Sunday, August 11, 2013

August 11

And, here we go again. Sunday night, sigh. It wasn't as hot today as it has been so by the time I left for work it was only like 89 instead of 95 or so like it usually is. The one guy here at work is on vacation so I had to chat with the ditzy little flex officer chick. She's nice, she just talks a lot. Like, a lot. Thankfully she was in a hurry to go see her boyfriend so she didn't hang out for too long.

So Friday I went home and woke up TK to go for a walk. TH woke up before we left but he wasn't feeling well so we went without him. We decided to walk down the next street to see Tigger then make the hike up to the little convenience store at the front of the neighborhood that we call the Crappy Mart. We cut through the crappy little park on the way there and stopped to sit on the swings for a few minutes. It was kinda nice :-) We bought a snack and some drinks then headed home. Hung out with TH for a little while then went to take a nap. The electrician was supposed to be there around 1:00 or 2:00, but he was going to call TH when he was on the way and TH was going to call and wake me up. Well, he never showed up so I don't know WTF was up with that. Got up and played some Minecraft with TK until TH got home, then hung out with him til he went to bed. Played with TK a little longer and went to bed around 3:00.

Saturday we got up pretty early (for us) and decided to go feed the ducks. We haven't done that in a while. It was fun :-) Stopped at HEB for a few things then went home and hung out for a while, playing with TK's Transformer dudes and listening to music. We made some more Salsa of Doom and some no-bake peanut butter oatmeal cookies. Nom nom nom. I vacuumed, cleaned a little, and did the laundry. We watched a few episodes of Transformers Prime and then I went outside to water the little bushes and wait for TH to get home. The neighbor got home while I was out there and I chatted with her for a little while. TH got home and we made nachos and watched the new G.I.Joe movie. It was pretty good! Stayed up a little bit longer then we all went to bed when TH did.

Sunday I slept off and on kinda late then got up and played some zombies and stuff with TK. I had thawed out some chicken but decided to wait until tomorrow to cook that. We still had a little bit of the black bean/brown rice/chicken stuff left so that's what TH had for dinner. I wasn't hungry yet so I brought a veggie burger and a salad to work. Yay.

We'll go for a walk again in the morning. Right now we're up to almost a mile and a quarter. May not increase it tomorrow though since we skipped Saturday and Sunday. I guess just wait and see how we feel. We need to go swimming again sometime this week if we want to go at all before the pool closes for the summer. I think it said it closes the 19th? That's next Monday. Then the Monday after that TK starts back to school. He's kinda...not really excited, lol. Most kids aren't though, I guess.

Song: Richard Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries. Random shuffle. Something a little different :-)

Best thing: My feet don't hurt, even though we've been walking!

Worst thing: Stupid cramps. And of course I started tonight, even though I just had 2 days off >:-(


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