Wednesday, August 7, 2013

August 7

Holy crap, I'm tired again :-/ I wasn't sleepy when I got home, and TK woke up early, so we decided to go for a walk again. TH actually woke up before we left so he went with us. We went by to see Tigger again and went up one road with a big-ass hill. But we made it! We had planned on going a little farther every day so when we got home we mapped out all of the walks that we had done. The first day was like .3 miles, the second was about .4, and today was almost exactly 1 mile! Yay! I think we're going to try to increase it by about a quarter of a mile every day (if it doesn't kill us, lol) so we've already mapped out a route for the next time. Again - if I can go home in the morning and go to bed, we'll go swimming tomorrow afternoon. If not, a walk it is! Definitely Friday morning though. Cause I feel pretty good! My feet are a little sore, but nothing bad. Yay!

So we got back home and hung out for a while, then made veggie burgers and fries for lunch (since I planned on sleeping too late for dinner) and I went to bed. Still pretty late, though. When I got up I was in the kitchen making a lunch to bring to work when we heard a car outside honking. Sometimes if there's a cat in the road people will honk and it will move pretty quick but they kept honking for a little bit. TH went to look out and the neighbor's dog (my friend) was standing in the road. I knocked on the door and nobody was home but I managed to get the doggie back in her back yard. So that was cool.

Well, the guy here at work is on vacation as of yesterday. He's supposed to be off today and tomorrow and he normally works Friday-Tuesday 2-10 PM. We still haven't heard anything about who is supposed to cover his shifts while he's gone. Plus we still have the Saturday-Sunday 6AM-2PM shift open that my boss and the other guy here have been covering. That usually gives my boss 8 hours of overtime and puts the other guy right at 40 hours per week. So we'll have 48 overtime hours that will need to be covered next week and only 3 of us to do it. The other guy wants to work as much of it as he can, but wanting to do it and being able to do it are 2 totally different things. right now we're figuring our boss is going to work like 16 of it, I'm going to work one extra night and then stay an hour or 2 late every morning which would give me at least 13 hours, and the other guy is going to try to work the rest. We'll see, though. That much overtime would definitely make for a nice paycheck :-)

Oh and I almost forgot! Our cop buddy came by last night and showed me the video from the whole drunk driver incident last week. It was sweet :-) I did find out too who called the cops. One of our residents was out at the street unloading a U-Haul truck and the dude just like, drove up into the guy's yard, ran over his foot, and took off. So that's why they drug him out of the car and shit. Turns out that a hit and run is a felony. He'll probably be in jail for a while. So that really makes me wonder if I'll end up talking to the cops again. They took all my info and stuff since I was a witness to part of it. I feel so freaking special now, lol.

Song: Smile Empty Soul - Nowhere Kids. Random shuffle. I love this one :-)

Best thing: Walked a mile and didn't die!

Worst thing: Tired again :-/

Okey dokeys then.

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