Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 6

Oh crap, I am tired tonight. I actually feel pretty good, but I'm tired :-/ Went home this morning, woke TK up, and we went for a walk again! We actually went a little further than we did yesterday. My feet were pretty tired by the time we finished but so far it doesn't seem to be making my feet sore. Yay! Got back home and played a few games of zombies then worked on our little Minecraft city for a while. We did a little more work on the farms and built the swimming pool. It's so cute :-) Hung out with TH for a while and went to bed kinda late. I woke up around 2:30 and couldn't go back to sleep so I stayed up for a while and played some more zombies with TK. Took another quick nap and it seemed like I had finally really gotten to sleep when the alarm went off. Sigh.

We made tacos for breakfast from the black bean/brown rice/chicken stuff that I had in the crockpot. It finished cooking overnight and it is awesome! I think I figured that the whole crockpot full of stuff cost less than $5, easy. And we can eat off of that for days :-) Even TK liked it, and he's kinda picky sometimes. I wubs my crockpot :-)

I talked to the patrol dude again last night, and I think they're really getting ready to hire someone. He has one guy who has been fucking up that they want to fire and one guy who probably got fired last night because he showed up like 3 hours late. Again. He was going to give his boss my number so I can find out a little more about it. I did tell him that I would want to give a few weeks notice here before I transferred over. I'm not 100% sure what shifts they have open but I know that it would be a minimum $.50/hour raise and plenty of opportunity for overtime, if I wanted it. I'm still trying to decide for sure if I want to switch over. It's something new, and change is a little scary, but it's something that would get me out and moving around rather than sitting in this little building all night. Dunno. I've got time to think about it.

We kinda needed another flash drive (since TK keeps stealing mine) so last week TH bought me a new 32 gig and it came today. It's a freaking kitty! It's a Transformers Decepticon Ravage. It transforms and everything :-)


So right now I'm planning on going home and going straight to bed so we can go swimming tomorrow afternoon. So I'll skip the walk tomorrow but start back Thursday. Maybe TH and TK will get up and go walk, though.

Song: Atlas Genius - If So. Another new one :-)

Best thing: Kitty!!

Worst thing: Tired :-/


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