Monday, August 12, 2013

August 12

Not much going on today. Went home and woke everybody up to go for a walk. We went by Tigger's house but didn't see him this morning. TH got called into work early because somebody called in sick so I hung out with him for a while then went to bed after he left. I still didn't sleep very well. Dunno why. Got up in time to play a few games of zombies with TK. I should have cooked the chicken that I thawed out but just didn't feel like it. I really need to do it tomorrow before it goes bad. I'm trying to decide if I want to go for a walk in the morning or just try to go home and go to bed. I'm tired, and my feet are a little sore. TK's knee is still bothering him from where he busted it on the bottom of the pool the other day, too. If we don't go walk I guess I could pull out the little pedal thingie and use that for a while. Yeah, I may just do that.

I managed to see a few meteors last night, even though it's not super dark out here. It was cool :-) I guess it was mostly the really bright ones. I've looked a few times tonight but haven't seen any yet. I'll probably go stand outside for a while once it kinda slows down a little.

Song: Cake - Never There. An older one :-)

Best thing: Meteor shower!

Worst thing: Tired :-/

Yep yep yep.

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