Sunday, August 18, 2013

August 18

Well, I survived the weekend. Yay! So I got off work Friday morning and went up to my mom's house. We were going to take her to the store so I thought she would be up and ready but no such luck. So we hung out at her house for a little while until she was ready to go. Went to Walmart and picked up a few things but they didn't have the shoes that we wanted in the right size. Sigh. So I'll probably end up ordering them online. We can make do with what we have until then, I hope. At least we were able to return the first pair that we bought, that TK didn't like. So that was good. Got back to her house and hung out until around 4:00 or so then headed home. I stopped at a Target and let TK run in to look for a Transformer dude that he has been looking for. We got home around 5:30 or so and basically just kinda hung out and played a little Minecraft and stuff until TH got home. Chatted with him for a while then we all went to bed. Because sooooo tired :-/

Saturday we actually got up kinda early and I did some cleaning, vacuuming, laundry, and scooped the litterbox. I reorganized the linen closets so that the towels are on the top shelf and all of the medicines and extra deodorants/toothpaste/stuff like that is all on the middle shelf so it's nice and neat and easy to see. I don't know why it took me this long to think about doing that. I am not a smart girl sometimes, lol. Played some Black Ops 2 with TK until TH got home. He brought home Whataburger, which was really good because we hadn't had it in a while! We watched Iron Man 3 (don't ask how, lol) and hung out until TH went to bed. TK and I stayed up until like 3:00 playing Minecraft and some zombies. We started on a drive-in movie theater and a neighborhood in our little Minecraft world. We have a creek running along between the neighborhood and the rest of the town and so far we have 2 houses built. One of them is a little purple house, (almost) just like ours! So fucking cute :-)

Sunday I slept kinda late, got up and played with TK for a while, then tried to take a nap. I didn't sleep very well for some reason though. Annoying >:-( And now I'm at work. At least it's fairly quiet, so far. One more week until these little fuckers go back to school and then it will be back to normal, at least until the holidays. I can't wait. One of the guys here at work was sick last week, some kind of stomach type thing, and this morning one of the other guys came down with it. So I'm sitting here trying to like, hold my breath and not touch anything because I really don't wanna catch whatever it is. I hate having to come to work sick but I really can't afford to miss any work, either. And, we don't get paid sick days, which sucks ass. Fingers crossed that I don't catch it too!

Right now I'm planning on waking TK up in the morning and going for a walk. I'll probably half-ass try to wake TH up, but it depends on how late he went to bed. He said if he just growls at me to not even bother, lol. We only walked one morning last week! Sucks :-/ Never did manage to go swimming, either, and today was the last day the pool was open for the summer. Sigh...

Song: Bastille - Pompeii. Another one from the new music show.

Best thing: My linen closets are nice and purty now :-)

Worst thing: We bought a wireless hard drive that's supposed to let you access your stuff remotely from anywhere. Stupid thing doesn't work the way it says it will >:-(

Okey dokeys then.

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