Thursday, November 28, 2013

November 28

It's Thanksgiving :-) Today was nice! Got home and everyone was still asleep so I went to bed pretty early. Got up around 4:00 and we started cooking. We cooked the ham and some roasted squash and zucchini. TH made some cornbread and I made the jalapeno cheese bread that I mentioned yesterday and some peanut butter cookies. The bread was really good and the cookies were pretty good but a little dry and crumbly. I may see about making some kind of frosting or something for the leftover ones. While the veggies were finishing up I took a shower then played a little Minecraft with TK. We ate dinner and watched Despicable Me and by the time it was over I had to leave for work. Sigh. But at least it's Thursday night :-) Everyone should still be asleep when I get home in the morning so I'll probably go to bed early and get a little nap in before TK gets up.

It's cool again tonight but still no wind so it doesn't feel too bad. But holy shit is it busy! I am so ready for this whole holiday thing to be over. Next week everything should be back to normal, at least for a few weeks until the Christmas crap starts back up. Sigh. Oh, and a bunch of the stores opened today instead of waiting for Black Friday, so there were people all over the fucking place on my way to work. The Target parking lot was full. Kinda sad, really. "Hey, let's celebrate how grateful we are for everything we have by going out and buying more shit!" Eh, whatever.

Oh, and the kitties thoroughly enjoyed the leftover stuff we cut off the ham :-) They had a big chunk to chew on tonight, and we froze what was left so they can have a treat another day.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 2 ounces of almonds and 2 ounces of cheese. 4 net carbs. Dinner - Some ham, roasted zucchini and squash, a piece of jalapeno cheese bread, and a couple of cookies. Not really sure. I would say no more than 15 or so, definitely. I brought a little extra ham and veggies with me in case I get hungry later. But, we did Thanksgiving and I stayed keto!

Song: Bowling For Soup - Girl all the Bad Guys Want. I thought about doing a Thanksgiving song but I couldn't really think of one. So random shuffle it is.

Best thing: Nice Thanksgiving, in our new house :-)

Worst thing: Busier than dog shit at work :-/

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

November 27

I slept a little longer today so I'm not nearly as tired! And it's cold again tonight, maybe even colder than it was last night, but there's not really any wind so it doesn't feel as bad. There's already frost forming on the grass out here and there was a little bit of ice on my car when I left for work. It seems like they said that this is the last super cold night we're supposed to have for a while. I think by next week it's supposed to back up to almost 80 for the high. Crazy.

So I stopped by HEB on my way home this morning. There were already way more people out shopping than there should have been at 7 am! I ended up getting the buy a ham get a turkey free deal. The ham was $2.99/lb but when you figured in the free turkey it ended up being a better deal than the ones on sale at Randall's. Plus I found a coupon for $3 off if you spent $10 on HEB brand items. So I got a 10 lb ham and a 15 lb turkey for like $27.00. That's like, $1/lb, almost :-) Got home and put everything up, then TH and TK got up and we made breakfast and watched the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I think I was in bed by 10:30 or so. Got up around 7:00 and just kinda hung out with them until it was time to come to work.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November 26

Kinda tired again tonight. Busy at work again, too. Sigh. It's still cold and windy but it is a little warmer than last night. I guess they came in and fixed the AC/heater because when I got here it was running. So yay! Not really much going on again today. Got home this morning and got TK off to school then went to bed a little earlier than yesterday. Got up when TK got home and just kinda hung out with him for a while and played a little Black Ops 2. I made chicken and veggies with alfredo sauce for dinner when TH got home.

I'm planning on stopping by HEB on my way home in the morning to pick up a couple of things. We've decided that we're going to get a ham for Thanksgiving and they have a deal where if you buy a ham, you get a turkey for free. I figure it would be nice to have a turkey in the freezer in case we have a week where we're broke and don't really have anything else to cook :-) I think I want to make some kind of dessert too but I'm not sure what yet. I'll figure it out.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - some cheese and pepperoni. 1 net carb. Lunch before work - chicken and broccoli and cauliflower with alfredo sauce. Probably 6-7. Iced coffee - 1 net carb. Dinner if I get hungry later - more chicken and veggie alfredo stuff. Probably another 6-7.

Song: Cake - Long Time. Random shuffle again. I love Cake!

Best thing: I seem to have broken my stall and I'm losing weight again :-)

Worst thing: Tired again.


Monday, November 25, 2013

November 25

Not much going on today. It's been busy here at work. All of the kids out here are out of school for the whole week for Thanksgiving so they have nothing better to do than run in and out all night. Should be a fun week :-/ It's cold and windy again but it's not quite as bad as last night since there's no rain. Earlier they said there was a chance for a few snow flurries overnight but I'm kinda thinking that's not going to happen. We'll see, I guess.

So this morning there was no ice or anything on the roads, luckily. I got home and TH was already awake so we got TK up and decided to just take him to school since it was all cold and rainy. We were just kinda sitting there while he was getting ready when we started hearing sirens. Like, lots of sirens, close by. I hopped on the city's traffic and fire incident website to see what was going on and it said that the restaurant across the street from our neighborhood was on fire! We got ready to leave to take TK to school and when we opened the front door you could smell the smoke :-/ By the time we got back they had shut down one side of the main road and there were about 10 fire trucks there. It was kinda trippy. They did manage to get it put out before it could cause too much damage. Later the investigators said that it looks like it was just a random electrical thing. Kinda like our house was. Man, fuck electricity >:-(

Sunday, November 24, 2013

November 24

Sunday night again. It has been cold with off and on drizzle all weekend and right now it's raining pretty steadily. There's a slight chance for some ice on bridges and overpasses in the morning but in town it shouldn't be too bad. I am a little worried about my boss being able to get here in the morning though. He lives kinda out a little ways and it's supposed to be colder out that way. I really don't want to be stuck here in the morning if he gets iced in or whatever :-/

So Friday I got off work and headed up to my mom's house. I stopped by HEB on the way there and picked up a few things. Got to her house and basically just hung out until about 2:30. It was ok. Stopped by CVS on my way home and did the peanut butter deal again. It was still cold and rainy and traffic was freaking horrible on the way home. I had kinda planned on trying to get home in time to pick TK up at the bus stop since it was so cold but he beat me home. I hung out with him for a little bit then made pizza for dinner. TH got home and we watched Iron Man 2. I was tired so I went to bed pretty much when TH did.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

November 21

So...yesterday. Holy crap. Fuck everything about yesterday! Stopped at HEB on the way home and bought some Hot Pockets. Got home and got TK off to school then played a little Black Ops 2. TH got up and we watched the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and finished watching Iron Man. I drank 3 of the beers and ate the Hot Pockets and some chips. I went to bed around 12:00 or so. Cool, right? Nope :-/

I woke up at 8:00 puking fucking sick. Like, headache and chills and puking my guts up sick. I tried to eat some hamburger patties and drink some Powerade but only managed to get a few bites down before I puked again. I texted the guy at work to see if he would mind staying a little late so maybe I could get to feeling a little better and he said he would. So I ate a piece of toast and laid back down for a while. I got up at about 11:00 and still felt pretty crappy but I had to go to work. When I went to get my work clothes from where I usually leave them in the game room I discovered that someone had PEED ON MY FUCKING PANTS!! My only pair of pants. And I wasn't about to try spraying them with smelly stuff and wearing them like I did last week. So I dug a pair out of the closet that hadn't been hemmed yet, half-assedly cut them off, and "hemmed" them with packing tape. Yeah. I left for work and thought about stopping somewhere for some crackers or something because I still felt all barfy but realized I left my wallet at home. I did have enough change to get a Sprite, so that helped a little. But I spent the whole night at work feeling shitty, wearing a pair of half-assedly hemmed pants that were just tight enough to be uncomfortable. Sigh.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 19

Not nearly so tired tonight, yay! My boss was a couple of minutes late this morning so I didn't get home until about 6:45 instead of 6:30. But I went straight to bed, and poked TH so he would get up with TK! I actually slept pretty well and got up when TK got home. I played a little Black Ops 2 (and kicked ass, TYVM!!) while he played some Minecraft until TH got home and I made an alfredo type thing with zucchini noodles, cauliflower, leftover pork roast, and alfredo sauce for dinner.

I stopped at 7-11 on my way to work and bought a bag of chips and some ghetto beer. I'm going to stop on my way home in the morning for some hot pockets, or something like that. So I'm going to do a serious cheat meal in the morning and then get the keto thing back on track. I don't have any more vodka and I don't plan on buying any more for a while, either. So we'll see what happens.

Noms for the day: Nothing this morning. I ate the last piece of cake and a couple of pieces of summer sausage when I got up. I wasn't hungry again before I left so I brought some of the alfredo stuff to work with me.

Song: Ashlee Simpson - Pieces of Me. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Saw my cop buddy last night! He's been out of town for like 2 weeks so I haven't had anybody to talk to.

Worst thing: Feeling blah for some reason :-/


Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18

Holy crap I'm tired tonight! Stopped at Walgreen's on the way home (more on that later...) then got home at just almost time to wake TK up. TH was already awake when I got there, but of course he hadn't made TK's lunch or breakfast or cleaned up any of the kitchen or or or... Fucking grrrrr. I think he knew I was pissed because he did make us breakfast after TK left for school, so at least there's that. I made a couple more batches of the peanut butter chocolate fat bombs and stuck them in the freezer to set. I ran the dishwasher and we just kinda hung out and ate breakfast until I was pretty much ready to go to bed. I stayed up way too late :-/ While the dishwasher was running I started smelling something burning so I ran in the kitchen to check it out. The lid to one of the tiny little containers had fallen down into the bottom of the dishwasher, landed on the heating element, and started melting its way through >:-( We finally managed to get most of the smell out of the house but the dishwasher still smells like burning plastic. Sigh.

So I went to bed and got up a little after TK got home. We played some Ghosts for a while then watched a few more episodes of South Park. TH stopped at CVS on his way home and bought some peanut butter. They had it on sale 2/$5, and if you spent $10 you got a coupon for $3 off your next purchase. Plus we had some manufacturer's coupons, so basically he ended up paying $1.17 per jar. Sweet! I have a CVS card too so I'll stop one day later this week and do the same deal again. I had forgotten how awesome coupons can be :-)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

November 17

Sunday night again. Sigh. It got hot today, though! I think they said it hit like 90 or so. There's supposed to be a front coming through tonight that will drop the temperature a little bit. Tomorrow it's "only" supposed to be like 78 :-/ I'm kinda ready for the cold to get here and stay!

Not much going on this weekend. Friday I stopped at Randall's on the way home and picked up a couple of frozen pizzas. Got home and got TK off to school then made brownies and a relatively keto-friendly chocolate cake for TK's birthday. The cake actually ended up being really good! Watched a movie with TH then took a nap. TK's buddy came home with him so I slept a little bit late. Got up and played a little Minecraft with him then TH got home and we had leftovers for dinner and watched Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. And had birthday brownies/cake :-) TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up until about 2:30 playing Minecraft and stuff.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

November 14

I did it! I went to the movie tonight :-) And I actually had fun. It was crowded, so it was a little uncomfortable, but not too bad. The movie itself was actually pretty good. It was The Dallas Buyer's Club. It was set in the 80's and it's about this cowboy dude who finds out he has HIV and all of the stuff he does trying to get meds to treat it. I don't know that I would pay movie theater prices to see it, but I would definitely rent it from Redbox. I thought it was opening this weekend or something and this was just an early showing but it turns out it doesn't open until like January and this was like a prescreening or something. There was a rep from the studio there asking what people thought about it afterwards. So that was kinda cool.

So I got home this morning and got TK off to school, hung out with TH for a while, watched a movie, and went to bed later than I really should have. Sigh. Got up at like 4:30, took a shower, and had dinner. TH made stuffed jalapenos again and we nuked a couple of frozen hamburger patties. I went to get dressed to go to the movie and had laid my clothes on the bed, and Snipe jumped up there and peed on my fucking clothes!! He got my work pants and the T-shirt I was going to wear to the movie. Fucker >:-( Now, I really only have the one shirt that looks decent and fits the way I like, so I wear it any time I go somewhere. And he fucking peed on it, like 20 minutes before I was supposed to meet my friend at the movies. So I had to dig out another, smaller shirt, that honestly fits well and looks good but it feels like it's suffocating me because all of the other shirts I wear are so baggy. So I wore that shirt and just sprayed some stuff on the spot on my pants so I could wear them tonight. And now smelling the stuff is giving me a headache :-/ I almost just said fuck it and didn't go, but I'm glad I didn't.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 13

I slept a little better today but I'm still kinda tired. Got home this morning and TH actually woke up before TK did. So I didn't really have any quiet time at all. Sigh. Got TK up and off to school, and since it was so nice and cool I walked most of the way down to the bus stop with him. It was awesome :-) Got back home and made some breakfast, finished watching The Wolverine, and watched the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. with TH. It was so cold that all the kitties were inside all morning. I was sitting on the floor with a blanket and I had three of them curled up around me :-) Went to bed around 11 and got up at 8. We had leftovers for dinner but I wasn't hungry so I brought some to work with me.

My neighbor buddy texted me and said that she won passes to the new movie The Dallas Buyer's Club for tomorrow night at 7:00. I think it's like a two hour movie but I'm thinking about going and just leaving a few minutes early so I can get to work on time. It should be fun! Normally with something like this I would kinda want to go but then talk myself out of it and then try to come up with some reason I couldn't. So yay!

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 sausage patties, 3 eggs, and shredded cheese. 2 net carbs. Iced coffee - 1 net carb. Lunch at work - summer sausage, cheese, and almonds. Probably about 7 or so. Dinner if I get hungry later - either leftover chicken fajita stuff or leftover pork roast with broccoli. So either way I'm good.

Song: Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know?. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Went for a (COLD!!) walk this morning with TK :-)

Worst thing: Tried to make the chocolate peanut butter fat bombs again, but left out the peanut butter and added extra coconut oil and some SF caramel syrup. It...didn't work. When they cooled off the chocolate and the oil had separated so there's like, a layer of brown and a layer of white :-/ I wonder if maybe I didn't get the mixture hot enough to melt it all together?


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November 12

So once again the whole "go home and go to bed early" thing didn't work. And I am fucking tired tonight. Sigh. Got home and got TK off to school, cleaned up the kitchen and started the pork roast in the crockpot, then cleaned up a couple of spots where my wonderful little shithead kitties had peed. Fuckers >:-( TH got up and he made some breakfast while I vacuumed and straightened up the living room and dining room. I think I made it to bed a little after 10, and got up when TK got home. We played some Minecraft for a while then when TH got home we had the pork roast stuff for dinner. I had seasoned it and let it cook most of the day then for the last hour or so I added a chopped onion and some frozen broccoli. It turned out really good!

The cold front came through before I went to bed and it was cool and windy all day. Right now (midnight) it is 37, with a windchill of 31! TH stopped at Home Depot on his way home and bought a couple of those hose bib covers just to make sure they don't freeze. I hope the kitties keep their stupid little asses inside all night where it's warm. It is cold outside, but it's awesome :-)

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, half a can of Spam, and shredded cheese. 7 net carbs. Lunch at home - shredded pork roast with broccoli, onions, and shredded cheese. Maybe 6 or so? Iced coffee - 1 net carb. Dinner if I get hungry later - the salad I didn't eat last night :-)

Song: The Killers - When You Were Young. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Nice and cold out!!

Worst thing: Tired :-(

Okey dokeys then.

Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11

Holy crap I'm tired tonight. I wasn't tired when I got home this morning (of course) so I played a little Black Ops 2 until TH woke up. I tried to wake TK up early but apparently he stayed up most of the night because he did not want to get up, lol. TH and I made breakfast and just kinda hung out for a while. TK finally got up and I went to bed around 10:30 or so. I woke up at about 4:00 and couldn't go back to sleep so I just got up. I played a little Ghosts with TK then made chicken fajita type stuff for dinner. I used about half of the chicken thighs that I had cooked over the weekend and froze the other half to use later.

I had almost forgotten that I also put a pork roast down to thaw so I'm going to throw that in the crockpot when I get home in the morning and let it cook all day. Probably get TK off to school and then try to sleep. We're supposed to have a serious cold front blow through sometime tomorrow morning and the lows for the next few days are going to be in the 30s! It's gonna be awesome :-)

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 2 eggs, 2 pieces summer sausage, shredded cheese, and an avocado. Probably 5 or so. 1 serving almonds - 2 net carbs. Chicken fajita stuff with veggies - no more than 8, probably. Iced coffee - 1 net carb. Dinner if I get hungry later - salad. Probably about 5. Yay!

Song: Nirvana - Lithium. Random shuffle today.

Best thing: Maybe kinda lame, but I got a 2.91 k/d in an online Black Ops 2 game this morning. For me that's like, fucking awesome :-)

Worst thing: Tired :-/


Sunday, November 10, 2013

November 10

And another week begins. Woohoo. Not much going on this weekend. Friday morning there was a wreck that knocked down some power lines on my route home so I had to detour around the long way. Luckily there wasn't much traffic that early because by the time they finally opened the road at like 9 am traffic was fucked. Got home and got TK off to school then went by HEB for a few things. TH was up when I got home so we hung out and drank some coffee then went to Walgreen's for some cheap toothpaste and to Sam's. Got home and hung out with him until he had to leave for work and thought about taking a nap but got distracted. I threw some thawed out chicken thighs in the crockpot to let them cook all day. By then it was really too late for a decent nap so I played a couple of campaign levels in Ghosts and went to pick up TK at the bus stop. We went to Sonic for a half price drink, stopped at another Walgreen's for some more toothpaste, and went by CVS because they had frozen pizzas on sale. I had a coupon, too, so we ended up paying about $5.50 for two of them. Not bad! Got home and watched a few episodes of Transformers Prime until TH came home, then made nachos and watched We are the Millers. It was actually pretty good! I was tired so I went to bed when TH did. I think TK stayed up a little later.

Saturday we slept kinda late then went to Dollar Tree, Target, and Toys R Us. We bought 5 pairs of cheap headphones at Dollar Tree because TK keeps destroying the ones he uses. We looked at toys at Target and they had some small (about 8" or so) plush Minecraft critters for $10. We bought a Creeper and an Enderman. They are so freaking cute!! They also had a big Creeper that actually makes the little explodey noise but he was like $40 :-/ These are awesome, though. At Toys R Us we finally found the Call Of Duty Mega Bloks sets! I let TK get 2 of the smaller sets. They were $12 but on sale buy one get one 40% off, so that worked. He got the AGR and the little snowmobile. They're pretty neat. Got home and played some Ghosts multiplayer, getting our asses kicked once again. I just can't seem to get used to the faster kill times on this game :-/ TH got home and I made the frozen pizzas for TH and TK but really didn't feel like making a keto one for me so I just nuked some frozen wings. I also baked 2 packages of chicken drumsticks and stuck them in the freezer after they were done. Nom :-) We watched The Wolverine. Well, most of The Wolverine. We got about halfway though and it started lagging really bad. TH was pretty much falling asleep, so I shut it down and went to bed and he fell asleep on the couch, lol.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

November 7

Thursday night!!! It's nice and cool out again tonight. I think they said it got down to like 40 this morning! I rode home with the window down and my hand hanging out. It was awesome :-) It was cool enough when I got home that all of the kitties were inside the house. Wusses, lol.

So this morning I got TK off to school then played some more Ghosts until TH woke up. We made breakfast and watched a movie and I went to bed around 1:00. I got up at about 8:00 and TH had made the roasted veggie and sausage stuff for dinner. Nom. So I stayed up later than I probably should have but I'm not super tired, so that's good. I must have slept pretty soundly, too, because apparently TK came home from school with three buddies and TH said they got pretty loud, lol. I still need to see if he has invited everyone he wants for his birthday. It's next Saturday and we're thinking about doing a game night/sleepover kind of thing. Should be fun, right?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 6

Not much going on today. It's nice and cool out, which is awesome :-) It actually did end up raining for a few hours this morning but then cleared up once the front blew through. So I went home this morning, got TK off to school, made a frittata thingie for breakfast, watched the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. with TH, played a little Ghosts, and went to bed. I did a few games of multiplayer (and got my ass kicked) and started the campaign. So far I like the campaign. Multiplayer...I'm not too sure about. You seem to die a lot more quickly than in Black Ops 2. I never played multiplayer in MW 2 or 3 so I don't know if that's just the way Infinity Ward's COD games are or not. It's gonna take some getting used to though.

I slept pretty decent. Got up around 8:00 and TH had made hamburgers for dinner. He actually cooked the entire box of frozen hamburger patties so they would be  easy to heat and eat later. So we have like, 30 cooked hamburgers in the freezer :-) I think he's going to make another sausage and roasted veggie thing tomorrow night. I need to thaw out some meat to throw in the crockpot. Cooking up chicken or pork roast or whatever, bagging it up, and freezing it for quick meals later has been working really well. We tend to eat a lot of meat and veggie stir fry type things that way.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - frittata with eggs, mushrooms, peppers, onions, jalapenos, pepperoni, and shredded cheese. Maybe 8 or so? Iced coffee on the way to work - 1 net carb. Lunch at work - 2 hamburger patties with shredded cheese and mayo. 2 net carbs. Dinner if I get hungry later - leftover frittata. Probably another 8 or so. Still doing good!

Song: Clint Black - Good Run of Bad Luck. Cause why not?

Best thing: Nice and cool out!!

Worst thing: Cramps :-/

I guess that's pretty much it?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November 5

We have Ghosts!!! And holy crap am I freaking tired tonight, But we have Ghosts!! And it is fucking awesome (so far, at least). So of course I wasn't sleepy when I got home this morning so I got TK up and off to school, hung out with TH for a while, made some breakfast, and went to bed around 10:00. TH actually went to Gamestop before he went to work and picked up the game for us so we didn't have to get out and do it this afternoon. That was so sweet :-) He also bought us each a set of dog tags, which are pretty cool too. I got up when TK got home and we messed around with the game for a while. Really all we had time to do was check out the character and create-a-class settings and play a couple of games of local multiplayer. I love the fact that there is so much character customization! They have 4 or 5 different guys and 4 or 5 different girls to choose from. I get to be a girl now :-) I like! We tried out 3 of the maps and they're all awesome.

I think TK was going to start the campaign after I left for work. I know that you have to finish the campaign to unlock the Extinction game mode, which is kinda like Zombies in Black Ops 2 except ALIENS!!! I may start on it when I get home tomorrow morning since I can stay up later and sleep later because TH will be home. Dunno yet though. I know TH wants to watch the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. so probably do that first, then see how tired I am. It's probably safe to assume that one of TK's buddies will come over after school tomorrow so they can play Ghosts.

Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4

Holy crap I'm tired tonight. Got home this morning and got TK off to school then just kinda hung out with TH for a while. We made breakfast and played with Snipe and stuff. I didn't get to bed until around 11:00. I woke up when TK got home but since he had a buddy with him I went back to sleep for a while. Got up and played a little Black Ops 2 then made some dinner after TH got home. I made a pork chop, mushroom, zucchini, bell pepper, and onion stir fry type thingie with alfredo sauce. It turned out well :-)

Snipe is doing even better today! The swelling in his foot is all but gone, and there's just a little swelling left in his leg. He's even putting it down when he walks. He's still limping a little but he actually puts weight on it now. And he acts completely normal. Well, normal for him, which is kinda weird. I'm so happy!! We also bought some over-the-counter ear drops for Naga because we were pretty sure she had ear mites. We've doctored her three times now and her ears look almost completely clear! So yay for that, too!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 3

Oh fuuuuuck. I was so not ready to come back to work tonight. It was a good weekend, though! Thursday I went home and got TK off to school, dropped my car off to get the oil changed, then TH and I went out and messed around for a while. We went by Salvation Army to see if they had a good headboard, looked at a couple of dollar stores, and went to Walmart for some stuff that we needed. Stopped by Papa Murphy's on the way home and picked up a couple of pizzas for that night. Got home and watched a movie until TK got home, then played a little Black Ops 2 with him until it started getting dark. TK left to go find his buddies and TH and I sat outside eating vodka gummy bears and handing out candy. It was fun :-) We actually ran out of candy! TK got home and the neighbor came by for a little while.  My buddy from work ended up having to work so he didn't come over. After she left we started watching a movie but gave up halfway through and went to bed.

TK begged to stay home from school Friday so we let him since we were up so late Thursday night. Yeah, that was probably bad :-P We all slept kinda late Friday morning then I hung out with TH til he had to leave for work. TK and I played some Minecraft and Black Ops 2 and just kinda hung out while he was gone. He got home and we had leftover pizza for dinner and watched the last Resident Evil movie. He went to bed and I stayed up a little later playing with TK.