Sunday, August 25, 2013

August 25

Sunday night, again. Sigh. The weekends are just way too short :-/ All of the kids go back to school tomorrow, so at least it has been pretty quiet here at work so far. Not too much traffic on the way here, either. It's so much nicer here during the school year!

So Friday I stopped at HEB on my way home and picked up a few things. Hung out for a while until everyone woke up and we made bacon and eggs for breakfast. I managed to get one pair of TK's pants hemmed, so that was something, at least. Laid down for a nap when TH left for work but my phone woke me up earlier than I had really planned on getting up. Started some laundry and played some Minecraft and zombies with TK for a while then just kinda hung out until it was time for TH to get home. I had bought a couple of packages of seasoned beef for carne guisada that I found marked down so I threw them in the crockpot to cook all night. TH got home and we hung out with him then went to bed not too long after he did. I ended up calling the cops on that fucking dog behind us again because it started barking and just wouldn't shut the fuck up. I'm getting really tired of that fucking dog >:-(

Saturday we woke up fairly early and played a game of zombies, then went to do the stuff we needed to do before it got too hot. We went by Walgreen's for my medicine and bought a package of markers for school. That was the only thing we still needed, so TK is totally ready for school! Stopped at Sprouts and bought some veggies and a pork roast that they had on sale, then got a half price drink from Sonic and picked up the pizza from Papa Murphy's. Got home and played some more Minecraft for a while, then cooked the pizza so it would be ready when TH got home. I bagged up the meat that I had cooked the night before and froze it for easy meals later. TH got home and we watched Lego Batman the movie. Yeah, I didn't know that was a movie either, lol. It was actually pretty good, though. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while watching a few more episodes of Transformers Prime before I went to bed.

Sunday the fucking dog woke us up at like 5:30 am. TH went ahead and got up to get ready, then before he left for work he called the cops again. It still barked off and on all fucking day though. I just don't get why people have dogs that bark like that and refuse to do anything about it. I guess we're just going to have to keep calling every time it gets really annoying and hope they get tired of it and do something about it. Fucking sucks >:-( I turned my noise thingie up and stuck my head under the pillow and managed to doze back off for a little bit. I didn't sleep very well though so I just kinda dozed off and on for a while. Got up and took a shower, ate some leftover pizza, then TK and I watched some more Transformers Prime until TH got home. Hung out with them until it was time to come to work. Exciting, hu?

So I'll go home in the morning, get TK up for school, and if I feel like it go for a walk when he leaves to go to the bus stop. Then go home and go to sleep. eventually. Kinda can't believe that it's already time for him to go back to school!

Song: Three Days Grace - Pain. Love these guys!

Best thing: Quiet at work again! All of these little fuckers darlings are going back to school :-)

Worst thing: Fucking dog >:-(

Okey dokeys then.

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