Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August 14

Sigh. Went home and skipped the walk so I could see if TH felt like going swimming. He didn't, and I really didn't want to go by myself. Stayed up for a little bit messing around with them then went to bed. Woke up around 1:30 or so and couldn't go back to sleep so we cooked the chicken for lunch. We ended up battering it, rolling it in cornflake crumbs, and baking it. We ran out of cornflake crumbs toward the end so some of them were just battered. The cornflake ones were ok, but I think I liked the battered ones better. Now I kinda want to try doing the same thing with some of those frozen tilapia fillets. Took another quick nap at about 7:00 so at least I'm not super tired. Dunno if we're going to try to go swimming tomorrow or not. There's a slightly better chance of rain. Today it never rained right in our area but a couple of places nearby got a little bit. I guess we'll see.

So I talked to my mom and we're going to go see her this weekend. Double sigh. I'm going to bring TK to work with me tomorrow night and my buddy here at work is going to drop him off at her house on his way home. He lives pretty close to her. So TK spends the night with her Thursday, then when I get off Friday morning I'll go up there and we'll spend the day. We're not staying Friday night, though. Fuck that. I would like to have at least one real day off, thank you very much :-)

Song: Cold War Kids - Miracle Mile. Another new one.

Best thing: On my way home this morning I passed a car on the side of the road with a flat tire. It was one of our patrol dudes who comes through here at work every night! So I circled back around and stopped to help. That was cool :-)

Worst thing: No swimming or walk. Again :-(


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