Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5

I'm back :-) So I know this is a few days late but it's been a crazy couple of days. I guess I should probably break this up into more than one post because - holy wall of text, Batman :-) Eh, screw it. So let's see...Thursday I went home and stayed up too late, had trouble sleeping, and went to work kinda tired. TH and TK went to Sam's while I was asleep and stocked us back up on veggie burgers and stuff. I discovered that they sell a 4 lb bag of frozen edamame (green soybeans) individually packaged in 8 ounce steamable bags for like $4. So I has edamame now. Nom nom nom :-)

So I had just gotten to work and was about to go on duty when it got exciting. I was standing inside the building talking to the other guy who was getting off work when we look up and there is this SUV flying down the driveway toward the resident gate. This dude had to have been going 60 mph, easy. The resident gate is a set of double gate bars that residents can open if they have a remote, or we can open it with a switch outside. So before we even had a chance to think about going outside to try and open it, he hits it, knocking off both gate arms. He stopped for just a second then took off. The arms are held on with bolts and plastic breakaway nuts - they're designed to come off if somebody hits them so it doesn't fuck up their car. This happens from time to time so we didn't think too much of it.

We go out to pick up the bars and reattach them and a resident coming in stops and tells us that the guy who hit the gate had been tailgating him down the main road and basically just driving like a jackass. Interesting. So not 5 minutes later, we're still out there messing with the gate and 4 cop cars come flying up. One of them stops and it's our little cop buddy who always stops and chats. He asks if we've seen that SUV and we're like, yep. So 3 of the cars continue on into the neighborhood to look for him and one of them makes a U-turn and parks in front of the exit gate, blocking it in case he tries to leave. We finish up putting the bars back on so we're standing outside just watching to see what's going to happen. A few minutes later the dude tries to leave but stops because of the cop car blocking the gate. The cop gets out of his car and the dude is watching him and doesn't even notice the other 2 cars pull up behind him and beside him blocking him in. Our buddy gets out of his car and runs over to the SUV, opens the door, drags the dude out, throws him on the ground, and cuffs him. He's yelling "Get down, get down" and the dude is like "I'm down, I'm down! Ow, you're hurting me" XD So long story short they sit out there and question him for a while, take him to jail because he was drunk, and call a tow truck for his car. Which had big-ass scratches on the hood from hitting the gate. It was entertaining, to say the least :-)

Friday morning I got off work and stopped by Randall's. They had toilet paper and a bunch of other stuff on sale, plus a deal where if you spent $15 on frozen stuff you got an instant $5 off, plus another one where if you spent $75 you got a coupon for $10 off your next order. So I did that. Went home and waited for everyone to get up then we went to Walmart for school clothes and stuff. We got everything TK needs, plus TH got shoes and  I got new underwears :-) My old ones were worn out and a little too big! We also stopped at CVS because they had laundry stuff on sale and Walgreen's to try to get the paper towels that they had on sale. No luck on that, though.

Got home and hung out with TH til he went to work, then TK's buddy came over to spend the night and I took a quick nap. I had texted the neighbor to see if she was free later that night and she was! Got up and she came over for a while. It was fun :-) TH came home and I hung out with him then we both went to bed. Not sure how late TK and his buddy stayed up but they were still asleep when I got up the next morning.

Saturday we got up and hung out for a while, then TH's buddy went home and TK and I went to Randall's for a couple more things. Got home and cleaned a little, did laundry, and played some zombies until almost time for TH to get home. We did another frozen pizza movie night since they were on sale again. So that was cool. We watched Star Trek Into Darkness! It was awesome:-) TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while working on our little Minecraft world. We finished the hospital and added a couple of farms and another store. It's looking pretty sweet :-)

Sunday I slept off and on, then got up for a while, then took another nap. Dunno why I was so tired :-/ Came to work and it was a little busy but uneventful. Yeehaw. Stopped at Randall's on the way home this morning (Monday) for some salad stuff - spinach, tomatoes, green onions, cucumbers, and baby carrots. Got home and woke TK up, and we went for a walk! We just made the loop around the street behind us and oh my holy crap. I...really need to get more exercise :-/ We need to do that every day now, if we can. Tomorrow for sure, but maybe not Wednesday if I think I can go to bed early enough that we can go swimming. We'll see.

So I forget if I had mentioned this, but a few weeks ago a guy knocked on the door looking for his cat who had been missing for like a year. He lives behind the people two houses down from us, and the lady that lives there was telling him how we feed a bunch of cats and stuff. Well, we hadn't seen his kitty :-( but we got to talking about feeding stray cats and random neighborhood cats and stuff, and it turns out that one of our cats who had gone missing the summer before the fire has been hanging out at his house! He's a pretty little orange kitty that I found at a gas station while we were delivering newspapers. He was tiny and scrawny and smelled like diesel fuel :-/ He grew up into a pretty little kitty though. We named him Tigger :-) We were afraid something had happened to him though, because he would have been about 8 years old when he went missing. So this morning on our walk we went past that guys house and sure enough, Tigger was laying in his front yard. We called him, and he remembers us! He came over and let us pet him, and just meowed and purred. We sat there for about 15 minutes playing with him but we got hot, lol. When we left he kinda acted like he was going to follow us but stopped a few houses down. I wonder if we start going by to see him if he'll wander back by the house eventually? Of course, our other kitties are assholes and would probably try to run him off, though. Bastards >:-(

Got home after the walk and played a few games of zombies with TK, then hung out with TH for a while and went to bed. Before I laid down I put some black beans in the crockpot with chicken broth and jalapenos and checked on them a few times when I woke up to go pee or whatever. When they were pretty much done I added a bag of shredded cooked chicken, some diced bell peppers and onion, diced tomatoes, and some uncooked brown rice. I figured by the time I got up the rice should be ready but it wasn't. I guess I just don't have a handle on how long it takes to cook rice added to stuff in a crockpot :-/ I turned it down to warm when I left for work and I'll see what it looks like in the morning. It smells and tastes awesome so far, except for the crunchy rice, of course :-) I'm at work. Yay. I should find out in the morning if they're going to try to get me to work overtime next week. One of our guys is going on vacation starting Wednesday and we don't know if they'll have anybody to cover for him. I wouldn't mind the extra money but I really don't want to work any extra, because the only open shifts would be during the day :-/ Hopefully they've got somebody. Fingers crossed!

Song: Tame Impala - Elephant. Another new one.

Best thing: TIGGER!!!!

Worst thing: Tired lately :-/

Yep yep yep.

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