Thursday, August 15, 2013

August 15

Finally, Thursday night. Yay! Went home this morning and went straight to bed. Woke up around 1:30, just before TH took TK to the dentist, and couldn't go back to sleep so I just stayed up. They got back but we decided not to try to go swimming because it looked like it was going to start storming. Hung out with them for a little bit, played a few games of zombies with TK, then tried to take another quick nap but it didn't really work. Sigh. Got everything ready to go and just before we left the house it starting pouring. I had to stop at the Crappy Mart for some gas and the wind was blowing the rain so hard that my back and butt got absolutely soaked. I stepped in a puddle, too, so my socks are all wet and squishy. I've got them hanging over the fan drying right now. I had thought about waiting a little longer on buying new shoes but now I'm thinking I need to look for a pair tomorrow when we take my mom to Walmart :-/

Made it to work and my buddy dropped TK off at my mom's house on his way home. It had pretty much quit raining by then so that was nice. Everything's still all squishy, though. I'll head up there when I get off in the morning and we'll stay til sometime in the afternoon then head home. Probably stop at HEB on the way home to pick up a couple of things. Then sleep! Because by the time I get home I will have been up for like 28 hours or something :-/

Song: Imagine Dragons - Demons. I likes :-)

Best thing: Made it to work safely. It got scary there for a while!

Worst thing: I'm all wet and squishy :-/

Okey dokeys then.

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