Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 27

So, I'm tired tonight. Like, really freaking tired. But you know what? It's ok. You know why? Because...WE HAVE A HOUSE!!!!!!!! It is finished, and it is ours!!!!! I almost cannot even believe it. I don't think it has quite sunk in yet, either. Maybe tomorrow, when we actually sleep there? Or Friday morning, when I get off work and go there instead of to their house? Dunno. We got all of the small stuff, the stuff that would fit in my car, moved today. Tomorrow we're going to get up early and get the Uhaul to move all of the big stuff. Well, TH and TK are going to get up early. I'm going to get off work and go home and urkanap then go get the truck. We have one reserved for 9:00, so I should be able to get about 2 hours. Then hopefully it won't take too long to move all of the big stuff and I can get another decent nap before work tomorrow night. I'll be tired again tomorrow night too, but I still won't really care :-)

I'm getting ahead of myself here, lol. So Tuesday morning I went home and took a nap, then picked up TK and went by the house. They had been there to set the gas meter, so yay! Played with the kitties for a while then went home and played a little Halo Wars. Well actually, watched TK explain how to play Halo Wars and deployed a few (dozen) squads of Suicide Grunts :-) Played a little Black Ops 2 zombies then made breakfast tacos for dinner when TH got home. Hung out with him for a little while and got just a little bit drunk, then went to bed. Got up this morning and took TK to school, then went and did the walkthrough. Turns out that there really wasn't that much to it. There were only a few things that still needed to be done but it was nothing major, so they went ahead and gave us the keys. The cabinet guys forgot to install the kickplate under the vanity in the bathroom, so they were going to come by later today and do it. They realized that they hadn't put a curtain rod in the shower in the master bathroom, so they sent a guy to Home Depot to pick one up. The plumber and AC guys still had to come by and fire up the appliances, but they all showed up before we left to go do stuff. We signed a few last things, and that was it!

Monday, March 25, 2013

March 25

Monday night. Monday night, but it's like a Thursday night because I'm not gonna be here tomorrow night!! See, now that Friday was totally freaking worth it :-) And tomorrow they install the gas meter, then Wednesday we do the walkthrough and hopefully get the keys and start moving! TK wants to stay home to help us move but since we're not 100% sure yet that we're getting the keys Wednesday (or at least early enough Wednesday to be able to start moving) we told him no. Thursday, on the other hand...I'm thinking about it. He's out of school Friday, and they're not doing anything this week except practicing for the stupid whatever it is they're calling the standardized test this year, so we might actually let him just skip. Fuck it, right?

I got bored last night and started looking at the sale ads from the Sunday paper and of course everything was full of Easter stuff. Walgreen's had a bunch of Easter baskets pictured, and one of them was a froggy! So naturally when I picked TK up from school we stopped to look at them. It is so freaking cute! He's not the exact same froggy as the other bathroom stuff but he's close enough. It's made from felt, I think, but it's pretty thick and sturdy. I'm thinking it would look awesome sitting on the counter in our bathroom to hold washcloths or something. Froggies everywhere!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

March 24

Sunday night. Yay. I did basically nothing today. It was pretty cool :-) Actually that's not quite right - I did make dinner. Woohoo. Tomorrow I go home and sleep, then pick up TK and go see the kitties. Tuesday I might go home and take a nap, or TH and I might go do some stuff. Not sure yet. They're supposed to install the gas meter sometime Tuesday, too. Tuesday night I don't go to work, then Wednesday morning at 8:00 we meet at the house for the walkthrough. Hopefully we don't find anything that needs to be fixed, and we can get the keys then and go rent a truck to start moving!!

I know moving is going to be kind of a pain in the ass, and it's going to be a long couple of days but I don't freaking care!! I say that now, lol - we'll see how I feel dragging my ass to work Wednesday and Thursday nights. But then I'll have Friday and all weekend to unpack and organize and all that shit. I'm trying to think about where everything needs to go but I guess we won't really be able to figure it out until we actually get everything in there. I think we've mostly figured out everything but the kitchen, maybe. We'll just have to see. I can't freaking wait!

Friday, March 22, 2013

March 22

I don't wanna be here. *Sings* IIIIIIIII don't wanna beeeeeeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeere. I don't wanna be here, can you tell? Man I forgot how bad Friday nights suck fucking ass. It's busier than shit anyway, and they had this fucking charity dinner and silent auction at the clubhouse until like midnight so there are even more people in and out than there normally would be. There are freaking June Bugs and other little flying buggy things all over the place, getting in my hair and going down my shirt. And I'm tired, my head hurts, and I've got cramps. I guess that's pretty much it. I'm sure I won't be complaining Tuesday night when I'm sitting at home playing Black Ops instead of tromping out the door at 9:00 to go to work, but for now, EH!!

Stayed up for a while this morning playing some Black Ops 2. I did a few online matches and a couple of games of Nuketown zombies. I don't play well when I'm tired - I got roflstomped :-/ Went to bed kinda late and woke up about 20 minutes before my alarm went off. TH had planned on going to pick up the chairs and stools from the restaurant supply place this morning but he didn't, so when I picked up TK we went to get them and stuck them in storage. I wubs my little car - they all fit so nicely! We went by to see the kitties for a little bit and then went home and played a little Lego Batman. I kinda thought about taking a quick nap but I ran out of time. Tomorrow. I can sleep tomorrow..

Thursday, March 21, 2013

March 21

And in a complete 180 from yesterday, I'm excited tonight! I swear I'm not bipolar or anything, no matter what TH says. It is amazing how much difference a decent amount of sleep makes. That, and some good news! All of the final inspections, including the final building inspection, have passed!!! TH talked to the foreman today and he said that the gas company will be out next Tuesday to install the meter, and we have an appointment Wednesday morning at 8 to do the walkthrough with the builder and the lady from the city. If we don't find anything on the walkthrough that needs to be fixed, we should be able to get the keys Wednesday! Since TH is off on Wednesday and Thursday we could go ahead and start moving then. WE SHOULD BE HOME BY NEXT WEEKEND!!!!!!! Ahem. Sorry :-)

That actually works out really well because I'll be off next Tuesday night, since I'm working for the other guy this Friday night. So I won't be all tired or anything that morning and I'll only need a nap before I go to work Wednesday night. If we can get most of the really big heavy stuff moved Wednesday and early Thursday then TH can move little stuff after I have to go to bed Thursday. And if we start off with the beds then we can sleep there Wednesday even if everything isn't quite moved. TK is out of school that Friday (Good Friday) so he can help then. And then we'll have our first weekend in the house, yay! I figure that by the time we take our days off we should have almost everything unpacked and organized so we can pretty much just chill at home with the kitties for 4 days. Well, TK still has to go to school, but still. It's gonna be freaking awesome!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 20

I...give up. That's it. I just fucking give up. I dunno, maybe there's some big fucking divine intervention type conspiracy or some bullshit going on; some reason that we're not supposed to move into the house until after a certain date, or something. Like, the universe knows that the house is going to fucking blow up or something next week and it's trying to save us. Or something. Yeah, I know that was like 14 different somethings but I don't fucking care. At least it wasn't a whole paragraph full of nothing but fucks. Earlier today it probably would have been. Right now I'm beyond that. I'm just too fucking tired to even bother.

So, in case you hadn't already guessed: something fucked up. Something else fucked up, I should say. First the good news - the driveway inspection passed! And there was much rejoicing: yay...yay. That was the only one we were actually a little bit worried about, because when they poured it one of the little wooden cross pieces shifted and cracked a little bit. It doesn't affect anything structurally at all, it just looks a little weird. But it passed, and now that part is finished. The plumbing and the mechanical, however, failed. Fucking both of them. Failed. It's the same inspector dude for both, too, so this little nutless wonder is just on a fucking power trip is all. Fucking asswipe. One fucking piddly little thing on each one, too. For the plumbing, it was that the little door to the water heater closet on the side of the house was locked so he couldn't look at the water heater. Not test it or anything, mind you, since the gas isn't even hooked up yet. Just...look at it. Never mind that he has seen it hooked up the other 8 FUCKING TIMES THAT HE HAS BEEN OUT THERE, and nothing new has been done to it. He just couldn't look at it today. For the mechanical, it was that he didn't have a ladder so he couldn't look up in the attic - I guess to see the ducts, or whatever. Again, never mind that he has seen them so many times that by now he probably should know each one by name. And that since it passed the fucking duct test you know they have to be hooked up right. He just couldn't poke his fucking little chickenshit head up there and look around. This guy can just go eat a bag of dicks >:-(

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19

Tuesday. Woohoo. It has been trying to start storming since I got to work almost 2 hours ago. All day they have been talking about severe thunderstorms and hail chances and all kinds of stuff for this evening but so far there hasn't been much of anything. The lightning and thunder are getting closer and we've had a few little sprinkles but that's pretty much it. TK texted me a little while ago and said that it's raining and storming at home. I'll bet the kitties are in the shed right now! Some nice rain will be good for the grass but hoping for no hail! At least if it does hail here at work my car is parked under an overhang so it should be ok.

I talked to my brother again today. He's going to take our mom to look for a phone. I looked around online last night and there are only a few models that don't require a data plan. The one she has right now isn't a smartphone but it has an onscreen QWERTY keyboard that she really likes. The only ones I could find all have a slide out keyboard, so I know she's not really going to be happy about that. Maybe if she looks at them she can find one she likes though. I guess they're just going to eventually make it to where you have to have a data plan to even have a cell phone at all, at least with AT&T. Right now she's added on to our plan so it's only $10 a month for her phone. I know with some of the other companies you can get talk, text, and web for something like $50 a month but she can't afford that. We kinda thought about looking into one of those companies for us but since TH and I still have the unlimited iPhone data plans that you can't even get anymore, I hate to switch companies and lose them. Plus we've been with AT&T for like 8 years and never had any problems, so there's that.

Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18

It's Monday. I'm kinda telling myself it's Sunday though so that way it doesn't feel so weird to think that I still have 5 days left at work. Not sure if it's working or not, lol. Eh, I actually feel pretty good tonight. I went home and went straight to sleep then woke up about 3:00. Before the alarm went off, of course. So I probably got close to 8 hours of sleep. Feels kinda weird. I'd better watch out, I might get used to this!

So I picked up TK and we went to see the kitties. When we got there the floor guys hadn't been there yet but they showed up just as we were leaving. The kitties were so happy to see us! We fed and watered them and then they all followed us around to the front sidewalk and we sat and played with them for a while. Even Jim Bob was being all needy and lovey dovey. He has finally forgiven us! When we left we went by the dollar store where TH and I found the purple water hoses to see of they had another wand sprinkler thingie. They didn't :-( I did finally remember to buy some more scrunchies, though! I have had one decent scrunchie left for like a month now but I kept forgetting to buy more. Now I have 12 - nyahahahahaha!! Went home and played some Black Ops 2 zombies then made fish and curly fries for dinner. Now I'm at work. Yay.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17

Sunday night, back at work. This is my long week, too. Boo. Sunday-Friday, Saturday off, then Sunday and Monday. After that, off Tuesday-Saturday though, so yay! It seems like it's going to be pretty quiet, at least. Today was the last day of that stupid festival and school starts back tomorrow. So Friday I went home and took a nap, then TK and I got up and went to Walmart and HEB and stopped to get pizza. We were going to go by and see the kitties but TH did it on his way to work. They had fixed the broken window and installed the plug but the vinyl guys hadn't been there to do the entryway yet. I guess that will happen Monday. The electrical inspection is the only thing that is showing up as scheduled for Monday, so I don't really know what is going on there. It seems like they would have called everything in already? Dunno.

So at Walmart we got the shower curtain that we still needed for the master bathroom and the last few hand towels and washcloths that we hadn't been able to find before. We found a comforter set for TH and I and TK picked out one for his bed. I found some more of those Rubbermaid canisters with the red lids for flour, sugar, etc. We picked out a set of potholders and kitchen towels, and found a pasta fork thingie and an ice cream scoop. At HEB they had these small tabletop charcoal grills on sale in all different colors. We bought a purple one, lol. We also found this neat set of red confetti looking mixing bowls similar to the old ones that they have, that we had been looking for on Ebay. I looked for the nice stainless steel set of measuring cups and spoons that we had seen before but they didn't have any :-/ So I still need to find those, and get some cake pans and cookie sheets and stuff like that. Other than that, I think we're pretty much set in the kitchen. We want to build a pot rack but that can wait until we have the time and money. We have everything for the bathrooms except plungers, toilet brushes, and shower curtain liners. I think really the only thing we still need for the bedrooms are curtains. We will need to buy some cleaning supplies and stuff like that, of course.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 14

Thank FSM it is finally Thursday. Holy crap this has been a long week! It's busy tonight but so far not nearly as bad as it has been. Last night was a pain in the ass. I read somewhere that the free concerts and shit downtown start tonight though so hopefully it won't get crazy later on. I am so glad I'm not working this weekend! I'll be off the usual Friday and Saturday this weekend, then next week work Sunday thru Friday and only be off Saturday :-/ But then, work Sunday and Monday, and have 5 days off! And and and, we'll be in our house by then (fucking better be, lol)!!!

Talked to my sister and my mom earlier. My sister finally asked if she could move in with us when the house is finished. She was kinda half-joking, but not really. I told her I didn't think so, lol. No more living with anybody. We need time to do our own little family thing for a while. Oh, I did find out for sure that they are going out of town tomorrow, so yay! I'll probably go straight home and take a nap, then TK and I can get out and go see kitties, go to the store, and pick up Papa Murphy's pizza. Yay movie night :-)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 13

So, I have calmed down considerably since yesterday. Thankfully. I'm kinda half tempted to go back and count the number of fucks in last night's post but I'm not really sure I want to know, lol. Went home this morning and hung out with TH for a little bit, then went to bed. Got up at some point, I forget when, and messed around with them some more then took a quick nap. So I accomplish just about diddly fucking squat today. Oh well. I'm tired tonight though - had more weird-ass dreams. I hate it when that happens.

TH and TK got out today and ran around a little bit. They went by the house and the AC guy was there. Basically all that he did was take the ceiling air vents off, add a layer of silicone, and put them back on. They were rerunning the duct test when TH and TK got there. It passed!! Yeefuckinghaw! :-) It turns out that what the foreman's helper dude was describing as the duct test is actually something totally different. I think that is what they do if they are testing the whole house for leaks, or something. All the actual duct test involved was closing all of the ceiling air vents and blowing air into the return air vent (in the bottom of the AC closet), and then measuring the area around the ceiling vents for air leakage. So that's done now. They fed and watered the kitties and played with them. TH said when they got there everybody but Naga was in the shed asleep, lol. So they did figure out how to get back in there. I guess that has become their safe place. It makes sense, I guess - it and the 2 trees are really the only familiar things left. :-/

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 12

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Just, fuck. So it turns out that they did the duct test today, even though they haven't replaced the window yet, and it fucking failed. I have no idea why, but the HVAC guy is supposed to be in there tomorrow to figure out what went wrong and fix it. In other, even more awesome news, the electrical inspector has decided now that there needs to be a plug on the wall behind the kitchen sink. The same inspector who passed the electrical rough - you know, the part where they go in and look at everything BEFORE THE FUCKING SHEETROCK IS ON to make sure the plugs and light switches and shit are in the right place. I can they even do that?? This means that they are going to have to go in and cut through the tile backsplash that is already up, and run the wiring through who the fuck knows where to add a plug behind the sink. Even though he was apparently just fine with there not being one there a month ago. Fucking piece of shit asshole. I am seriously so fucking pissed right now that I can't even see straight. So no, we are not getting into the house this week. Oh and they still have to replace the window and do all of the final inspections. So now we're thinking that we'll be doing good to be in by next weekend. And of course, that's the weekend that I'm working an extra day. Fucking shit.

My boss did show up an hour early this morning, so I got off at 5:00. It was just weird driving home that early with no traffic or anything. I pretty much went straight to bed when I got home and got up around 2:00. Messed around a little, played some Black Ops 2 with TK, then when TH got off work we met him at the house and let the kitties go!! They were so cute but so pitiful! TH had taken one of those screens off the window so we just opened it from the outside and called them to come out. They were all hesitant at first, then they kinda started running around acting crazy. I think at first they weren't sure if we were going to grab them and stick them back in or something, because they wouldn't get too close. They got over it pretty quick, lol. I feel so bad for Moose, especially. He's always been a little bit of a fat cat but as long as he was outside running around he had trimmed down a bunch. He looks like a big sausage kitty now :-( Hopefully he'll run some of the extra weight off pretty quick. They were already out there climbing trees before we left!

Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11

I fucking hate Spring Break. And I fucking hate teenagers. And I really fucking hate teenagers who are allowed to run loose all hours of the night because Mommy and Daddy let them do whatever the fuck they want to. Grrrrrrrr!! It was busier than dog shit at work last night, and so far tonight it looks like it's going to be exactly the same. Only 3 more nights of work and I'll be done with Spring Break. But wait, it's almost summer! And it's exactly the same shit for 3 fucking months. Just...kill me now >:-(

So this morning my boss was an hour late. He called me right at 6:00 and said that he had overslept. So I got to mess with the construction guys trying to come in early and actually letting them in at 7:00. Fun stuff. Then of course traffic sucked ass so it took forever to get home. I went by the house to feed and water the kitties, and everything was still super muddy. I'm glad I had rainboots, lol. It was after 8:30 before I got home, so I hung out with TH for a little bit and then went to bed. Woke up when they got home and played some Halo 4 Spartan Ops with TK. Hung out with TH a little more when he got home, and now I'm at work. Woohoo.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10

Yeah yeah yeah, weekend blah blah blah. I'll work on it, I promise. So Friday I got off work, went by Randall's to pick up a few things, and went by the house to check on the kitties. I was going to buy some donuts for the construction guys but they were almost $5 a dozen! They had 50 count trays of cookies on sale for $5 though so I got one of those. I left it on the counter at the house with a nice little note. Stopped at HEB to get a few more things and got home just as it was time to take TK to school so I just went ahead and took him. Went back home and hung out for a little bit, and played some Halo Reach firefight with TH. He likes playing local firefight, not online, so you can set it to where you are invulnerable and have unlimited ammo :-) Took a little bit of a nap and TH went to work.

Picked up TK and we drove past the house to check it out. We have grass! And shrubberies!! The shrubberies are small, kinda really small, and there's not as much grass as we thought there would be, but that's ok. The grass covers pretty much all of the front yard but only goes a little ways down the side, and we thought it was supposed to go all the way down the side and a little ways out in the back. On the bright side though, this means that we don't have to move any grass to be able to build the patio off the back door. Yay! They also decided not to do the flowerbeds the way that we were thinking, one in front of each window, because the way that the roof line comes down when it rains it would wash the mulch away. So they did a small one in front of the dining room window and one right in front of the porch. They also mulched a circle around the tree in the front yard, which we weren't expecting!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

March 7

Soooo tired tonight :-/ I went to bed way too late again. And for some reason here at work it is busier than fuck, so I don't know wtf is going on. Next week is spring break so I know it's going to be bad then, too. These damn kids are in and out all night long when they're out of school. I just don't see letting your kids stay out all night like that. That's the thing here though - these kids have access to too much money and not enough supervision. Most of them are nice enough, and some of them actually have jobs and stuff, but some of them are just spoiled little assholes. Just like their parents. That's one benefit of working at night, though - I don't actually have to deal with that many people. I worked Saturday and Sunday mornings for a while, and holy shit did it suck. It was way too busy and I just can't fart sunshine and rainbows for that long at a time.

Although, I did do something nice this morning! On my way home I had just pulled out onto the highway when I passed a pickup on the side of the road with its hazards on. Just a little ways down there was a person walking. It was pretty fucking cold this morning and the closest gas station is like 2 miles from where the truck was, and on the other side of this big-ass highway. So I pulled over and waited for them to catch up. I turned on my dome light and rolled down the passenger window when he got close and said, "If you promise not to beat me up and steal my car, haha, I can give you a ride down to the corner." So luckily he was just a regular non-serial killer type dude. He had run out of gas, so he bought a gas can and some gas at the little station and I gave him a ride back to his car :-) When we got back there was a Sheriff pulled up behind his truck and I noticed that it was one of the guys who comes through to patrol the neighborhood here at work sometimes. I waved at him but I don't know if he recognized me. It would've been kinda cool if it was one of the guys I see all of the time, lol.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6

WE HAVE A DRIVEWAY!!!! Ok, I'm getting ahead of myself, sorry. So I took TK to school this morning and went to take my test. I decided to just go ahead and take both. Fuck it. I made a 70-something (I forget exactly) on each one! Considering that I didn't do any of the reading for either test, that's a hell of a lot better than I expected. Went home and just kinda hung out with TH for a while, stayed up too late, and went to bed. We're going to go mess around tomorrow, I think. Friday morning, though, I'm going to go home and play video games for a while and take a nap before I go pick up TK. I haven't had a chance to do that in a few weeks :-/ I'm almost positive that they are going out of town this weekend, so yay! Spring break for TK is next week, too, so I want to try to get some of the extra stuff sitting around moved to the storage place. We'll put his little ass to work, lol.

So the guy that works overnights on my nights off (Friday and Saturday) asked me tonight if I would work for him on Friday 3-22. He's got a test for a job interview with the Sheriff's Department the next day. If he gets the job he'll start out making twice what we make here. Lucky bastard. I say that. but I'm not sure that I would really want to work for the jail. My dad did that for a while when I was little, and he was good at it. I don't know if the job made him an asshole, or he was good at it because he was already an asshole :-/ Anyway...if I work that Friday he would work for me the next Tuesday, the 26th. I'm taking off the 27th and 28th, so I would be off for 5 days in a row!! I kinda can't even imagine. And, if it works out that we've already moved in by then, that's 5 days to be at our house!! With the kitties!! And to try and get allll of the stuff done, I guess :-)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 5

About 3:00 this morning the windy cold front that they had been talking about hit. The wind kicked up like crazy and the temperature dropped from 66 down to 52 in like 20 minutes. It was kinda nuts. I got blown all over the road on my way home, but it had pretty much died down by the time I got up to go pick up TK. It's still nice and cool, though. Supposed to be like 31 in the morning. I'm going to take TK to school and then go take my Psychology test. TH says he's glad I picked tomorrow to do it so he doesn't have to get out. He is not a fan of cold weather!

I stayed up later than I really should have so when I got back from picking up TK I took my Economics test and then took an urkanap. Well, tried to take an urkanap. It didn't end up being a very good one but at least it was a little bit more sleep. I made an 82 on my test, yay! And with the 20 extra credit points for taking it on time it comes out to an 87. Open book, take-at-home tests FTW!!! The Psychology test tomorrow and the Government test Friday, on the other hand - I'm fucked. I haven't even read the material. I've tried a few times but I just can't pay attention long enough to actually absorb anything. I'm actually kinda thinking about taking the Government test tomorrow too, just to get it out of the way. That way I won't have to go back Friday. And, it's not like the extra 2 days is going to make any difference as far as my grade goes :-/

Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4

It was fucking hot today! I think they said it hit 89. That's just wrong >:-( Then tomorrow I think it's supposed to be windy and cold. Fucking ridiculous. So this morning was the usual - went home, stayed up later than I should have hanging out with TH then went to bed. Picked up TK then went home and vacuumed the living room, kitchen, and hallway, and packed up all of the new bathroom stuff that we bought this weekend. Played a little Black Ops 2 with TK then TH picked me up after he got off work and we went to look at the house.

He had gone by on his way to work to feed and water the kitties (and see what was going on) and they were delivering the appliances! The foreman's helper dude was there, and they got to looking at the little entryway area in the living room by the front door. We were under the impression that it was supposed to be laminate, but they brought the carpet all the way to the door. We were just going to let it go but it turns out that when you open the door it drags horribly on the carpet, so eventually it would fuck up either the carpet or the bottom of the door. So they're going to cut the carpet out and put in laminate, where the door swings. You know, the way it was originally supposed to be. Dumbasses. The driveway inspection finally passed, at least, but part of the underground electrical had something that the inspector didn't like so it needs to be fixed before they can hook it all up. Grrrrrrrr.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 3

Holy freaking crap was it a long weekend!! So Friday morning we took TK to school then went and checked out the house. The tile guy had finally finished placing all of the tile, and the electrician was there finishing up what he couldn't do the day before because the tile guy hadn't finished yet. That shithead (tile guy) slowed everything down by a day! The electrical inspection that was supposed to happen Friday has been rescheduled for Monday. That, and the driveway prepour inspection. Hopefully they both pass :-/ While we were there the laminate guys showed up to do the laundry room. I thought that they were supposed to do an area in the living room, in front of the door, in the laminate as an entryway but they didn't. I'm not going to argue about it though. It would keep the carpet cleaner having the laminate there, but I think it will look better having the carpet go all the way to the door. All of the lights and fans were up, and the breaker box looks finished. The main electrical box and the meter box are on the back of the house. The AC unit is sitting outside, and it is freaking huge!

We checked out the restaurant supply place. They have some of the coolest stuff in there! We found the barstools, and they are nice. I'm pretty sure we're going to get some of them. They also had some bronze looking metal chairs with vinyl cushions that were about $25 each that we really liked. They're nice and sturdy, and don't look cheap or anything. The cushions are kind of a red wine color. We were thinking about getting the black barstools, but they also come in that same wine color. I'm thinking that if we end up getting those chairs we'll get the barstools to match. Then we just need to get some table legs, plywood, and laminate (that matches the countertops) from Home Depot. We're going to build a kitchen table and matching coffee table!