Thursday, August 22, 2013

August 22

Thursday night! I still feel kinda crappy but I'm not nearly as tired as I have been. I didn't really sleep that long today either so I don't know what the deal is with that. Went home this morning and woke everybody up early so they could go to the dentist. They went to Walmart afterwards and found a pair of shoes for TK so I don't have to worry about doing that this weekend. Yay! I went to bed later than I really should have but still got up early enough to hang out with them for a little while before I had to leave for work.

I'm planning on stopping at HEB on the way home in the morning to pick up a few things, and I need to stop by Walgreen's for my medicine. I didn't realize that it was already time to refill it because I still have a few left. I realized that I'm bad about remembering to take it on my nights off :-/ I really need to work on that. It's still helping me though, which is awesome :-) I think we're going to do breakfast when everybody wakes up in the morning, then I might take a nap early. Dunno yet. I have to get TK's pants hemmed this weekend, and we need to gather up all of his school stuff so he's all ready to go Monday morning. I kinda can't believe it's already time for school to start again! It feels weird too because this is going to be the first semester in a long time that I won't be taking classes. Not really sure how I feel about that.

Song: Cage The Elephant - In One Ear. Random shuffle :-)

Best thing: TH bought the shoes today so I don't have to!

Worst thing: One of my bad teeth broke in half. It doesn't hurt yet, but I'm sure it will eventually. I need so much freaking dental work that it's not even funny but it's just so fucking expensive. Plus I'm scared of the dentist :-(


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