard and the fucking dogs barked all afternoon so I really didn't sleep very well again. Got up at 8:00, took a shower, and now I'm at work. Nobody cooked anything but I brought a can of soup with me. And that's pretty much it.

Noms for the day: Leftover pizza rolls and beer for breakfast, soup for dinner.

Song: 2Pac - Ambitionz Az A Ridah. Another one from GTA V.

Best thing: Saw another tarantula here at work. It's sitting on the wall outside but it's too high for me to reach. If it comes down later I think I'm gonna catch it :-)

Worst thing: No good sleep again :-/


Friday, September 26, 2014

September 26

Holy fucking shit I had forgotten how fucking much I fucking hate fucking Fridays and Saturdays out here. It is so unbelievably busy that it's ridiculous. This is one of those nights that I hate every single person who comes through my gates and I want to punch them in their stupid little faces >:-( Doesn't help either that I'm freaking tired. I just need to try to remember that at least this is overtime. Although if I wasn't here I would be out driving and I would probably end up making more. Fuck I'm stupid sometimes :-/ Though I am doing my boss a favor by working so he doesn't have to. Fucker better appreciate it, lol.

So I got home this morning and TK was still awake so he went with me to do all of the shit I had to do. Got my oil changed, my car inspected, my registration renewed, and went by HEB. Got home around 10:00 and played a little GTA V with TK. I didn't end up going to bed until almost 2:00 and still didn't sleep very well. Sigh. Got up around 7:30 and hung out with TH for a little bit before time to come to work. TK's buddy came over to spend the night so TH stopped on his way home for a couple of Papa Murphy's pizzas. So I brought pizza to work with me :-)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 25

So...I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that I'm working this Friday and Saturday night :-( The good news is...that I'm working this Friday and Saturday night, lol. So boo to working 12 days in a row (at least) but yay to 16 hours of overtime! That plus the 4 that I got last week will make 20 hours of overtime on the next paycheck. So, yeah.

So TK was asleep when I got home this morning and TH was at work so I talked to him for a little bit then tried to go to bed. Had trouble falling asleep though - I don't think I managed to until almost 1:00 :-/ Got up at 7:00 and took a shower, hung out with TH and TK for a little bit, then headed to work. TH stopped and picked up Whataburger for him and TK for dinner so I stopped by Subway on my way here. Footlong Subway club = dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow :-D And now I'm here. For some reason it's been pretty busy for a Thursday night. Dunno what's going on.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September 24

Holy crap I'm tired tonight. So I got off work this morning and went to eat breakfast with the guy who left to work for the club. I guess he really needs a name or something, huh? Let's call him R, lol. Ok so R and I met up after work and had breakfast tacos. Nom :-) Hung out for a while then went down to the church where the deputy's funeral was being held to see if any of our cop buddies were there. We talked to one of them who was on his way but never actually got a chance to see him. So basically we just hung out in the parking lot waiting for the funeral procession. They did a procession from the funeral home to the church that was supposed to start at 8:00, service started at 10:00, and then the procession back to the cemetery was going to start around noon or so. We watched the arrival procession, and yep I was right - it was fucking depressing :-( It was nice though, there were a ton of people there for the funeral and law enforcement officers from all over the state. Awesome show of respect for an awesome lady...

I think I finally left around 10:00 or so. The church is right up close to where I work so it took a little while to get home with all of the extra traffic. Plus I stopped to buy crackers and 7-up for TK because he was feeling pukey and gross. Got home and TK was awake but still feeling kinda crappy. Hung out with him for a little bit then went to bed around 2:00 or so. I slept until about 8:00. TH had fixed dinner for himself and TK because I still had the leftover breakfast for dinner that I forgot to take last night. So that worked. TK had been asleep again but was awake when I got up and he said he was actually feeling a little better! So hopefully it's not a serious sick or anything. And now I'm at work. Sigh. I'll find out for sure in the morning, but there's a pretty good chance that I might be working Friday and/or Saturday night here at work. Because since that last guy quit we have 40 hours that need to be filled. It could get...interesting, lol.

Oh, and tomorrow afternoon the city council is set to vote on whether or not to legalize Uber and Lyft! We might not be outlaws anymore, lol. I know the cab companies have been lobbying against it ($$$) but I'm kinda thinking that they almost have to vote in favor of it, especially since there's been so much discussion lately about keeping the streets safer and ways to reduce the number of DUI's. Doesn't hurt either that the chief of police and several city council members have spoken up saying that they're 100% for it. There's a rally at city hall beforehand and a bunch of Uber and Lyft drivers are going to be there. I kinda wanna go, because it seems like it would be good for me to get out and meet new people. But then on the other hand, I kinda don't wanna go because - get out and meet new people :-/ So I dunno...

Noms for the day: Not logged, but not bad!

Song: Dixie Chicks - Travelin' Soldier. Eh, you get the idea. It's a nice depressing song :-(

Best thing: TK feeling better!

Worst thing: Funeral :-(

Yep yep yep.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September 23

Not much going on today. Got home this morning and TK was still awake so we stayed up for a while playing Pixelmon. Went to bed around 11:00 or so and got up at 8:00. For some reason I'm still pretty tired though :-/ TH made breakfast for dinner - sausage, eggs, and biscuits. And, I left it at home. Sigh. At least I have a can of soup here at work in case I get hungry.

Still nothing else said about the pissed off resident the other night. The guy who went to work down at the clubhouse actually went to the HOA meeting tonight but nobody even mentioned it, lol. They are talking about maybe splitting this little gated part of the neighborhood off into its own HOA, if they can get enough residents to vote for it. I'm not sure what that would really mean for us though. So we'll see what happens.

Oh, and tomorrow is the funeral for the deputy who was killed last week at the low-water crossing. The other guy here and I are trying to decide if we want to try to go or not. I'm kinda thinking that we might just go down and park somewhere along the route from the church to the cemetery and watch the procession. Either way it's going to be really fucking depressing :-(

Noms for the day: Not too bad.

Song: Tool - Forty Six & 2. Random shuffle.

Best thing: TH stopped by Target on his way home and bought me a new pair of shoes! Mine are getting pretty ratty looking, lol.

Worst thing: I'm afraid TK might be trying to get sick :-/ Earlier tonight he was complaining about being dizzy, hot, and feeling like crap. Sigh.


Monday, September 22, 2014

September 22

Well, so far nothing has been said about the little incident here at work last night. When my boss got here this morning I told him all about it and he basically said, fuck those guys, don't worry about it. There's an HOA meeting tomorrow though so we'll see if anything comes from that. Hopefully not :-/ Oh and also, when I got here tonight one of the flex officers was here instead of the new guy who usually works Monday afternoons. Apparently he quit yesterday, lol. He had worked yesterday morning and was supposed to get off at 2:00 pm but there was some kind of mix-up with the schedule and nobody showed up to relieve him. So instead of calling our boss to come in so he could go home, he just opened up all of the gates and left. So that's why my boss ended up here yesterday afternoon wanting me to come in early. Oh, the drama, lol.

Other than that, not much going on today. I got off at 7:00 this morning which meant that traffic on the way home sucked fucking ass. Sigh. TH was at work though and I talked to him all the way home. So that was nice :-) Got home and TK was still awake so I hung out with him for a while, played a little Pixelmon, and went to bed around 11:00. Woke up at 6:00 just long enough to start the laundry (because I had forgotten to this morning) then went back to sleep until 8:00. Luckily TH remembered to put the clothes in the dryer so I had a clean uniform to wear tonight. And now I'm at work. Sigh.

Noms for the day: Didn't get a chance to log but not too bad. Pretty much leftover pizza, lol.

Song: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Face Down. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Boss is sticking up for me! He wubs me :-)

Worst thing: Ugh. Pick something. My feet hurt from standing outside for so long yesterday, I have a pissed off resident after me, and when I stopped for gas on the way home this morning I discovered that there was gum smeared all over the seat of my car. No idea where it came from but it was a bitch to remove >:-(

Fuck it all.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 21

Holy fuck I'm tired tonight. One of the guys here at work called in sick this afternoon so I got here at 7:00 pm and I'm staying until 7:00 am. It has been busier than shit so far too. Plus I woke up early today and didn't have time for a nap. Sigh. I am totally ready to go. Only 6 1/2 hours left! Yay :-/

So Friday morning I stopped by Randall's on my way home because they had soup on sale. Got home and TK was awake so we went to HEB for a couple of things. Got home and played a little GTA V then took a nap until just after TH got home from work. He went to bed and I went out driving. I did really well! It was a nice busy night :-) Got home and hung out with TK for a while then went to bed.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

September 18

So, it rained and stormed its freaking ass off almost all night last night. Luckily by the time I got ready to head home it had slacked off to just a light rain but we ended up with almost 6" overnight out here where I work! Almost all of the low water crossings were closed, lots of traffic lights were malfunctioning, and traffic on the way home fucking sucked. Sigh. It stormed a little more during the afternoon but since then it's basically just been a light, steady rain. I think it's supposed to be like this for the next day or so. Hopefully that means that when I go drive Friday night it will be nice and busy!

Got home this morning and TH was at work and TK was still awake so we went and checked a Walmart and a Target for the Transformer dude that TH wants but didn't have any luck :-/ Got home and played a little GTA V then went to bed around 11:00 or so. TH woke me up at 7:00 and he had made burgers and tater tots for dinner. So sweet :-) Hung out with them for a while and now I'm at work.

Noms for the day: Yeah...

Song: Sugar Ray - Fly. Random shuffle.

Best thing: It's Thursday night!!

Worst thing: So last night during the storm a Sheriff's Deputy was driving around checking the low water crossings in the area and her car got washed away into the lake. They found her car but they haven't found her yet :-/ She was one of the ones who would come through here at work sometimes. She wasn't like, one of our buddy buddies, but she would always stop and chat with us a little bit :-(


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September 17

It's raining!!!! Well, it will be soon. Very soon. There are thunderstorms and shit all around and the lightning is getting closer. They're calling for some seriously heavy rain starting tonight through late Thursday or early Friday. Could get interesting, lol. Last night it ended up raining off and on most of the night and it stayed wet and squishy all day. I'll definitely take this over the super freaking hot shit anytime :-)

So when I got home this morning TK was asleep and TH was at work. I had talked to TH all the way home so I pretty much just stayed up for a while and chatted with him. Went to bed around 9:30 or so and woke up at 6:00. Hung out with TH and TK, scrounged something for dinner, watched an episode of Orange Is The New Black, and now I'm at work. Other than that, not much going on. I think if TK is awake when I get home in the morning we might go check a couple of Targets to see if we can find TH's present. Saturday is his birthday but he's going to have to work. He'll be off Sunday though so we're celebrating then. That gives us one more day to find a present and make the brownies!

Noms for the day: Eh. Better, but still not great. I didn't realize that I had bought regular chili instead of turkey chili until after I had opened it. Oops, lol.

Song: KONGOS - I'm Only Joking. A new one!

Best thing: My buddy who took the job down at the clubhouse came through last night with a cart full of frogs that he caught for me to play with!! Cause I love froggies :-)

Worst thing: Right before I left work this morning one of the stupid gates fucked up so I had to write an incident report and go out and fuck with it. Everything was all squishy and gross and I got muddy >:-(

Okey dokeys then.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

September 16

Ugh. So one of the guys at work called in sick today. My boss ended up staying and working half of his shift and I came in early to work the other half. Well actually I got here at 7:00 pm but I'm staying until 7:00 am to make it a 12 hour shift. Lovely :-/ On the other hand though, yay for overtime! So, yeah. It started raining while I was on the way here and it has pretty much rained off and on for the last 4 hours or so. I think there's a pretty good chance for more rain the next couple of days. That will be nice :-)

So when I got home this morning TH was at work and TK was still awake. We went to Walmart to buy him some sweatpants and look for a birthday present for TH. Didn't find what we were looking for but we bought a card and some stuff to make birthday brownies. Because nom :-) Got home and hung out for a while, played some GTA V, then my boss texted me to see if I could come in early. Sigh. I ended up going to bed around 11:00 or so and got up at 5:00. Took a shower and chatted with TH for just a minute then left for work. I always forget how bad traffic sucks when I have to go in early until I actually get out on the road. It seriously blows. So now I'm at work, almost 5 hours into a 12 hour shift. At least now it's starting to slow down a little bit. Those first couple of hours were busier than shit.

Noms for the day: Better, but still not there.

Song: Third Eye Blind - How's It Going To Be. Random shuffle.

Best thing: My mom had an appointment today with the doctor who did her surgery. He said that the tests and everything came back and it looks like they managed to get all of the cancer!!! They still want her to do a followup scan in a couple of months, then every 6 months for a couple of years, but right now it all looks good :-)

Worst thing: Stupid long shift :-/


Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15

Not much going on again today. TK was asleep when I got home this morning and TH was at work so I hung out for a while and talked to him on the phone. Went to bed around 9:00 or so and got up at 6:00. TH made tater tot casserole for dinner. I made a loaf of banana bread and we ate dinner and hung out until time for me to come to work. So, yeah...

Noms for the day: I think I'll be back on it tomorrow!

Song: Bruno Mars - Grenade. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Talked to my mom for a while last night. She seems to be doing well :-)

Worst thing: Headache :-/


Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 14

Sunday night, back at work. Not really much going on, either. I got here a few minutes early tonight because my boss had to work, then be back in the morning at 6:00. One of the other guys here needed off. I'm hella nice, lol. It's a little cooler tonight, only like 70 instead of 75 or so. It was nice and cool this morning when TH left for work. I'm totally ready for the whole fall and winter thing :-)

So let's see. Got home Friday morning and TH was at work and TK was still awake. We went to HEB to pick up a couple of things then stayed up for a while playing GTA V. Took a nap until TH got off at 4:00. He stopped by Papa Murphy's on his way home so we had pizza for dinner and watched The Edge of Tomorrow. It was actually not bad! TH went to bed and I took a quick nap then headed out to drive for a while. It had rained earlier in the day so it was still a little wet and drizzly but not bad. It was pretty slow though :-/ I drove until around 4:00 then headed home. Everyone was asleep so I hung out for a little while (quiet!!!) then went to bed.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11

:-( There's not really much to say that hasn't been said, that isn't said every year, so that's all I've got. Simple is better, I guess.

So anyway, it's finally Thursday night! I know I was off Monday but it seems like this has been a long ass week. So yay! Got home this morning and TK was still awake so we played a little GTA V and went to bed around 11:00 or so. TH woke me up when he got home around 5:00 and I hung out with him until time to come to work. And that's pretty much it, lol. It rained a little bit after I got to work and there's a decent chance for more rain this weekend. Plus a "cold front", so hopefully our super hot days are over :-)

Noms for the day: Eh.

Song: Alan Jackson - Where Were You (When The World Stopped Turning). :-/

Best thing: Thursday night!!

Worst thing: :-(


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 10

Not much going on today. Got home this morning and TK was still awake so we played a little GTA V and went to bed around 9:30 or so. Got up just before TH got home around 4:00 and helped TK study for his Algebra test for a little while. TH got home and we made burgers for dinner then I took another quick nap. And now I'm at work. I got stuck in a construction zone on the way here and ended up sitting there for like 15 minutes, which kinda sucked. Still managed to make it here on time though. Yay, lol.

So, my mom got to go home today! She has a followup appointment Friday morning and then different appointments almost every day next week to check on all kinds of stuff. They want her to use oxygen all the time for now instead of just at night until they can see what's going on with her breathing and everything. She texted me earlier and it sounds like she's feeling much better. So that's awesome :-)

Oh, and this was gross, but kinda cool. So I guess someone ran over a rabbit at work yesterday and when I got there last night it was still laying out in the middle of the driveway. I was standing outside at one point and a coyote ran up and grabbed it and carried it off into the woods! Ewwww, but cool, lol.

Noms: Nope.

Song: Dirty Heads - My Sweet Summer. A new one.

Best thing: Mom went home!

Worst thing: Feeling kinda...gross tonight :-/ Really need to get back on the whole healthy eating thing.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 9

So my mom's surgery yesterday went well but afterwards she had a little trouble with her breathing and her blood pressure was really low so they ended up admitting her to the ICU. It was a long-ass day :-/ My brother and I spent the whole day there and didn't leave until she finally got settled in a room. I talked to him earlier today and he said that she's doing much better. They still wanted her to stay again tonight but they were talking about moving her into a regular room. So that's good! They ended up taking 2 tumors off of her bladder so now they'll be sent off to the lab for analysis. Hopefully that will show that they managed to get all of the cancer. If not, they'll have to go back in for another surgery. So fingers crossed :-/

So basically that's pretty much it. Spent all day yesterday at the hospital, got home around 7:30 or so last night, stayed up and played with TK for a while, then went to bed. Slept kinda late today then helped him study for his Algebra test tomorrow. And now I'm at work. We still had leftover taco meat so I didn't cook again.

Noms for the day: Nope.

Song: American Authors - Best Day Of My Life. A new one :-)

Best thing: Mom's doing better!

Worst thing: Kinda tired and ehhhhhh.

Yep yep yep.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

September 7

Well, poop. So this weekend was just kinda eh. Got home Friday morning and TH had already left for work. TK was still asleep so I went to bed early. Got up around 1:30 and we went looking for a birthday present for TH. There's a certain Transformer dude that he wants and we haven't been able to find it yet. His birthday's not until the 20th though so we still have a few weeks. Got home and hung out for a while until TH got home at 4:30, messed around with him, ordered pizza for dinner, and watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break. He went on to bed and TK and I stayed up playing GTA V for a while. I didn't feel like going driving :-/

Saturday TH still had to work his regular 7am-7pm because they don't have anyone to cover it yet. I got up around 2:30 or so and headed out to drive, thinking it would be crazy busy again because of the football game. Well, there was a shit-ton of traffic but I only ended up with 2 rides in the first hour and a half. Traffic sucked, it was hot, and my head hurt so I just said fuck it and went home. Played with TK for a while, made some taco meat to go on nachos, then when TH got home we made nachos and watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break. I had planned on going back out later but it started storming so I didn't, lol. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up almost all night playing. Went to bed around 5:00 or so and slept pretty well.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 4

So so so....remember a while back I said that there might be something awesome going to happen, but I couldn't talk about it yet? Dun dun dunnnnnnn! Today it happened! The big boss at work finally decided that TH's boss had been fucking up for too long so he fired her and promoted TH to Site Supervisor in her place!! So that means a $2/hour raise and a schedule change - from 3 afternoons a week and 2 12 hour days on the weekends to Monday-Friday 6:30-2:30. Totally fucking awesome :-) He's going to have to work a little overtime for the next week or 2 until they can find another person to fill in for his old shifts but that just means some serious extra cash, lol. So so so awesome!!

Other than that basically business as usual. Got home this morning and TK was still awake so we hung out for a while. We played some Black Ops 2 Zombies for the first time in like, forever. TH got up and I hung out with him for a little bit then went to bed around 10:00 or so. Woke up at like 4:30 and couldn't go back  to sleep so I just got up. That's when I found out that TH had gotten called in to work. He got home and told us everything that had happened, we hung out for a little bit and had leftovers for dinner, watched an episode of Prison Break, and now I'm at work.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September 3

Kinda tired tonight, but not too bad. Got home this morning and everyone was still asleep. I kinda tried to wake them up but it didn't work so I just went on to get my brakes checked out. I waited there for a while while they looked at my car and figured out what it needed. Turns out that the front pads were really worn (which explains the noise, lol) but the rear was still ok so I had them replace the fronts and turn the rotors. They said it would take about an hour and a half so I called TH to come pick me up and we left it there. Went over to the high school that TK was supposed to be going to so we could withdraw him but apparently since he never attended any classes there the school district went ahead and withdrew him, showing that his middle school was the last school he attended. If that makes sense, lol. We still needed a copy of something saying that he had officially been withdrawn (for his new school) so we went over to his old middle school and got what we needed. Went back to Brake Check and ended up having to wait about another hour because they had ordered the wrong pads and had to send them back and get new ones. So that kinda sucked a little bit. The manager apologized profusely though and offered us a free oil change next time we come in, lol. Finally finished up there and went home, hung out for a little bit, went to bed around 1:30 or so, and got up at 7:00. We still had leftover chicken enchilada stuff for dinner so we didn't worry about cooking. Ate dinner and watched an episode of Prison Break with TH and now I'm at work.

TH supervised the schoolwork for today so TK is completely and totally caught up :-) Right now he has an A average in all of his classes which is awesome!! TH promised him $10 for every A he has at the end of the semester. So far so good, if he can keep it up!

Noms for the day: Uh-uh.

Song: Everlast - What It's Like. Random shuffle.

Best thing: New brakes!

Worst thing: Loooooong morning waiting for my car :-/


September 2

Not much going on today. Stopped by Randall's on my way home this morning because I really wanted Hot Pockets, lol. Got home and TK was still awake so we played some GTA V for a while. TH got up and I hung out with him for a little bit, went to bed around 9:30 or so, and got up at 4:00. Helped TK get caught up on his Algebra and supervised a project for his computer class, cleaned up the kitchen a little bit, and made a chicken enchilada casserole for dinner. Nom :-) TH got home and we had dinner and hung out until time to come to work. Oh, and it rained a little bit! So that was cool, lol.

Tomorrow morning I have an early appointment at Brake Check to get my brakes checked out (duh, lol). I think I'm going to wake TH and TK up when I get home and we'll go drop my car off, maybe go hiking or something, then go officially withdraw TK from the local school district. That will officially complete his enrollment in the online school :-) So that should be fun!

Noms for the day: Yeah, not quite yet.

Song: Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This). Random shuffle.

Best thing: Found out for sure that my request for next Monday off has been approved. So if my mom's surgery takes all day I can just head up there after I get off work Monday morning and not have to worry about sleeping so I can work that night. So that will help.

Worst thing: Cramps :-/

Yep yep yep.

Monday, September 1, 2014

September 1

So today is Labor Day, yay. And the first day of September. Crazy. Seems like this year is just flying by. I guess that means I'm getting old, lol. It's back to being slow at work again tonight. Last night ended up kinda busy but not anything like it had been during the summer. So overall not too bad. I had that little chat with my boss this morning and he's not pissed at me anymore. Basically it was just a big misunderstanding but now I think he feels like kind of an asshole about it. Lol :-D

Not really much going on today. Got home this morning and TK was still awake so we played a little GTA V until TH got up. Hung out with him for a while, went to bed around 9:00 or so, and got up around 4:00. Played a little more GTA V with TK until TH got home, made fish and fries for dinner, and watched an episode of Prison Break. And now I'm at work. TK took the day off from school but he still has 2 Algebra lessons to finish before tomorrow to be caught up so he's going to Facetime me later and we'll work on them together. Then hopefully he'll be able to stay caught up every day, lol.

Noms for the day: Eh.

Song: Britney Spears - Lucky. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Nice little chat with one of my residents earlier. They wubs me :-)

Worst thing: Headache :-/
